Frog Collectibles & Other Such Nonsense: 09/01/2006 - 10/01/2006

Frog Collectibles & Other Such Nonsense

A look at my frog collectibles as I get them and my wacky world in the meantime.

Saturday, September 30, 2006

Frog of the Day

Today's photo was tough to take - the smaller items usually are and this one is a mere 1/2 inch across! In the meantime, I got up early this morning and got ready for the big town festival today - it starts at 10 this morning, but I'm getting ready to head out an hour earlier. I'm sure I'll still be late and won't find a place to park. So while I finish getting ready, on to today's frog....

This frog item is a Frog Pin from The Windsor Collection. It is one of a set of three pins. I do not have a date for this item. This a cute pin and a nice addition to the collection.

Friday, September 29, 2006

Friday Dog Blogging

Originally uploaded by KenCalvino.
It's been a good week for the Frog Wrangler. With the cooler temperatures, she has been more active - even playing with her toys. Of course, her main occupations are sleeping and begging for treats. She had a little red snack cookie the other day that caused quite a panic for me. A couple hours after she had the treat (and fell asleep where she ate it) when she got up there were red spots on the carpet. I thought she was bleeding and began a head to toe check to find where she was bleeing from. Come to fine out it was just the crumbs of the treat.

Frog of the Day

21" Frog TV Hassock Pattern
Originally uploaded by KenCalvino.
TGIF! It's been a busy week and tomorrow is the big town festival. Keep your fingers crossed because the weather forcast is for rain. I'm looking to hear to yodeling! lol No kidding, the girl who was on the tv show America's Got Talent is scheduled to perform. The Frog Wrangler is going to have another day alone - which is ok as long as she gets a good treat when I get home.

Today's frog item is a pattern for a Frog TV Hassock. It measures 21 inches in length. I found an advertisement for this pattern in the evening newspaper back in 1999 and sent away for it.

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Frog of the Day

Yesterday ended up being pretty busy, and today may not be far behind. The Frog Wrangler was not too happy with me spending most of the day away from home at our old stomping grounds, but I stopped by PetsMart on the way home and got some of her favorite treats to make up for being gone. Today I'm making sure all the batteries are charged for my camera as the big apple festival is Saturday.

This frog collectible is from Boyd's Bears and Friends. It is part of their Wee Folkstone Collection, and part of that line known as Ribbit & Co. The piece is called Tutu C. Ribbit.....Frog Lake. It is a limited edition piece. Mine is 1E/3821. It dates to 1998. This piece is retired, but different pieces from Ribbit & Co. do appear on e-bay from time to time, although more infrequently the further away from the production date.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Frog of the Day

Stampin' Up - Frog Stamp
Originally uploaded by KenCalvino.
It's a chilly morning here at Frog Central - but not as chilly as it's going to be tomorrow morning! The weather reports are not encouraging - only 65 degrees for the high tomorrow. The heat hasn't come on yet, but I think tomorrow is going to be the first for the season. I have a few errands to run today so guess we should get on to today's frog......

This frog item is a stamp pad from Stampin' Up. It dates to 1998 and has been used a couple of times to make cards. It came as a set of four stamps, the others are lilypad, a smaller frog fishing, and a little saying "Times fun when you're having flies."

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Frog of the Day

Frog in Mug
Originally uploaded by KenCalvino.
The Friday parade that was cancelled was held yesterday afternoon. Unfortunately no one knew it until last night's newspaper. I was going through coupons and decided that I would go to DQ and use a coupon for a moolate. Not too badly priced with a dollar off coupon and it was pretty good. When I got to the bottom of the cup there wasn't a frog staring at me - they really need to get some new cups......

This frog item is a fun practical joke. The mug is a plain white ceramic mug, but with a little froggy surprise for any unsuspecting drinker. Made in Taiwan. I've had this mug for a long time, but I do not have exact date for it.

Monday, September 25, 2006

Frog of the Day

I like folk music and so was saddened to hear that Etta Baker died over the weekend. Amazing folk guitarist who had quite a story. She worked in the textile mills until the age of 58 when she quit to persue a music career. Etta recorded her first CD at age 78 and toured through much of her 80's. She was 93 when she passed on Saturday and I bet she's already taught a few angels a couple new tunes.

This frog item is a VHS video from Hemdale Home Entertainment. The title is The Brave Frog. This movie had a 1994 release and runs 90 minutes.

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Frog of the Day

Kermit Pez Dispenser
Originally uploaded by KenCalvino.
I think we've entered into the rainy season here at Frog Central. Everything was cancelled again yesterday - the parade, the Oddfellows butterfly pork chop cookout, the estate auction. I hope they don't reschedule things for next weekend because the apple festival is scheduled! And I've been craving an apple fritter. The Frog Wrangler is happy to have the extra attention though.

This frog collectible is a Pez Candy Dispenser in the shape of Kermit the Frog. I do not have a date for this item.

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Frog of the Day

Frog Hand Puppet
Originally uploaded by KenCalvino.
It was a busy day yesterday so the Frog Wrangler wanted to put off the Dog Blogging until next week. I stopped by the new restaurant in town - it was really pretty good and cheap. I had a nice dinner with a drink for under five bucks! Unfortunately, I was killing time waiting for the parade to start only to hear the crack of thunder mid-meal. Shortly thereafter the rain came down and it did nothing but get worse the rest of the evening. So no parade or homecoming football game last night. As a matter of fact you may have heard on the morning news that things got really bad here in the junction of Missouri, Tennessee, and Illinois. Several tornadoes touched down but thankfully here at Frog Central, everything is ok. So today I'm hoping that things will be busy with all that is planned, but the weather is just not cooperating so I may be home in a very short time. The Frog Wrangler would be happy with that.

This frog is a hand puppet. I purchased it at the going out of business sale of JBJ's collectibles a couple of years ago. There are absolutely no tags on it so I'm afraid I do not have any information as to the maker.

Friday, September 22, 2006

Frog of the Day

Friday at last! It's been a hectic week and it's going to be an even more hectic weekend. Today's a big sale at a couple local stores, so I plan on going to see what's what. A new restaurant opened downtown and they have a lunch buffet, then later tonight, as long as it isn't raining, the local homecoming parade. The Frog Wrangler will have some alone time today. As long as she has her blanket she's happy.

This frog set is from JSNY and is a ceramic Frog Sugar and Creamer Set. It is from The Nature Shop Collection and goes with the mugs that were put up here earlier this week. I do not have a date for this set.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Frog of the Day

Otagiri - Frog Condiment Jar
Originally uploaded by KenCalvino.
Yesterday was busy around Frog Central - all in efforts to keep warm. The temperature is supposed to finally go back up over 70 today. I'm still hauling out all my sweaters this morning, because as much as I like having the Frog Wrangler sleep in my lap (she's a regular furnace) it's tough to get anything done. And I have to be ready for the parades this weekend - yes, I said parades in the plural. Tidy Town is having one Friday night and another Saturday morning. Sometimes I feel like I live in the twilight zone.

This frog collectible is a piece of Otagiri pottery. The design is by Mary Ann Baker. This piece dates to the early 1980's. I have collected this design from Otagiri for years and this is another great find from eBay. I was especially amazed to find that this piece still had it's spoon. So many become lost over the years.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Frog of the Day

I am so not ready for cold weather! Even the Frog Wrangler didn't want to get up this morning. She crawled under the covers and was quite content to stay there. Time to get busy so I can get warmed up, so on to today's frog.....

This plush frog is a Red Eyed Tree Frog from the National Wildlife Federation. The tag on the frog reads that it was made by Russ. The leaf on which the frog is perched is a zippered storage bag for the frog. I do not have a date for this item.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Frog of the Day

Leonardo - James Montague Frog
Originally uploaded by KenCalvino.
It turned very cold here at Frog Central. Today's forcast high is only in the high 50's and temps are supposed to plummet tonight into the mid-30's! So I've already turned the heat on and today I'm going around to be sure all the storm windows are closed up. The Frog Wrangler and I saw the resident bunny rabbit this morning. He's been out quite a bit chewing plants around the base of the hibiscus hedge. The Frog Wrangler did not bother the rabbit and both went about their business. Brrr.... I have to go crawl under some warm covers so on to today's frog......

This frog collectible is James Montague Frog by Leonardo. It is copyrighted by Lesser & Pavey Ltd. and Licensed by The Heritage Mint. It is part of the Little Nook Village and dates to 1989. This is one of two pieces from the Little Nook Village - the other was listed quite some time ago and called Felicity Frog.

Monday, September 18, 2006

Little Britain Froggy Sketch

I love the show Little Britain on BBC. It's a sketch comedy show. This one caught my eye - I wonder why?????

Frog of the Day

Today's picture was a tough one. I tried different backgrounds, different camera settings and this was the best one out of the bunch. Last night I was watching some tv, mostly the BBC with the Frog Wrangler sitting on my lap. She could hardly wait until I finished breakfast this morning and she wanted to crawl up into my lap - her way of telling me she isn't feeling good. So we're heading off to the vet's office, so on today's frog......

This frog collectible came from my grandmother, she collected this little hurricane lamps and had them all over. This one has a frog on the base with the writing Welcome to My Pad. While I do not have a date for this item, I believe, based on the company profile, it is post-1988.

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Frog of the Day

Ceramic Frog Bank
Originally uploaded by KenCalvino.
Whew! Where to start on today's blog. Yesterday was packed right full. I went to the farmer's market and bought a couple loaves of bread and a jar of homemade relish. It was then off to Walmart where the Frog Wrangler got some much needed new dishes for her food and water. I also found a couple large plastic containers in which to put her food. Normally, that would be enough for my day to be sure, but remember I said yesterday the fall festival was happening here in Tidy Town, so off I went to check out what this festival was all about. Oh, such a shame. They advertised a battle of the bands along with the 4 or 5 carnival rides. Unfortunately it appeared that only one band signed up for the battle. Oops! I felt bad for them up there grasping for songs to play. They had prepared 4 or 5 songs to play for the competition and the organizers kept them up there for over an hour. I also found out what a cakewalk is - it's basically a raffle for a cake, done over and over and over until they've exhausted the cake supply. Well, time to put the change from my purchased in the bank, and that's where today's frog comes in.....

This frog is a ceramic bank. It has a sticker on the bottom that reads made in Korea. Other than that, I have no information on this cute little bank.

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Frog of the Day

JSNY - Frog Mugs
Originally uploaded by KenCalvino.
Today is the last day of the Fall Festival so think I'll wander down to see what is going on - hey, I may even be able to get a funnel cake. The Frog Wrangler seems to be doing much better this morning. She finally felt good enough to eat - always a good sign. Before I get started I think I'll have a nice big cup of coffee, which brings us to today's frog.....

This frog item is one of a set of four frog mugs from JSNY. The set is from their Nature Shop Collection. Made of ceramic and hand-painted in China. I do not have a date for this item.

Friday, September 15, 2006

Friday Dog Blogging

Originally uploaded by KenCalvino.
Decided to stay home this evening with the Frog Wrangler. She's hasn't been feeling well and I didn't feel comfortable leaving her alone. I gave her a large crunchy treat which she carried around all day. She had eaten half of it and here she is pacing the house trying to find the proper place to hide the other half. When she finds a place she goes and looks out the window, sees someone walking down the street and has to go check on her treat and try to hide it someplace else.

Frog of the Day

PartyLite - Frog Patio Pal
Originally uploaded by KenCalvino.
Don't eat the spinach! Didn't you always want to hear mom say that? If you haven't heard the news, bagged spinach has e-coli and you are not supposed to eat it. I made up a batch of cookies to compensate....

Today is Fall Festival day here in Tidy Town. All the main roads have been blocked so that fair rides can be set up. The big thing around here is called a Cake Walk. I think I might stop over to see what exciting form of entertainment that offers. It all depends on the Frog Wrangler - she's has not been feeling well and had a really bad night. Another nap day! It's ok if I actually get to take that nap but that often does not happen. On to today's frog.......

This frog item is from PartyLite. I believe it is one of the home party companies. This is called Patio Pal and is, of course, a frog. It is made of terra cotta. I do not have a date for this item.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Frog of the Day

Hasbro - Frogger
Originally uploaded by KenCalvino.
I spent yesterday afternoon at Walmart. Since the store is still new, I'd ask someone where something was and they'd point to the other side of the store and say "over there." Ugh! So I got my exercise yesterday. On the upside, I think I now know everyone who works there. I'm still tired, so on to today's frog.....

This is a computer game from Hasbro called Frogger. Based on the old arcade game, this game was released in 1997. A fun game but I never made it past the first level.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Frog of the Day

It's a cool day here at Frog Central. The temperature last night dipped into the low 50's! I heard on the radio that the Farmer's Almanac says it's going to be a colder than normal winter - I better start stocking up now. I've said it before and I'm sure I'll say it again - I really miss a grocery delivery service. Well, I know while I'm out shopping, today's frogs will keep my place......

These frogs are from Boston Warehouse and are Hula Frog Place Card Holders. Made in China out of resin, the upper bodies are mounted on a spring so that they wll do the hula. This set dates to 1998.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Frog of the Day

The Frog Wrangler woke me up this morning at 3:30 to let me know it was raining out. Gee, thanks. Unfortunately I couldn't get back to sleep so this afternoon there will be a nap! I received two letters yesterday that contained sheets of address labels. I like receiving them because they are always so colorful. One sheet was all fall and halloween. So yesterday the door knocker, today the door wedge - on to today's frog....

This frog item is a Cast Iron Mini Frog Door Wedge from Uppercut. This is a very heavy piece for its size. This item dates to 1994 according to both the box and a sticker on the bottom of the item.

Monday, September 11, 2006

Frog of the Day

Frog Door Knocker
Originally uploaded by KenCalvino.
As everyone knows, today is the 5th anniversary since the attacks on 9/11. I've turned off my tv and radio. It's one of those moments I'm sure we all know where we were at that moment. I'm sure I'll think about that day from time to time today, but life continues on and I have a number of errands to run today. With that, here's today's frog.....

This frog item is a Frog Door Knocker. It was made in Taiwan exclusively for Lillian Vernon. This is a very heavy item, I'm not sure of what material it is made. I do not have a date for this item.

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Frog of the Day

So last night I decided to order a pizza. I haven't done that for probably the last 4 months or so. But I saw that commercial for Pizza Hut lasagna pizza and Pizza Hut is the only national pizza chain store here in town, so what the heck. I'll tell you for 10 bucks you get very little pizza. It is about the size of a small pizza. It tasted pretty good - I mean, heck, I didn't have to cook so it was great! In other news, there are some news stories that make me crazy. I read this morning that Saudia Arabia has outlawed dogs and cats because the religious overseers see them as unclean. This world gets crazier every day.

This frog collectible is a beautiful wood carving from Indonesia. This was the first Indonesian frogs I received and which got me hooked on collecting these great pieces. I do not have an exact date for this item, but I do have various pictures of my collection that show I had this frog in the 1980's.

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Frog of the Day

Salt & Pepper Frog Set
Originally uploaded by KenCalvino.
Received a call last night from a friend who I hadn't heard from in about 3 weeks. It was good to catch up and I'll keep my fingers crossed for him that the closing on his house goes through! Regular tv has become so bad, I hope things pick up with the new season starting this month. In the meantime, the Frog Wrangler and I are watching BBC programming and enjoying it. I spent quite a bit of time yesterday watching the cardinals play in the hibiscus hedge. They really have made quite a home for themselves there. The next town over is having their fall festival today and I'm debating whether to go or not. They are having a frog jumping constest at noon - I'm conflicted about witnessing such an event because I don't believe it's the most humane thing for the frog.

This frog item is a salt and pepper set. This ceramic pair are all business with their neckties. There is a sticker on the bottom which states Made in Taiwan. Other than that I have no other information about this executive pair.

Friday, September 08, 2006

Beautiful Mourning Dove

Beautiful Mourning Dove
Originally uploaded by KenCalvino.
Here's a picture of a beautiful mourning dove that I found on the world wide web. There was no name associated with it so I can't give the photographer credit - I wish I could because it's a great shot. I love listening to the haunting call of the mourning dove. I hear it most mornings. For the last several days though, all I've heard is gunshots. It is dove season here in Illinois and hundreds of thousands of these beautiful birds will be killed during the season. What a shame.....

Friday Dog Blogging

Originally uploaded by KenCalvino.
The Frog Wrangler has had a pretty good week. With the temperatures getting a bit cooler, she has been more active. And with the windows open she's definately been more vocal - I now know the comings and goings of most of the neighbors.

At first I thought she was rather awed at the fact that Star Trek is 40 years old today! but I think it might be over the fact that congress voted yesterday to ban the killing of horses for meat. While The Frog Wrangler is happy to hear that some 9,000 horses a year will be saved from slaughter, she is afraid that one of those saved horses will parked in our living room. Hey, I had to kid around with her a bit.

Frog of the Day

Bean Bag Frog
Originally uploaded by KenCalvino.
I had a coupon for Burger King so decided to treat myself last night. It's been a long time since I had a milkshake and it tasted pretty good. I had to turn on the ceiling fans lst evening as it got a bit warm in the house but I was freezing by this morning as the temperature hovered around the mid-50's. It's an irony that the medication the doctor gave me has to be taken with food and yet the pill makes you want to hurl at the thought of food. This morning has been especially queasy, so decided to skip both food and pills - will try again at noon.

This frog collectible is a frog bean bag. It is made of very shiny material, silve blue on top and green on the bottom. The tag says Frogs-San Diego, but there is no other information as to the manufacturer/distributor. It is made in both Thailand and the US according to the tag. I do not have a date for this item, but if memory serves me correct, I received this about 4 years ago as a birthday present.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Frog of the Day

Yesterday was a cleaning day. After two plus weeks of being sick, this place looked horrible. So today I could barely make it out of bed. Pancakes were a definate order for breakfast. Today Jacques and I have plans.....

This frog collectible is from Boyds Bears and Friends and is part of The Wee Folkstones line and is from that lines Ribbit & Co. It is called Jacques Grenouille...The Wine Taster. It is style number 36702. All the pieces are numbered, mine is edition 2E number 1989. This piece dates to 1998.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Frog of the Day

Herco - Frog Family
Originally uploaded by KenCalvino.
It was so cold last night I had to close windows - I think we've skipped a transitional season. The Frog Wrangler has been wolfing down her food to bulk up and has stopped shedding - I think she knows something I don't about the upcoming winter. I had to go to Walmart yesterday to get a bag of dog food and some treats. What is with the size of some of those treats?!? They are labelled for small dogs and these things were huge. They were too big for The Frog Wrangler and she weighs in at ....... ha! you thought I'd actually tell you, didn't you? Do you know how much trouble I'd get in for telling you she weighs 58 lbs.? Uh oh, I gotta go.....

This frog collectible is from Herco Professional Gifts. I call it Frog Family. It is marked as made in China. It is made of resin. I do not have a date for this item. Herco makes a large number of animal figurines and are popular at such stores as Hallmark.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Frog of the Day

Frog Bank
Originally uploaded by KenCalvino.
Rain! Frog Central awoke to a gentle rain falling. It is much needed and the frogs are jumping with joy. It was a good day to make pancakes and sausage. A number of errands to run today so it can stop raining anytime....

This frog item is a bank. It is ceramic and has a made in China sticker on the bottom. No other information about this item is known.

Monday, September 04, 2006

Frog of the Day

Was listening to the news this morning and was sorry to hear of the death of Steve Erwin, the Crocodile Hunter. Along with introduction to animals, he taught conservation to a younger generation.

On a lighter note, hope everyone is having a great holiday weekend.

This frog collectible is from Castagna and is called Frog Mom withTadpole. Castagna pieces are made in Italy. This piece dates to 1998.

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Frog of the Day

Yesterday was a nice day to spend in the park checking out the farmer's market booths. There were 4 booths spread out across the whole park, so you had to walk quite a bit if you wanted to check them all out, which I did. Only one booth had vegetables and that was mostly corn. The remaining three had various baked goods, with the last one also selling homemade jellies. So along with a couple small loaves of banana and pumpking bread, I also bought a jar of boysenberry jam. I had the bright idea last night of making tomatoes and macaroni. I made up a box of macaroni and realized I dumped in can after can of tomatoes, that this was going to make a whole lot! Guess I'm not going to have to cook anytime soon.

This frog item is from Giftco, Inc. and is a cermic frog scrubbing pad holder. The opening for the pad is in the back. I do not have a date for this cute little frog.

Saturday, September 02, 2006

Frog of the Day

Otagiri - Frog Soap Dispenser
Originally uploaded by KenCalvino.
I had to close the windows up and turn back on the air yesterday afternoon. It may have only been around 80 degrees but the air was so thick with humidity you felt like you were swimming. While doing a little bird watching I saw the female cardinal flitting about. I was surprised how large she was compared to the males I've seen. With this being the start of a long holiday weekend, I thought I'd head over to the park and see what the farmer's market has in vegetables. I've been hungry for some tomatoes.

This frog collectible is from Otagiri, designed by Mary Ann Baker. It is a pump soap dispenser. This piece dates to the early 1980's.

Friday, September 01, 2006

Friday Dog Blogging

Originally uploaded by KenCalvino.
It's been quite a week for the Frog Wrangler. She has diligently watched over me, knowing I wasn't feeling well. Last weekend, before the oral surgery she crawled into my lap and she leaned her nose in and smelled my breath, quickly drawing back with her eyes wide. I'm sure she could smell the infection. She then took her snout and very gingerly pressed it against my cheek, giving me comfort and knowing I was hurting. It seems this week that daily she's come up to me and wanted to smell my breath, and yesterday she gave a big lick on my chin. Guess that means I'm getting better! So that means she can go off and have a good rest. And with night-time temps dropping into the 50's she's certainly enjoying the cooler weather.

Frog of the Day

Annalee - Felicity Frog
Originally uploaded by KenCalvino.
They certainly do not believe in sleeping late here in Tidy Town. The Frog Wrangler and I slept a bit late, probably because of the nice cool weather overnight, only to be woken up by the sound of chainsaws! The city showed up today to trim trees out of the power lines. So Frog Central became an instant hub of activity.

This frog collectible is from Annalee Dolls and is called 10-inch Felicity Frog. This angel is holding a saxaphone and has a very shiny halo. This piece dates to 1998.

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