Frog Collectibles & Other Such Nonsense: 06/01/2007 - 07/01/2007

Frog Collectibles & Other Such Nonsense

A look at my frog collectibles as I get them and my wacky world in the meantime.

Saturday, June 30, 2007

Frog of the Day

Midwest - Halloween Frog
Originally uploaded by KenCalvino
Sorry I'm running late today - I couldn't get the computer to boot up again. I'm afraid one of these days my fiddling with it is not going to work. But in the meantime I thought today's frog might be able to put a spell on it to make sure it works!

This frog collectible is from Midwest of Cannon Falls. There is a name of the artist carved into the back - Eddie. It has a sticker from the purchase place saying that it is called Halloween / Frog on Books. I do not have a date for this item.

Friday, June 29, 2007

Friday Dog Blogging

Originally uploaded by KenCalvino
I can't believe it's Friday again already. The Frog Wrangler and I took a ride yesterday down to DQ so she could get a small ice cream. She hasn't been feeling the best and I know she really likes a frozen treat. I can tell when she's not feeling well because she leans against me constantly. She just want to be petted or better yet, to crawl up into my lap and just put her head on my shoulder and whine. Here she is leaning up against me and rather annoyed that I snapped her picture rather than pet her! I'm keeping a close on her and giving her lots of attention - that usually perks her up and in a couple days she should be back to her old self. In the meantime, she'll take naps while laying across my feet to be sure I don't move without her. Much like she did when I first got her 14 years ago and the reason she go the name Shadow.

Frog of the Day

Frog Tiddlywinks
Originally uploaded by KenCalvino
Today has not started out well. The Frog Wrangler was up her normal time but did not want to take her morning pills. She normally take them from my hand - this morning they had to be forced down and that's not pleasant for either one of us. I turn on the water to do my dishes and the water filter on the sink is spraying water sideways out of the sink! I'm kind of afraid to see what's going to happen next!

This frog item is a game of tiddlywinks. It is made of plastic and has no identifying marks as to the maker. I do not have a date for this item.

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Frog of the Day

Boyds - Santoad
Originally uploaded by KenCalvino
I am running late this morning, which is funny because I woke up early. I just feel like I'm moving in slow motion! It might be because I'm listening to c-span to hear the outcome of the vote on immigration. I've actually taken the time to read the bill and it is terribly written. They need to go back to the drawing board and try again. Anyway, it was strange here yesterday because we had lots of lightning and thunder, but very little rain. Today they're calling for rain as the day heats up. Thankfully we're not getting the rain like they are in Oklahoma and Texas. The papers don't have any barbecues listed for this weekend, so I may have to do my own!

This frog collectible is from Boyd, Bears & Friends and is part of their Folkwear line. It is called Santoad and is style number 26320. I do not have a date for this item.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Frog of the Day

Hartz - Frog Squeaker Toy
Originally uploaded by KenCalvino
It was a wild day here yesterday - lots of rain, thunder, and lightning. Frog Central is dire need of rain so I was happy to see it. The police blocked off the road at one point so the road further down must have had some flash flooding - there was nothing up my way. The Frog Wrangler slept through most of the house rattling thunder. I got ahead of the lawn guy this week and told him to wait an extra week. The rain is doing the lawn wonders and I want to give it a chance to come back a bit before it's mowed. I better get on to today's frog - the Wrangler is looking at it with quite a bit of interest.....

This frog item is from Hartz and is a squeaker toy. The Frog Wrangler doesn't get this type of toy because she rips them apart and you have to be afraid of swallowing the squeaker. I do not have a date for this item.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Frog of the Day

Walmart - Frog Pot Scrubber
Originally uploaded by KenCalvino
I wasn't sure that I'd be posting this morning. I was awoken at 5:30 this morning with the house shaking! Thunder was really rolling and lightning flashes were lighting up the room like it was mid-day. And it's been that way until about 15 minutes ago. So I'll slip this in quick because they're calling for this to be an all day event for today and into tomorrow. We've also had some good soaking rain which I hopes bring the lawn back to a nice rich green. A few errands to run today but I won't go out when lightning is around - remember, I walk with a metal walker - I'm not into being a lightning rod!

This frog item is a froggy pot scrubber for your kitchen sink. It was purchased at Walmart, and imported by Bradshaw International. It was made in China. I do not have a date for this item.

Monday, June 25, 2007

Frog of the Day

Hallmark - Michigan J. Frog
Originally uploaded by KenCalvino
We got a bit more rain here at Frog Central last night. There was some impressive thunder and lightning, but just a few sprinkles. Enough to keep the flowers blooming. The cardinals were out in full force this morning calling to each other with their distinct voice. They just love the hibiscus hedge and spend the mornings jumping all through it. The temps are supposed to be right back up to 90 degrees today and although I have some errands that need running I think I'll hold off for now. You just don't feel like doing anything in this heat - and the Frog Wrangler would agree with me on that. She's taken to laying across the air conditioning grates.

This frog collectible is from Hallmark and is a Keepsake Ornament from 1997. It is Michigan J. Frog. Warner Brothers had him as their mascot for a time but after they dropped him (and shortly thereafter the WB had to merge with another station - coincidence, I think not! LOL) these items became more collectible.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Frog of the Day

I went to the car show yesterday - they had a pretty good turn out. There were about 50 or so cars that ranged from an old Model T to a truck that looks like it just rolled off the assembly line. The temps were in the 90's and really muggy so I didn't stay too long. On the way home I stopped at the new ice cream place that opened up around the corner and got a twist (chocolate/vanilla soft ice cream). It was nice and cold on a hot day. The Frog Wrangler wasn't too pleased with me for leaving her alone but some attention, a treat, and game of tug of war with her toy and she was happy. She won't run after her toys anymore if you throw it, so a half-hearted game of tug of war and then she lays down. The weather finally broke a bit last night - we finally got some much needed rain. A slow and steady rain started about 7 last night and ran through most of the night. It's still hot, but at least not as steamy.

This frog item is a sheet of stickers from Hambly. The stickers are prismatic and is style number P7154 - Mini Rain Forest Frogs. I do not have a date for this item.

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Day Lily

Day Lily
Originally uploaded by KenCalvino
Thought I'd share a photo I took today of the beautiful orange ruffle day lily blooming right outside my front door. This one didn't blossom last year but just look at all the buds waiting for their turn to open up - it's making up for last year in a big way!

Friday Dog Blogging

Originally uploaded by KenCalvino
On Saturday! The Frog Wrangler has had a pretty good week. I was surprised on Wednesday to find her in her chair. Since then, that is where she's spending her nights - with her afghan. She hasn't been able to jump up lately because her back legs just won't let her - her front legs go up and her back legs give out and go down. So the Wrangler is doing much better in that regards. She still has the head tilt after her last bought with vestibular syndrome, something that can be a permanent after effect. All in all though she's doing her job of keeping the frogs rounded up and handling her favorite job - holding down the floor while napping! LOL

Frog of the Day

Metal Frog Ornament
Originally uploaded by KenCalvino
The weekend is here! The Shriner's are putting on a breakfast this morning but I didn't exactly enjoy the last one so decided to make my own bacon and pancakes. The weatherman is calling for rains all day to day and we do need it, but that means the car show will end up getting canceled. If it's not raining around eleven this morning I think I'll make a quick run out to see what's going on. My last section of day lilies has begun to blossom and they are a beautiful orange double ruffle - I'm going to out and get some pictures later today. The Frog Wrangler is pouting a bit today because I forgot to get a picture of her up yesterday so I'll have to put one up later today.

This frog item is handmade in the Philippines of metal and is a frog ornament. I have a number of these metal ornaments and they really are unique. I do not have a date for this item.

Friday, June 22, 2007

Frog of the Day

Last night when I took the Frog Wrangler out there in front of me was the first bloom of my hibiscus! For the next 3 or 4 the whole hedge row along my driveway will be awash in light purple, white, and pinks. It really is a beautiful sight. This morning we had a bit of thunder rolling over (reason I'm late posting) and another 3 minute spat of rain. The rain is doing nothing to alleviate the drought conditions, but it is causing the humidity level to rise to unbearable levels! The Wrangler and I are staying in where it's cool and maybe make some jell-o.

This frog collectible is an ornament from Russ, designed by Kathleen Kelly at her Critter Factory. This is known as Teacher's Pet Frog and is item number 2938. There are a series of three of these ornaments (one is holding an apple, the other a pointer - this one holding a chalkboard) but all I have is this one which I found on eBay some years ago. I do not have a specific date for this item but I do know it is pre-2004.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Frog of the Day

Peace Frog Shoe Laces
Originally uploaded by KenCalvino
I spent yesterday cleaning my office up and getting things organized. My new microwave arrived (thanks AB!) and so I ended up rearranging the kitchen. The temps are back into the 90's today - I'm beginning to feel a little like that movie Groundhog Day. I hope it cools off a little this weekend - it's the big car show here in Tidy Town. I probably make an appearance, mostly because it's the first time of the summer I can get a funnel cake! LOL

This frog item is from Peace Frogs and is a pair of shoe laces with their frog logo. You can check out their items at I do not have a date for this item.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Frog of the Day

Verdigras Frog
Originally uploaded by KenCalvino
It cooled off nicely last night to the low 60's and today is only supposed to be 85, about 10 degrees cooler than what it has been. The reprieve is nice, but tomorrow it's going right back to the 90's. The cooler weather brought the cardinals out to play and they were having a good time in the hibiscus hedge - a male and a female. The Frog Wrangler is so oblivious to things these days. Her sight and hearing might be almost gone but her sense of smell is fully intact. She went out and didn't see the cat sitting at the base of a tree some 30 feet away. But her nose went into the air and she sniffed and sniffed. The Wrangler looked right at the cat but didn't see it - until it took off running. The Wrangler, in her younger days, would have wanted to give chase. These days she was happier to just come back inside and take a nap.

This frog item is a Verdigras Frog that I received as a gift. It came from the What On Earth Catalog. This frog is a shelf sitter and he's playing a violin. It is quite heavy. It was made in China. I do not have a date for this item.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Frog of the Day

Hambly - Prismatic Stickers
Originally uploaded by KenCalvino
It finally rained yesterday - for a whole 3 minutes! Now is not only hot, but muggy to boot. They say that a break in the weather is coming. In keeping with the hot summer theme I decided to open up some watermelon pickles last night - my favorite. Today I have a number of errands to run, ending with stopping by the doctor's office.

This frog item is from Hambly and is a sheet of prismatic stickers. I do not have a date for this item.

Monday, June 18, 2007

Frog of the Day

The weatherman is calling for rain and the way my joints are screaming this morning I tend to think he may be right. It took quite a bit of doing to get upright this morning. I've been reading about a new green campaign that's circulating around the net and which surprised me quite a bit. It's about our computers and just how much energy they waste. But the I thought yeah, I turn my computer on first thing in the morning and it's the last thing off at night. And for most of the day it just sits here doing nothing but sucking up and wasting energy. So the campaign is asking people to turn off their computer when they finish browsing. It doesn't hurt the computer to turn it on and off - nor does it take lots more energy to start it up. A different campaign is going on to do the same with lights in the house - if you leave a room turn it off. Now how many times did we hear that from our mother's growing up?

I'm really excited about today's frog because it is my first Fenton. This is White Opal Satin and is handpainted with Swarovski crystal accents. It is part of their "Natural Animal Series" and was introduced spring 2007. Fenton has had a couple different series' of frogs all in the different colors that they produce for that year. Some can still be found on sites like eBay, but complete sets are extremely rare unless you've been collecting them right along. I received this one last month while I was on vacation.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Frog of the Day

It is amazing how hot it has gotten here - the temps hit the mid-90's again yesterday and will be there again today. I ran a couple errands yesterday and thought I was going to pass out from the heat. The town roads were empty - no one is going out. I ran to Walmart to pick up a couple items then swung by a pork barbecue that was taking place. I felt sorry for those guys standing over the grill! I almost forgave them that the burger was over-cooked (well, charcoal briquette actually). I came home and joined the Frog Wrangler in staying near the air conditioning grates! Since I've been back from my trip to Frog East I've been enjoying the blooming day lilies. There are a lot more blossoming this year than last and in more colors. Really beautiful.

This frog item is from Sandy Lion Stickers and is a portion of a full sheet of prismatic frog stickers. Yesterday's picture was so small I though I'd just try to get the designs on the stickers - and these prismatic stickers are hard to photograph. I do not have a date for this item.

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Frog of the Day

FMI - Frog Stickers
Originally uploaded by KenCalvino
The weather here was cooler this morning at 5:30 when I took the Frog Wrangler out, but it's soaring back into the mid-90's again today. The fresh cool air felt good for a minute though. I can't believe how light it is at that time. No wonder my neighbor thinks he can haul out his chainsaw at 6 and start hacking away at his trees!

This frog item is more stickers, this time from FMI - Frances Meyer, Inc. of Savannah, Georgia. There are 2 sheets of stickers and it is style number ST 501 - Frogs. The company's website is undergoing construction and at this writing was nothing more than a front page. However, there are plenty of sites that carry their stickers. I do not have a date for this item.

Friday, June 15, 2007

Friday Dog Blogging

Originally uploaded by KenCalvino
Today really got away from me and the next thing I know it's 10 p.m.! The Frog Wrangler has had a much better week this last week. She has been eating like there is no tomorrow and has gained back all the weight she lost while she was sick. The last couple evenings the Wrangler has had her work cut out for her - the lightning bugs are out and she's sure she should round them up! A light flashes and she goes running, the light goes out and another flashes somewhere else and off she goes again. With her getting older she's not willing to put up with it for too long before she just wants to come back in and lay across the air conditioning grate. You can tell she's really peeved with those flashes of lights though and as soon as she rests up I'm sure she'll be ready to go back out.... maybe.

Frog of the Day

Provo Craft - Frog Stickers
Originally uploaded by KenCalvino
I almost didn't make it this morning - the computer is giving me lots of problems, but finally was willing to boot up. Yesterday I decided to call my lawn guy and tell him not come this week - as I was dialing I turned around to see him doing the lawn. I was a bit ticked off because he knew better. Well, with no rain and now nothing but a sea of brown I don't think he'll have a job for quite a while. I didn't want to cook anything yesterday because it was too hot. Finally I opted for making some pasta. It's supposed to be just as warm today outside so I'll probably have cold leftovers for lunch. There is supposed to be a barbecue at Walmart tomorrow, which is closer than the one two towns over, but with it being so hot I don't know if I'll venture out. On to today's frog.....

This frog item is a sheet of frog stickers from Provo Craft. If you want to check out their website you can go to and look at all the stickers and other items they have available. I do not have a date for this item.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Frog of the Day

Hallmark - Frog Stickers
Originally uploaded by KenCalvino
It's been really hot and dry here at Frog Central. Today it's supposed to be 92 degrees and I wouldn't be surprised if it's there already! The Frog Wrangler went out this morning and came in panting for all she was worth. She laid across the air conditioning grate and is much more comfortable now. My lawn is totally brown. There has been no rain here in over 2 weeks and there is no relief in sight. I'm calling my lawn guy today and telling him not to bother this weekend - there's no lawn to mow! Today we're going to stay in and stay cool. I wish it would cool off a little for the weekend - there's a free barbecue I'd like to go to, but it's a couple towns over and I don't want to drive in this heat with no air conditioning.

This frog collectible is from Hallmark and is 4 sheets of stickers. I do not have a date for this item.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Frog of the Day

Dan Dee - Valentine Frog
Originally uploaded by KenCalvino
So I'm a big icee fan. I often drive over to Burger King just to get one, they are a great relief on these hot days. Last evening I received a smoothie - icee maker from AB and it works great! I was able to make my own icee and now I've got the ice cube trays working overtime. I can hardly wait to get some bananas and strawberries to make a smoothie. Hey, the directions say it can also make milkshakes. On to today's frog, I've got drinks to make.......

This frog item is a plush from Dan Dee and was distributed solely by K-Mart. It is a Valentine's Day Frog. The tag states that it was made by MTY International in China. I do not have a date for this item.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Frog of the Day

The Frog Wrangler has me trained so well. She woke me up at six o'clock this morning wanting to go out - which is her normal time. I went back to bed after. At eight o'clock she comes in with her little whine wanting me to get up and give her some attention. So I get up and give her a treat and start making breakfast. I turn around and she is gone. I found her stretched out in the middle of the bed and she's looking at me with a grin that you know she's thinking "It's mine now!"

This frog item is the third and final piece to the Tumbling Frog series from Oriental Trading Company.

Monday, June 11, 2007

Frog of the Day

Yesterday was interesting. I decided to go to breakfast at one of the local restaurants and then grocery shopping. I've seen this restaurant's full page ads in the newspapers and have driven by and seen the parking lot full, which is usually a good sign. Or not. What a dump! I saw a couple flies buzzing around as I went in, but with the door opening and closing that can happen. I didn't realize that I was going to have to fight them for my breakfast! The lone waitress - a fact she lamented loudly to everyone - set the food down and the flies swarmed. I was glad the breakfast buffet was not available - there the flies would have free reign. Live and learn they say. I've lived through the experience - so far - and boy have I learned where to never eat again.......

This frog item is a second in the series of three of tumbling frogs from the Oriental Trading Company. I received these this last month. They are made of resin in China.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Frog of the Day

Sunday morning - last Sunday at this time I was hopping into my car for the 14 hour trip home. The Frog Wrangler and I have had a busy week since. The Wrangler decided yesterday to make up for not eating all week. She had 3 bowls of food yesterday and was looking for more! So this morning I'm heading over to Walmart to do some shopping and get stocked up on some of her favorite treats.

This frog item is distributed by the Oriental Trading Company. It is made in China. This is called Tumbling Frogs and is one of a set of three. Like a number of these figures from China, the frogs are wearing a cowboy hat (I'm beginning to suspect that they think we're all cowboys here in the US!). I received this while I was on vacation last month.

Saturday, June 09, 2007

Frog of the Day

CVS - Love Frog
Originally uploaded by KenCalvino
Every joint is just screaming this morning, making it a tough time to get out of bed. The Frog Wrangler seemed content to sleep in so she slept for the hour it took me to get up. There are no barbecue's listed in the newspaper for this weekend so the Wrangler and I will probably stay inside out of the heat.

This frog item is a plush from MTY International and distributed by CVS. It has a tag that says "Love" so I call it the Love Frog. This item dates to 2002. A cute little plush!

Friday, June 08, 2007

Friday Dog Blogging

Originally uploaded by KenCalvino
It's been a tough week for the Frog Wrangler but she's back to her old self again. She enjoyed her time visiting back at Frog East, it kept her busy keeping track of everyone's comings and goings. This picture was taken while away on vacation - she had the habit of watching everyone eat, just waiting for a crumb to drop. Always the eternal optimist......

Frog of the Day

Shoebox - Frog Candy Box
Originally uploaded by KenCalvino
There is a reprieve in the thunder and lightning for a moment so I can post, but I better keep it short. I was flipping through the channels last night and was glad to see Graham Norton back on BBC - brand new shows. I went to see him several years back in Chicago. By far the funniest and quick witted person. A lot of his show was interaction with the audience - and that's just something you can not rehearse. The Frog Wrangler brought me her toys last evening wanting to play - of course her definition of play these days is to hand it to me and then she'll go lay down leaving me holding a slimy toy. But it's further validation that she's getting better. She still has her wobbly moments but for the most part she's back to her old self. I did say I was going to keep this short, didn't I? On to today's frog.......

This frog item is a candy tin that I received one year for Valentine's day. It is from Shoebox, a division of Hallmark. The front says "Have I TOAD You Lately How Much I Like You!" I don't have a date for this item and I can't remember but I'm sure the candy was great!

Thursday, June 07, 2007

Frog of the Day

Hallmark - Tad Pole
Originally uploaded by KenCalvino
I certainly am running late this morning. I think all the upheaval since Sunday finally caught up with me. Thankfully, last night I went to bed happy in the knowledge that the Frog Wrangler is feeling better too - she chowed down on a bowl of her dog food. That was the biggest relief. This morning she was running around and wagging her tail and you could tell she was feeling more herself. The temps here are supposed to be in the 90's today so we'll be staying in and keeping cool - the central air is running!

This frog collectible is the mate to yesterday's frog. This is Tad Pole and he is part of the Bunnies by the Bay series from Hallmark. I don't know the material that this plush is made of but it is very soft. This dates to 2002. If you would like to see more frog items you can search around their website - - the have quite a bit of frog stuff. By the way, the card on this guy says:
Tad Pole says,
"I'm cool - and yet
my love is warm and deep!
Whenever Lily calls my name,
my heart begins to leap!"

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Frog of the Day

Hallmark - Lily Pond
Originally uploaded by KenCalvino
I said yesterday was going to be a busy day and indeed it was! But by the end of the day the mail had all been sorted, bills paid, newspapers picked up and most gone through, and a couple odd errands ran. The Frog Wrangler spent most of the day sleeping. She is feeling a bit better today and is regaining her feet underneath her. Just a small relapse of her vesticular syndrome.

This frog collectible is from Hallmark and is part of their Bunnies by the Bay line. This is Lily Pond, she is one of a pair (the other will be here tomorrow). It is a very soft plush and dates to 2002. The tag says inside:
Lily Pond has flirty eyes
beneath her floppy hat -
She's just a Tad bit smitten,
but she won't admit to that!

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Frog of the Day

Beistle - Kiss the Frog Game
Originally uploaded by KenCalvino
So I wait around yesterday for my mail to arrive, and at 4:20 pm call the post office and say hey, where's my mail. We don't deliver until you come in and pick up so that we know you're back. It we be nice when I put a hold on the mail they told me this, but no, just that I needed to be here to collect it from the mailman because it will be more than fits in the box. The Frog Wrangler had a really bad day yesterday. All the traveling caught up with her. She had a good night and seems to be a bit steadier on her feet this morning. A couple more days and she will hopefully be back to her old self.

This is a cute little frog item I found while on vacation. It is a party game called Kiss the Frog from the Beistle Company. Blindfolded, you have to place kiss markers on the lips of the frog and the closest wins. This item has a copyright date of 2006 and like I said, I found this while on vacation this last month.

Monday, June 04, 2007

Frog of the Day

I'm home! What a day yesterday - 14 hours on the road! It was mostly overcast which kept things cooler - the highest temp we hit was 73 degrees. So the Frog Wrangler, other than being upset that I took up too much of her front seat, slept most of the ride. We arrived at about ten last night and just walked in the door, turned on the air conditioner, and crawled into bed. So this morning I've already started unpacking the car. Saturday afternoon mom and I went to a great maple syrup place and I got a gallon - so guess what I made this morning - pancakes! Today is going to busy with grocery shopping, mail, and newspapers.

This frog item is from New Creative Enterprises and is from their Mini Sculpts line and is their Froggie. The packaging says that it is a colorful accent for your mailbox, yard or window. This item dates to 1998.

Saturday, June 02, 2007

Frog of the Day

Today is going to be a very busy day - packing the car and doing all those last minute things before hopping in the car and heading to Frog Central. There will be no posting tomorrow but I plan on being back to my normal routine on Monday. Have a good rest of the weekend and we'll see you on the flip side.

This frog item is a card I received for Valentine's Day. It was made by Hallmark and reads:
Just for you, son ---
The world's first hopping valentine!
Hoppy Heart Day!
Love Ya!

It has springy crepe paper center for legs. I do not have a date for this item.

Friday, June 01, 2007

Frog of the Day

Light Up Frog Key Chain
Originally uploaded by KenCalvino
It's been a busy morning this morning - and a hot one too! The temps today are supposed to be in the low 90's. The air conditioner is running full time to keep it cool in the house. I've been working with my mom on inventory control for her Avon business. I'm hoping to get most of it finished today - good thing I stayed an extra couple of days!

This frog item is a second in the set of Light Up Key Chains. The first in the set was posted yesterday. This one is yellow and black in color and works the same way.

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