Frog Collectibles & Other Such Nonsense: 03/01/2007 - 04/01/2007

Frog Collectibles & Other Such Nonsense

A look at my frog collectibles as I get them and my wacky world in the meantime.

Saturday, March 31, 2007

Frog of the Day

Milkway Molds - 3D Frog
Originally uploaded by KenCalvino.
I'm such a good photographer, aren't I? LOL I couldn't tell you how many pictures I took of today's frog and believe it or not, this was the best. Sorry. Tomorrow I'll return to some more traditional frog items.

Today was mucked up right from the start. My microwave oven has heated its last. I heard some phenomenal noises coming from it when trying to start it up before it blew the fuse though. I had planned on going out to breakfast this morning - one of the firehouses was having a breakfast. Although I don't mind the rain, I walk with a big metal walker, so the fact that lightning was striking pretty heavy, I thought I'd make a pretty attractive target for one of those lightning bolts. I think the Wrangler and I will just hang out around the house today.

This frog item is a mold from MilkyWay Molds. I have used it to make soap, but it can also be used for chocolate (mmm - Easter's coming up). I do not have a date of when I purchased this mold, but it is still available and is known as 3D Frog.

Friday, March 30, 2007

Frog of the Day

Battat - Leap Frogs
Originally uploaded by KenCalvino.
Friday! I went around this morning and opened up windows - another call for rain didn't pan out (and I'm not complaining at all!! LOL). The weather stations are saying that next Tuesday the weather is going to change back to much colder temperatures, so I'm getting as much fresh air as possible while I can. The Frog Wrangler and I had quite the adventure yesterday, but I'll leave that to this afternoon's installment of Friday Dog Blogging. On to the today's frog.....

What's more fun than a barrel of frogs? This game of Leap Frogs is from Battat. It is a froggy version of the old tiddlywinks game. You flip the frogs into the bucket. This fun item dates to 1998.

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Frog of the Day

Lifeforms - Leap Frog Tee
Originally uploaded by KenCalvino.
I slept with the ceiling fan on last night and woke up with no voice. I know a lot of people who will be happy with that! A nice cup of hot chocolate and things are back to normal - so don't get too giddy. I watched Lost last night. That show is just getting stranger and stranger - now they want us to believe that somebody else found everything on the island before they showed us who found the items - it's just too confusing! I laughed to see that Sanjaya made it through American Idol. I don't watch the show, but enough news shows marvel at it - the other singers must be really bad to keep him in....

This frog item is the back of a tee shirt from Lifeforms. I got this tee in 1992, so it has seen some better days. Still, it's a great design and in the spirit of the finals of March Madness, I thought appropriate.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Frog of the Day

Frog Bubble Blower
Originally uploaded by KenCalvino.
I'm a bit behind schedule this morning. It's an overcast day with 50 percent chance of rain, so the Frog Wrangler and I stayed in bed a bit longer than usual. Yesterday I saw a bluejay in the hibiscus - very beautiful. I really need to get a telephoto lens for my camera.

This frog item is a motorized frog bubble blower. Unfortunately it has become separated from the box and there are no identifying marks on the item. It runs on 4 batteries and it rolls around with the blower wand going up and down in solution in the little well and blowing bubbles. A cute little item.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Frog of the Day

Metal Frog Ornament
Originally uploaded by KenCalvino.
It's been a busy morning here this morning, running around and getting all the windows opened up. I closed them up last night because the weatherman said it was going to rain - it didn't. Television was terrible last night - more reruns. Thank goodness the Daily Show and the Colbert Report were new. It's a bit cloudy and overcast here now but if the weather holds I plan on going out and taking a look at the flower beds this afternoon and seeing if I can get some of the spring cleaning done.

This frog item is from the Philippines. It is a frog ornament made of metal. I have a number of these items. There are no identifying marks on the item. I do not have a date for this item.

Monday, March 26, 2007

Frog of the Day

It's such beautiful weather here at Frog Central. It is supposed to be 83 degrees today! The Frog Wrangler certainly is enjoying the open windows. She loves to sit there and rest her head on the window sill and watch everything that's going on. I turned the oven on last night to make pizza and was that a mistake - this house is small and it felt like the whole place was 375 degrees! I almost turned the air conditioner on, but the Wrangler sat under the ceiling fan and I was right next to a window getting a cool breeze. This morning woke up to the call of the cardinals outside. They really do have a very loud call.

This frog collectibles is a votive holder from Indiana Glass. Made in the United States in Cincinnati, Ohio (pretty funny I thought - Indiana Glass made in Ohio!). I do not have a date for this item.

Sunday, March 25, 2007

A Little Off-Topic Post

White Squirrel
Originally uploaded by KenCalvino.
I have talked before about the amount of wildlife roaming around Frog Central. Yesterday I went out to take some pictures and found 3 white squirrels playing around. That's the most I've seen together. This area is known for it's number of white squirrels and news crews from St. Louis have come out to find and film them. We have several White Squirrel Crossing signs so that people slow down in the areas they are most commonly found. Last year one kept running between a couple of the neighbors. This is about as close as I could get to one. He's sitting on a little outcrop of the tree. He perched there and watched me watching him for about 15 minutes. He struck up quite a pose!

Frog of the Day

Pot Bellys - Bebe Dart Frog
Originally uploaded by KenCalvino.
Sunday morning - pancakes, sausage, hot chocolate, the Sunday paper, my routine for the day. The Frog Wrangler is doing much better today - she slept the whole night and even wanted to play some this morning. I had her outside for a time yesterday afternoon, but with the temps going to 80 and her black coat, she tends to overheat quickly. At her age she doesn't cool off as easy, so we came back in so she could lay under the ceiling fan. She loves that!

So I've mixed up the previous entry for the Pot Belly Bebe - it was really Pulo - Please take a look at the updated entry for that frog and accept my apologies for the mix-up.

This frog collectible is from Harmony Ball Company and is from their Pot Bellys line. This is one of their zoologicals and is called Bebe. Bebe is a blue dart frog. They are found in Surinam and are tiny one to two inch long frogs. They hide among boulders and debris near streams, but they rarely go in the water because they do not have any webbing between their toes making them poor swimmers. Bebe means baby in Portuguese. These little pot bellys are cute. The head comes off to reveal a small compartment. I received this last year for Christmas.

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Frog of the Day

Bean Bag Frog
Originally uploaded by KenCalvino.
This morning was really exciting. I love the number of cardinals that hang out in the hibiscus hedge just outside my door. Today when I opened the door, there were a male and female hanging out on the railing just on the other side of the door. I don't know who was more surprised - me or them. Yesterday I picked up the Frog Wranglers heart worm medication - she gets it year round. She had a really tough night last night and I had about an hour of sleep. This morning she just wanted to crawl into my lap and be held - sure sign that she is not feeling well at all. She has an appointment at the vets this next Thursday afternoon. We might be there earlier if she doesn't feel better. In other news, I finally got two containers of Ben & Jerry's Stephen Colbert's Americone Dreams! Fantastic!

This frog item is another Bean Bag Frog and is the mate to the one listed here the other day. These are homemade items and really cute. The frog fabric is adorable. As with the other, it is really heavy. These bean bag frogs are 14 inches long! I do not have a date for this one.

Friday, March 23, 2007

Friday Dog Blogging

Originally uploaded by KenCalvino.
The Frog Wrangler wants me to be sure to remind all you dog owners that there is a huge recall of dog food going on. Please check all your dog food, especially canned food, against the recall list. I also went to the web sites of the food I feed the Wrangler just to double check. The Wrangler just eats dry food, but I see even some of that seems to be coming off the market. If your dog is vomiting, refusing to eat, and drinking water like crazy - get to the vet's office ASAP!

This is actually an older picture of the Wrangler - taken in December, but it is one of my favorites. Today I was out most of the day running errands so no new pictures - I'm sure we'll have more before next week. With the nice weather, we'll be going outside more and I hope to catch some outdoor pics of her.

Frog of the Day

Gemmy - Frogz
Originally uploaded by KenCalvino.
I know that spring is finally here - I saw a robin yesterday. Well, that and the fact it was 75 degrees here and I had windows and the front door open. The Frog Wrangler camped out next to the door, smelling all the wonderful outdoor smells. Today is supposed to be the last day of rain for a while. I want to get outside and take some pictures of the daffodils.

This frog item is from Gemmy and is part of their Frogz series. This is from their Over The Hill series and sings "When I'm 64." The packaging also includes a list of all their Frogz (there are over 60 of them!). I received this one recently - I think someone's trying to tell me something.....

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Frog of the Day

Frog Beanbag
Originally uploaded by KenCalvino.
It was a loud morning here this morning at Frog Central. Thunder shook the house and we went under a tornado watch for a bit. The main line has passed but rain showers are in the forecast for the whole day - again. But oh so nice is the temperature - 76 today, a little warmer than yesterday. I had a couple windows open most of the day getting some nice fresh air circulating. I received my Joy of Cooking cookbook yesterday and am looking forward to digging into that today and making up a grocery list!

This frog item is a homemade frog that was made for me. I really like the frog material used in making this item. It is a bean bag frog and quite heavy. I do not have a date for this item.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Frog of the Day

Radko - Leap of Faith
Originally uploaded by KenCalvino.
It ended up being a rainy day yesterday, but no thunder and lightning. I saw the next door lady at the curb last night as we both were taking out trash. She's quite a firecracker for a great-grandmother. The Frog Wrangler had another night of roaming around. I took her out about four this morning. She calmed down a bit after that - of course I was wide awake!

This frog collectible is from Christopher Radko and is one of his ornaments. This one is called Leap of Faith. This ornament came in two sizes - a smaller "gem" size and this much larger one. This ornament measures about 7 1/2 inches tall. It is style number 981790 and dates to 1998. A wonderful ornament.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Inside compartment of Pot Bellys

This is a picture of the inside compartment of today's Pot Bellys, Pulo. Each of the zoologicals has a different item in the compartment. This one has a little flower. The bottom of the head is an ink stamper that is also a flower design.

Frog of the Day

Pot Bellys - Bebe Dart Frog
Originally uploaded by KenCalvino.
The rain has stopped for the moment, but it's supposed to start up again this afternoon. I made it out to the pharmacy yesterday - it's a good thing I have prescription coverage! The doctor ordered Lipitor and a 30 day supply is $95.00! I couldn't believe it, thankfully my co-pay was only five bucks. So now I can't eat grapefruit. Not like I ate them all the time, but occasionally it's nice to have one. But it reacts badly with the Lipitor so you can't eat any. The Frog Wrangler was up a lot during the night - we made several trips out in the dark so she could parade back and forth, looking at all the blades of grass in the dark, do nothing, come back inside, and start all over again. So I think this afternoon is definitely going to be a nap day.....

UPDATE: I had originally labeled this Pot Bellys as Bebe, when it is in fact Pulo. Here's the facts on Pulo.

This frog collectible is from Harmony Ball Company and is from their Pot Bellys line. This is one of their zoologicals and is called Pulo. Pulo is a blue dart frog. These frogs can be found living in China, growing to four inches long. They create nests for their eggs by beating a fluid into foam with their hind legs. They are also known as the Chinese Gliding Frog because they have webbed toes, so that when they leap, the webbing spreads and allows them to glide to safety. Pulo means "leap" in Portuguese. These little pot bellys are cute. The head comes off to reveal a small compartment. I received this last year for Christmas.

Monday, March 19, 2007

Frog of the Day

I'm going to keep this short this morning because the house is shaking from the thunder and the lightning is lighting up the otherwise very dark sky. It's supposed to be this way all day. I think the Frog Wrangler and I will go back to bed and pull up the covers. Thankfully she does not get scared from this weather. Being scared of thunder/lightning is a learned behavior and I was very careful to not teach it to her. As a puppy when storms hit we'd sit on the edge of the bed and look out the window at the lightning. Something we still often do.

This frog item is from American Greetings and is a package of St. Patrick's Day Frog Stickers. There are two sheets of stickers in the package. This dates to 2007 and I received these this last week.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Frog of the Day

I had a tough day yesterday. Sat down in my chair and my back decided to go on vacation! The Frog Wrangler wasn't happy with that at all - especially when it came time to take her outside to play. Things finally stabilized a bit (with the help of medication) so that I could go to the Boy Scouts barbecue. Not a bad meal for five bucks and it helps the troop go to summer camp. Those who know me see the method to my madness - get the kids who are out of school and running around out of town! LOL

This frog item is a card that I received yesterday from my mom - Thanks Mom! It is from Carlton Cards, a division of American Greeting Cards located in Cleveland, Ohio. The front says "St. Patrick's Day is here again..." and the inside says "...and the world is green with pride. Top o' the morning!" I like the cute Frogechaun (an Irish frog?) jumping over his pot of gold on the front.

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Frog of the Day

Frog Ornament
Originally uploaded by KenCalvino.
Happy St. Patrick's Day! Frogs love this holiday for their always up to wearin' the green. I was going to try to make the Kiwanis pancake breakfast this morning, but I think I'll wait and just go to the Boy Scouts barbecue lunch instead. I got the results from all the blood work I had done this last week. On one hand they say everything looks good, and on the other hand they say here's a prescription we want you to take. We'll see.

This frog item is a small ornament. Made of balsa wood and hand painted. It has a made in China sticker on the bottom. I do not have a date for this item.

Friday, March 16, 2007

Friday Dog Blogging

Originally uploaded by KenCalvino.
The Frog Wrangler has had another exciting week and is looking forward to a lazy weekend. With the warmer weather earlier this week, neighbors began going outside to check out their lawns or generally just soak in some of the warm sun. The Frog Wrangler had to be sure to telegraph all this information to me while she looked out the windows. Of course the easiest way to do this is bark at the top of your lungs! The last couple of days it has cooled back off so she hasn't had as much to keep track of, just a stray bird or two. Here she is checking me out to see what I'm doing during her usual nap time - I mean how rude to interrupt nap time! Don't worry, right after the picture her head went right back to its resting place and back off into dream land. I think I'll follow her example - a nap sounds good right about now......

Frog of the Day

Frog on Lilypad
Originally uploaded by KenCalvino.
It turned a bit colder here last night but thankfully were not getting the snow like they are on the east coast. I do not like the March madness crap that has taken over the television. No Y&R or Survivor yesterday. Just glad to have made it past the Ides of March and am ready to move on to St. Patrick's Day.

This frog item is a ceramic frog on a lilypad. I do not have any further information on this item. A cute item.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Frog of the Day

Stone Critters - Wood Frog
Originally uploaded by KenCalvino.
Made it through the doctor's visit yesterday - of course tons of tests ordered. I think I'll need a couple months for my blood level to return to normal. Five hundred dollars worth of blood work! They're going to know way too much about me (and I bet they don't even read my blog). Well I'm sure the Frog Wrangler will keep me in shape until my next appointment.

This frog collectible is from United Design and is part of their Stone Critters line. This is called Wood Frog. It is style number SC-533 and dates to 1993. This was made in America.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Frog of the Day

Native Storytellers - Spokane
Originally uploaded by KenCalvino.
Another nice day yesterday - 75 degrees! It's now supposed to get a bit cooler but that taste of warmth lets you know that spring is really on its way. As to punctuate that point, my daffodils are starting to bloom. The Frog Wrangler enjoyed herself this morning watching all the birds. I think they wore her out at just the thought of all that flitting about - she finally had to come in and take a nap!

This frog collectible is from United Design and is part of their Native Storytellers series. This is from the Spokane Tribe - which are located in the northwest - and this is the figure of Lady Bullfrog, a witch who is integral to the story of the sun and the moon. This piece dates to 1996.

The story goes that after the earth was formed the animals tried to make light but failed. So the Creator made two brothers, one from red rock and the other from the root of a plant. It was their job to take on the task of creating light for the world. They came upon the house of a witch, Lady Bullfrog, who fell in love with the brother made from rock. She leaped on his face and held on so tightly that when she was pried off, one of his eyes was pulled out. He did not want to live on earth with a disfigured face so he went to the sky and became the sun. That's why people close one eye when they look towards the sun. The witch then fell in love with the other brother which ended with the same results. He went to the sky and became the moon. At the time of the full moon you can still see the shape of Lady Bullfrog on his face.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Frog of the Day

Frog with Heart
Originally uploaded by KenCalvino.
It was beautiful here at Frog Central yesterday - 70 degrees and a nice breeze blowing. It was nice to turn off the heat and open some windows and air out the place a bit. The Frog Wrangler helped me vacuum the floors - it takes a lot of energy to lay down in front of the vacuum cleaner, only to jump when it comes near you, run around to behind your legs looking for protection, then start all over again in the next section of the floor. I had to take down the door chimes to change the batteries - and thankfully the tune can be changed to a basic ding-dong and the volume can be turned down. I was all set to go to the doctor's office today, when I got a call from them this morning to remind me of my appointment tomorrow! Ah well, I think I'll ask today's frog for a piece of chocolate.....

This frog item was found at a local grocery store - they have a little section for seasonal items. This has a made in China sticker on it, but other than that I do not have any information about this item. I call it Frog with Heart and it is made of a polyresin material.

Monday, March 12, 2007

Frog of the Day

Radko - Right on the Kisser
Originally uploaded by KenCalvino.
Monday morning and lots of housecleaning is on the schedule for today. It's supposed to hit 70 degrees here this afternoon so I'm hoping to open a window and get some fresh air circulating. The Frog Wrangler had a tough time getting up this morning and went right back to bed after going out this morning. She's got a lot of sleep to catch up on after a weekend of keeping track of all the neighbors.

This frog collectible is from Christopher Radko and is called Right on the Kisser. It is style number 1012987. I purchased this piece last month, but it dates to last year - 2006.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Frog of the Day

Frog Indian in Canoe
Originally uploaded by KenCalvino.
Did you remember to change you clocks? Here at Frog Central, the Frog Wrangler and I had been getting up pretty early anyway, so today we actually got to sleep in about a half hour before she was up wanting to go out. The cardinals were playing in the hibiscus hedge and over the last week I've been watching the day lilies start to push through the layer of leaf mulch. Of course yesterday the neighbor behind me spent the day out with his mower - it has a bagger and he vacuums his lawn! He must really be annoyed with me. I've got little branches and twigs down all over the yard, still a lot of leaves from last fall, and it's going to stay that way until the lawn guy shows up. The temps have been really nice and I am looking forward to taking down some of the winterizing plastic - but I think I'll hold on for just a lit bit longer because I think we've got one more cold snap to go.

This frog collectible is of an Frog Indian rowing his canoe. I stopped for gas and the station had a little gift shop (quite a popular thing here in the midwest). This is one of a pair - the other is a Frog Indian Maiden. I do not have a specific date for this item, but it was purchased around 1999. It was made in China and is made of polyresin.

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Frog of the Day

Bandwagon, Inc. - Frog Planter
Originally uploaded by KenCalvino.
Yesterday became a day for running errands. Finally ended up at Walmart getting treats for the Wrangler. She was running out of her "dogs don't know it's not bacon" and that's a sin of the worst kind! Spent last night watching BBC Friday's comedy line-up. They've got a couple new sketch shows which are good, plus they're re-airing last season's Little Britain. One of their new ones reunites French and Saunders - those two are hilarious.

This frog item is from Bandwagon, Inc. and is a frog planter. This one of a pair. The other is exactly the same. This ceramic planter was made in China and dates to 1989.

Friday, March 09, 2007

Friday Dog Blogging

Originally uploaded by KenCalvino.
The Frog Wrangler has had a really good week. She loves her toys and has even wanted to play fetch a couple times. It looks like she really has gotten over her troubles from Christmas time. Today was a beautiful day outside and the Wrangler and I took advantage of it as much as possible. We sat out on the bench for a while, taking in the sun and watching the squirrels run around the trees. The Wrangler chased them as much as she could but she finally tuckered out. So here she is catching a cat nap.....

Frog of the Day

Frog Candle
Originally uploaded by KenCalvino.
I almost forgot to watch Survivor last night! It really is not as exciting this time around - it's too one sided. I decided after reading the paper I need to make a road trip to Denny's Beer Barrel Pub in Pennsylvania - home of the 123 pound hamburger. LOL An 80 pound beef patty topped with a pound each of lettuce, ketchup, mustard, relish, and mayonnaise. And it's a cheeseburger with 160 slices of cheese. Add 5 onions, 12 tomatoes, a couple pounds of banana peppers and 33 pickles - all on a 30 pound bun and you've got some good eating. For international readers - that burger weighs 8.8 stones or 56 kilograms! I could bring one back and feed all of Tidy Town......

This frog item is a candle. There are no identifying marks on it and I do not have any further information on it.

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Frog of the Day

Quarry Critters - Freddie
Originally uploaded by KenCalvino.
Well Lost was exciting last night. John is really getting a reputation for destroying things! If my back holds out today I have to go to Walmart to do some shopping. I'm down to baked beans and chile. I think I ought to go shopping before I eat either one of those!

This frog collectible is from Second Nature Design and is from their Quarry Critters line. This one is called Freddie. He stands about 3 1/2 inches high and is style number 45304.

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Frog of the Day

The Frog Wrangler and I are getting ready for the time change this weekend - we were up at 5:30 this morning. Of course she went back to bed after a quick trip out, I stayed up and started breakfast. Television last night was terrible, so I didn't watch anything until Jon Stewart and then The Colbert Report. I can't wait until the new Ben & Jerry's flavor for Colbert arrives here in Illinois - chocolate coated waffle cone pieces sounds great! This morning the birds were really chirping and making lots of noise - it's only getting to 60 degrees here during the day so it's still too cold to open windows and air the place out, but I'm looking forward to that day. I like sitting in my chair next to the window and watching the cardinals and listening to their call - it's very distinctive.

This frog collectible is a hand carved piece made in Indonesia. It was purchased through the Casual Living catalog. It is made to hold your glasses at night. I do not have a date for this item.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Frog of the Day

Metal Frog Ornament
Originally uploaded by KenCalvino.
I am exhausted today! I tossed and turned all night and just as I was falling asleep this morning the Frog Wrangler was ready to get up. So it's been a very slow start this morning. I feel like today's frog - just hanging in there.....

This frog collectible is an ornament made of metal. It has a made in the Philippines. I do not have any other information about this item.

Monday, March 05, 2007

Frog of the Day

CVS - The Kissing Frog
Originally uploaded by KenCalvino.
Monday morning and the Frog Wrangler and I are ready for another week. We got a lot of little errands to run today, so we'll be kept plenty busy. Watched The Amazing Race last night - Rob and Amber are dominating the competition which doesn't really make it as exciting to watch. Switched over to Desperate Housewives and then to BBC's Footballer's Wives. The Wrangler decided 4:30 this morning was a good time to get up - no matter how much I told her it wasn't. And you can't ignore a 60 lb. dog standing on top of you demanding attention! So she went out and the promptly beat me back to bed where she immediately stole my pillow. Honestly, I was too tired to care at that point.

This plush frog comes from CVS and is called The Kissing Frog. When you squeeze it's belly, it goes through a bit of "here we go, ready, ready" and then a big kiss sound. A cute little item made by Atico International (distributed by CVS under that brand name) and dates to 1998.

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Frog of the Day

Pot Bellys - Boneca
Originally uploaded by KenCalvino.
The Frog Wrangler and I were up early this morning and we've gotten a lot done. I clean, the Frog Wrangler messes it back up! I read an article about Europe following Australia's lead in doing away with old light bulbs in favor of those new compact florescent ones. By doing so, they could shut down 27 power plants! That's how much energy is saved by doing just one simple thing. I know I'm going to make the change - all new light bulbs will be florescent. They may cost a bit more, but they are supposed to last a lot longer and use up to 95 percent less energy. Now that's being green, and the frogs love being green.....

This frog collectible is from Harmony Ball is from their Pot Belly line. This is part of their zoologicals collection and is called Boneca - a dart frog. It comes with a little facts card that says that "Boneca" means "doll" in Portuguese. These dart frogs are just one to two inches in length and make their home in the area from Nicaragua to Columbia. This piece is dated 2004, I received it Christmas 2006. This, like most Harmony Ball pieces, is a "trinket box." The head separates from the body and inside are two little red Chile peppers.

Saturday, March 03, 2007

Frog of the Day

Russ - Jumping Frog
Originally uploaded by KenCalvino.
The Frog Wrangler and I were up at 6 this morning, saw the snow on the ground and turned right around and went back to bed! We've been up for a couple of hours, but the morning routine takes time. I decided to skip the pancake breakfast this morning at the high school and I'm questioning the outdoors barbecue that's scheduled for this afternoon. It's too cold to stand outside eating a hamburger! I think it will be a good day to stay inside and work on finishing up projects.

This frog item is a plastic jumping frog from Russ. There is a smaller frog on the back of the larger one. You squeeze the ball and it inflates rubber legs that cause the frog to jump. It is Russ item number 17980. I do not have a date for this item.

Friday, March 02, 2007

Friday Dog Blogging

Originally uploaded by KenCalvino.
The Frog Wrangler has had a pretty tough time early on in the week, but she was back to her old self by mid-week. The last couple of days she's had a lot of exercise chasing the wind. She's not quite sure where it's coming from, but she knows when she finds it there will be a lot of barking going on! So here she is taking a much needed nap this afternoon. She'll be all rested up and ready to take on the wind again this evening!

Frog of the Day

Otagiri - Frog Candle Holders
Originally uploaded by KenCalvino.
Friday - who would have believed it! We made it through another week. We were pretty lucky here in southern Illinois, most all the weather went either north or south and other than some lightning and wind, no rain or tornadoes. The watches continued on until 6 last night and the wind was still blowing hard when I went to bed, but nothing more than a couple small branches down and the trash can blown off the porch. It's amazing to see the power these storms have and the damage they can do.

This frog collectible is a set of Otagiri Frog Candle Holders. I was fortunate to get the original box with these. They are style number B50/1625. These date to about the early 1980's. I really like these Otagiri pieces and wish I could find the table service pieces.

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Frog of the Day

Yuckers - Frog Sucker
Originally uploaded by KenCalvino.
Running way late this morning. The weather here is rough this morning, tornado warnings are up, and the thunder has been rolling through. The Frog Wrangler sleeps through all of it. I made it out yesterday to Walmart and picked up the Wranglers treats. She was very happy when I returned home, trying to unpack the bag before I could! I picked up a bag of cinnamon Hot Tamale candies for myself. I didn't know they came in a five pound bag......

This frog item is from Cap Toys and is a Yuckers - half stick, half frog! It dates to 1996. I have two of these, the second is the back half of the frog. A fun novelty item.

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