Frog of the Day
The Frog Wrangler and I were up early this morning and we've gotten a lot done. I clean, the Frog Wrangler messes it back up! I read an article about Europe following Australia's lead in doing away with old light bulbs in favor of those new compact florescent ones. By doing so, they could shut down 27 power plants! That's how much energy is saved by doing just one simple thing. I know I'm going to make the change - all new light bulbs will be florescent. They may cost a bit more, but they are supposed to last a lot longer and use up to 95 percent less energy. Now that's being green, and the frogs love being green.....
This frog collectible is from Harmony Ball is from their Pot Belly line. This is part of their zoologicals collection and is called Boneca - a dart frog. It comes with a little facts card that says that "Boneca" means "doll" in Portuguese. These dart frogs are just one to two inches in length and make their home in the area from Nicaragua to Columbia. This piece is dated 2004, I received it Christmas 2006. This, like most Harmony Ball pieces, is a "trinket box." The head separates from the body and inside are two little red Chile peppers.
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