Frog of the Day
The rain has stopped for the moment, but it's supposed to start up again this afternoon. I made it out to the pharmacy yesterday - it's a good thing I have prescription coverage! The doctor ordered Lipitor and a 30 day supply is $95.00! I couldn't believe it, thankfully my co-pay was only five bucks. So now I can't eat grapefruit. Not like I ate them all the time, but occasionally it's nice to have one. But it reacts badly with the Lipitor so you can't eat any. The Frog Wrangler was up a lot during the night - we made several trips out in the dark so she could parade back and forth, looking at all the blades of grass in the dark, do nothing, come back inside, and start all over again. So I think this afternoon is definitely going to be a nap day.....
UPDATE: I had originally labeled this Pot Bellys as Bebe, when it is in fact Pulo. Here's the facts on Pulo.
This frog collectible is from Harmony Ball Company and is from their Pot Bellys line. This is one of their zoologicals and is called Pulo. Pulo is a blue dart frog. These frogs can be found living in China, growing to four inches long. They create nests for their eggs by beating a fluid into foam with their hind legs. They are also known as the Chinese Gliding Frog because they have webbed toes, so that when they leap, the webbing spreads and allows them to glide to safety. Pulo means "leap" in Portuguese. These little pot bellys are cute. The head comes off to reveal a small compartment. I received this last year for Christmas.
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