Frog of the Day
It was a wild day here yesterday - lots of rain, thunder, and lightning. Frog Central is dire need of rain so I was happy to see it. The police blocked off the road at one point so the road further down must have had some flash flooding - there was nothing up my way. The Frog Wrangler slept through most of the house rattling thunder. I got ahead of the lawn guy this week and told him to wait an extra week. The rain is doing the lawn wonders and I want to give it a chance to come back a bit before it's mowed. I better get on to today's frog - the Wrangler is looking at it with quite a bit of interest.....
This frog item is from Hartz and is a squeaker toy. The Frog Wrangler doesn't get this type of toy because she rips them apart and you have to be afraid of swallowing the squeaker. I do not have a date for this item.
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