Frog of the Day
I am running late this morning, which is funny because I woke up early. I just feel like I'm moving in slow motion! It might be because I'm listening to c-span to hear the outcome of the vote on immigration. I've actually taken the time to read the bill and it is terribly written. They need to go back to the drawing board and try again. Anyway, it was strange here yesterday because we had lots of lightning and thunder, but very little rain. Today they're calling for rain as the day heats up. Thankfully we're not getting the rain like they are in Oklahoma and Texas. The papers don't have any barbecues listed for this weekend, so I may have to do my own!
This frog collectible is from Boyd, Bears & Friends and is part of their Folkwear line. It is called Santoad and is style number 26320. I do not have a date for this item.
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