Frog Collectibles & Other Such Nonsense: 04/01/2007 - 05/01/2007

Frog Collectibles & Other Such Nonsense

A look at my frog collectibles as I get them and my wacky world in the meantime.

Monday, April 30, 2007

Frog of the Day

Chinese Money Frog
Originally uploaded by KenCalvino.
It's supposed to a record breaker here today heat-wise. They're calling for 88 - 90 degrees. So the air conditioning has already been turned on for the day. The Frog Wrangler and I headed out a bit early this morning - I wanted to check the hibiscus hedge - green shoots are coming up around the base but I couldn't see any green on the plants themselves. I was worried that the cold snap last month killed off the adult plants, but thankfully there are lots of green buds all up and down the hedge row. On the way back in I checked out the tiger lily plants and they seemed to have revived and growing good. Frogs are good luck!

This frog item is called a Chinese Money Frog. In Asian cultures frogs are the symbol of prosperity. That's why in a lot of Chinese restaurants you will find a frog near the cash register. This one was bought at World Market and has a made in China stamp on the bottom. I do not have a date for this item, but they are readily available.

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Frog of the Day

Another fine day! I slept in a bit this morning - I was up wandering around 3:30 this morning. First the door bell rang. It seems to have this magical ability to go off whenever it want. It's a wireless bell and I think someone nearby sets it off with their garage door opener or car remote. So today I'm going to change the security code of the doorbell to see if that stops it. If not, the doorbell is gone. So I lay back down and it smells like the Frog Wrangler had an accident, which she didn't. The smell was just pervasive. I'm not sure what happened or where it came from. I finally used Vick's up each nostril to block out the smell and was able to get back to sleep. This morning everything smells great both inside and out. One of the mysteries of small town living - who knows, it may make the paper but that doesn't come out until Tuesday!

This frog collectible is from Holiday Hoppers and is their Happy Birthday Frog. It is battery operated and croaks Happy Birthday when you press his foot. He comes with a little gift bag, balloon, and party hat. This plush dates to 1997.

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Frog of the Day

Red Hat Frog Lady Ornament
Originally uploaded by KenCalvino.
I made it - late, but I made it. I got invited to breakfast this morning - well, not a personal invitation - the Shriner's were having their vidalia onion breakfast. I had biscuits with gravy, sausage, and orange juice. I decided while I was out to stop by Walmart and see what the police had set up for their special olympics fund raiser. Finally, after grabbing some groceries I swung by the bank because they were having a BBQ lunch. All in all, a very good morning. And the weather here is perfect. Sunny and low 70's. So take a look at today's frog, the Frog Wrangler and I are headed back outside......

This frog item is a glass ornament labeled with a made in China tag, but no other identifying information. I call it Red Hat Frog Lady with Drum ornament. It is part of a set that I received as a gift. I do not have a date for this item.

Friday, April 27, 2007

Friday Dog Blogging

Originally uploaded by KenCalvino.
My Treat!! No, she's not growling at me, or showing her teeth - she actually has a piece of the biscuit way in the back and I caught her with a picture in mid-chew. After she finished the piece she did get a bit annoyed and took her biscuit elsewhere to finish it. We've had a fun couple of days. I ate a bowl of sauerkraut yesterday and all evening she wanted to come close but not for long! Well, she got me back today. I was on the computer this morning and she was laying at my feet when all of the sudden my eyes started watering. I don't know what she ate, but she started wagging her tail (making it worse), lifting her head, looking at me and I just know she was thinking - gotcha!

Frog of the Day

TGIF!! It's been a tough week all around and I'm glad it's over. I tried to watch the democratic debate last night but it was a snoozer, and I was glad when it was time to switch over to Survivor. It was a bit colder last night and the frogs decided to cozy up to the fire.......

This frog collectible is from Second Nature Design's Quarry Critters line. It is Frog Tea Light Holder - style number 45319. I really like the quarry critters - they have such lovable faces. I do not have a date for this item.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Frog of the Day

The Frog Wrangler and I were both tired this morning and decided to go back to bed after her morning romp. The weather - overcast, rainy, and muggy - has increased the normal havoc that the arthritis likes to play with the joints. So without further ado, let's get on today's cutie.....

This frog collectible is an ornament from Katherine's Collection. These items sell out almost as fast as they are made and Katherine has her following to be sure. Each item is certainly unique and a lot of them are puckered up, ready for a kiss. I do not have a date for this item. I'm not sure what they are made out of, but it feels almost like a paper mache type of material.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Frog of the Day

Radko - Frog Daddy
Originally uploaded by KenCalvino.
Thank goodness Frog Central did not get the storms predicted for last night. They pretty much broke up just short of here and all we got was a little gentle rain. Storms are still in the forecast for today. Yesterday was so muggy I finally had to turn on the air conditioner for a couple of hours. My knee was a little better this morning. The Frog Wrangler makes sure I get around.

Today's frog is actually a duplicate, but it's still a great piece from Radko and worth a second look. This Radko ornament from 1998 is called Frog Daddy. It is quite large at 8.5 inches. It's style number 98-386-0 and is retired.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Frog of the Day

Ceramic Frog
Originally uploaded by KenCalvino.
Lots of fun this morning - rolled out of bed, planted my feet on the floor, and stood up. That's when I realized that my knee was swollen to about twice it's size and wasn't going to handle any weight on it. So it's been a lot of fun this morning and thank goodness for the walker. A major storm is supposed to move into the area today - guess my knee didn't realize I saw the weather report last night. I think the Frog Wrangler and I are going to spend the day just lazing around, kind of like today's frog.......

This frog item is a ceramic frog. I received it as a gift and have no further information about it. A fun item.

Monday, April 23, 2007

Frog of the Day

Indian Frog in Canoe
Originally uploaded by KenCalvino.
So the Bush administration wants to remove Bald Eagles from the endangered species list thus opening up huge protected nesting areas for development. And the removal of Manatees will open coastal areas to development. The same goes for the removal of Timber Wolves and Black Bears. How many species are we going to wipe out in the name of building a new house. Please write your congressman and tell him that this is outrageous!

This frog item is a figurine of an Indian Frog in a Canoe. Made in China. I purchased this, and it's mate which was profiled earlier, at a gas station gift shop. I do not have a date for this item.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Afternoon with Sprogz

Sprogz - High Diver
Originally uploaded by KenCalvino.
So sad, today is the last day of Afternoon with Sprogz. Unless Holland Studio decides to make more or I break down and buy the 3 musical ones. The Sprogz are so much fun and I get some of the best feedback from all of you about how you like these little guys.

This Sprogz is called High Diver according to all the Holland Studios paperwork, but like the other frame is also known by the name written across the inside of the frame, Diving Competition in this case. It is number SG101.

Frog of the Day

Happy Earth Day! It's a lovely day here at Frog Central. It's supposed to hit 80 degrees. I've got all the windows open and enjoying the fresh air. The Frog Wrangler is working overtime running from window to window to make sure she can keep track of everything that is going on out there.

I read an interesting article on global warming yesterday that maps out the next hundred years and what can be expected if we do not change our ways. It is not a pretty tale to be sure. This morning's paper had an ad that I thought was interesting. If everyone bought just 1 compact fluorescent light bulb - just one! - it would be the oil-burning equivalent of taking over a million cars off the road. It may seem that it is an overwhelming problem - but it can be tackled by everyone doing small things.

This frog item is from BlueHandworks and is Frog Prince Lantern. There is a small door in the back of the frog that opens up so you can insert a tea light candle. The metal sculpture has holes punches all throughout it which the light of the candles shines through. This item was handmade in Indonesia and dates to 2002.

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Afternoon with Sprogz

Sprogz - Bull Market
Originally uploaded by KenCalvino.
Buy! Sell! This Sprogz certainly has done well for himself. He's a big investor down at the pond's Lily Pad Market. Rumor has it he made most of his money in the commodities market - mosquitoes, flies, and such.

This Sprogz is called Bull Market and he is number SG042.

Frog of the Day

Kurt Adler - Prince Potential
Originally uploaded by KenCalvino.
I've gotten more done already this morning than I normally do all day - but then I have been up since 4 this morning. When the Frog Wrangler has to go out - you get up! LOL It's supposed to be really nice here this weekend - temperatures back up into the mid to high 70's. Hurray! Of course it's only for the weekend, then it's going to get cold again. I started some spring cleaning this last week and I think today is going to be a continuation of that process. I'm beginning to find my bedroom......

This frog collectible is from Kurt S. Adler. He does some great frog ornaments in resin. This one I call Prince Potential. I do not have a date for this ornament.

Friday, April 20, 2007

Friday Dog Blogging

Originally uploaded by KenCalvino.
It's been a busy week for the Frog Wrangler. It seems that each day something has gone on to disrupt her daily routine. Yesterday and today things have reverted back to a quieter, more normal time and that means she has had a chance to catch up on some much needed nap time. Here she is having just woke up to see the camera - again. She thought better of the whole thing and went back to sleep for another afternoon nap. Her third one today!

Afternoon with Sprogz

Sprogz - Toadally Board
Originally uploaded by KenCalvino.
Around the pond the tadpoles are always up for some extreme sports. This little guy has grabbed his board but with no snow I'm not sure what he's up to and quite frankly, I'm afraid to ask.....

This Sprogz is called Toadally Board and is number SG044.

Frog of the Day

Guess who forgot to post yesterday afternoon? Whoops. There are still three more Afternoon with Sprogz, so it will return this afternoon. I had gotten out of the habit of posting in the afternoon and I spent the day going about my business and I woke up about 4 this morning and went "oh no!" The Frog Wrangler of course took that as meaning it was time to get up. So we had to make an early trip outside - which at 35 degrees - was an eye opener. But the Wrangler likes it when I go back to bed because she likes to curl up on the covers and take a nap. Today's frog item embodies who I am.......

This frog item is another of those items that are pretty special. It is a piece of art from folk artist Laurie Sherrell. She does all her painting at her farm in northern Pennsylvania and has a wonderful array of items. Here is a link to her website: Laurie Sherrell This Frog Collector block dates to 1997.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Frog of the Day

Pot Bellys - Nino Dart Frog
Originally uploaded by KenCalvino.
It's going to be a fun day watching Gonzales getting grilled on capital hill. Things have finally returned to normal around here - keep your fingers crossed. The cable guy finally showed up yesterday afternoon to fix the cable box. The outside light is fixed. And the Frog Wrangler and I are going to take today, relax, and get ourselves back into our routine. That being said, let's get on with today's frog......

This frog collectible is the last in the Harmony Ball's Pot Bellys' Zoological's series. This one is called Nino and he's a green-banded dart frog. Nino means child in Portuguese. This is one of the most poisonous frogs in the world. The Amerindians of South America used the poison from these frogs to tip their darts. They are just one-half inch long and reside in Columbia. As with all the others from this series the head comes off to reveal a secret compartment and a little stamper (on the end of the neck). In this one the secret compartment has a little banana and the stamper is a star. I received this set of six Christmas 2006.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Afternoon with Sprogz

Sprogz - Jump For Joy
Originally uploaded by KenCalvino.
This Sprogz is really excited - he's won the lottery! I often reflect on the fact that I have never won the lottery but I am reminded just as often that you have to buy a ticket in order to win. There's always a catch, isn't there?

This Sprogz is called Jump For Joy and is number SG018. This is one of the those issued during Holland Studio's first year - 1995. The mold they used were bought from a British company and you can see that reflected in the black British Pound sign used on the bills. The lottery ticket is in his left hand and has the red writing on it.

Frog of the Day

Pintoy - Dancing Frogs
Originally uploaded by KenCalvino.
Did you miss me yesterday? I missed all of you. Yesterday was just horrendous from start to finish. I wrote up my Frog of the Day and shipped it off only to have it sent back that my blog could not found. YIKES!!! I spent the rest of the day trying to locate someone within the Blogger world to get it straightened out. Apparently it was a big problem in the blogger world yesterday. Only with the help of some crafty peers was I able to locate and reclaim my little frog blog. Thanks Guys! I went out and voted yesterday for the mayor and city council, bought my 2 cent stamps from the post office, swung by the pharmacy, and finally made it to Walmart to do some shopping. Get home to find the power out! Apparently someone hit a pole and this whole part of town was without power. It surged back on about 8 last night and promptly blew out the sensors in my outdoor light (I finally had to unscrew the bulb) and the cable box. I called the after hours repair but no one ever came out or called. It will be much later today before everything gets totally back to normal. Then I have to go back to Walmart - because this morning I realized I forgot to buy toilet paper, and that's just something you can't do without.

This is a fun frog item from Pintoy and is called Dancing Frogs. It is a wooden music box. The tune is familiar but I don't know what the name of it is. The frogs spin around on a mirrored surface as the music is playing. Ingenious little thing. This dates to 2000.

Monday, April 16, 2007

Afternoon with Sprogz

Sprogz - Hop to Base
Originally uploaded by KenCalvino.
As someone who has been part of the university environment, I wish to say that my heart goes out to those at Virginia Tech. I can only imagine the horror that those students must have gone through and will continue to go through as things are sorted out there. At this writing at least 31 are dead - a tragedy of unfathomable proportions. Please say a prayer for the friends, families, and the whole student body.

Around the pond the Sprogz were in full baseball mode yesterday. They too wanted to wear their jersey's with the number 42 in honor of Robinson.

This Sprogz is called Hop to Base and is number SG043. This dates to 1998.

Frog of the Day

Pot Bellys - Salto Dart Frog
Originally uploaded by KenCalvino.
It's been an early day here at Frog Central. The Frog Wrangler wasn't up at 7 this morning so I had to wake her up to go out. She really hates that and it tends to throw her off for the rest of the morning. So after we came back inside I let her crawl into my lap and curl up and take a little nap. That seemed to pacify her. Watched Amazing Race last night. That is one of my favorite shows. Down to the last 4 teams and with the race coming to a close I'm rooting for Danny and Oswald to cross the finish line first. Late last night I listened to Harry Shearer on the radio doing his Le Show. He was broadcasting from New Orleans last night and the fact the levee system is still a problem is just mind boggling.

This frog collectible is another in the Zoologicals set from Harmony Ball's Pot Bellys collection. This is Salto and he is a dart frog. Salto means jump in Portuguese Salto is a Strawberry Dart Frog, so named because of the color of their skin. This is one of the smaller dart frogs being less than an inch long. It's amazing how each of these dart frogs have such different breeding habits. The Strawberry Dart Frog soaks their skin and water and then sits on their eggs to keep them moist. These frogs are found mostly in Panama, Nicaragua and Costa Rica. I received this as a gift in 2006. The inside compartment has a small peanut and the rubber stamp is a frog outline.

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Afternoon with Sprogz

Sprogz - Green Jacket
Originally uploaded by KenCalvino.
The game of golf has just come to the pond - do you know how many balls they lose in the water! It's tough but it looks like this guy has come through and won the Green Jacket.

This Sprogz, from Holland Studio, is called Green Jacket. It is item number SG041 and dates to 1998.

Frog of the Day

Mary Meyer - Lily Pad Frog
Originally uploaded by KenCalvino.
I really am a creature of routine - guess that will serve me well when the Alzheimer's kicks in. Well, when it kicks in full time. Pancakes for breakfast and the Sunday morning talk shows and newspapers. It ended up raining all day yesterday and through the night. Things are bright now but they are calling for more and heavier rain for today. In the lull the male cardinal was hanging out in the hibiscus calling for his mate. If you've never heard them, they have such a loud and distinct call. And they like to call out at first light! He's become my alarm clock. I actually had to wake the Frog Wrangler up this morning to go out, and she went right back to sleep (where she still is - although one eye opens now and then to be sure I'm still nearby).

This frog collectible is from Mary Meyer. They make lots of frog items - from plush to hand puppets. This is more of a plush statuary - called Lily Pad Frog. It has a heavy bean bag bottom to hold it upright, the frog hanging on to the stem of the lily pad, which has a beautiful white flower blossoming out the top. This dates to 2001 and is item number 42884. Do check out the Mary Meyer website.

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Afternoon with Sprogz

Sprogz - French Fries
Originally uploaded by KenCalvino.
When the Sprogz are looking for an elegant evening of dining out at the pond, they go to Chez Sprogz and enjoy the culinary wonders of that wonder chef - French Fries. I hear the spider burgers are the best!

This Sprogz is called French Fries. He is number SG029 and dates to 1996. These early Sprogz were produced in Thailand.

Frog of the Day

We had quite a nice rain overnight. Not an all out downpour, no thunder and lightning - just a gentle rain. The cardinals were all excited this morning and although I didn't see them today, yesterday morning they were in the hibiscus hedgerow. I can't wait to see some baby cardinals flying around. The lawn is looking as nice as can be too. I had it cut earlier this week and he cleaned up all the twigs and leaves from the winter. Now a good soaking rain and it's just as green as can be. Even though this cold snap did in the flowers that were in bloom, spring is still coming on.

This frog item is a fun game from International Playthings, Inc. It is called Leaping Frogs and what you do is set out the lilypads with numbers on them around the froggy trampoline. You then toss your bean bag frog onto the trampoline and try to get the frog to jump on one of the lilypads. If you make it, you get the point on the pad. A lot harder than it looks! This game dates to 2003.

Friday, April 13, 2007

Friday Dog Blogging

Originally uploaded by KenCalvino.
The Wrangler can get so testy when the camera comes out. Just look at her face in this picture! The Frog Wrangler hasn't felt the best this week (and frankly neither have I - Immodium is becoming my best friend!). After a couple days of just wanting to sleep all day, she is starting to get back to her old self, moving her toys from one side of the room to the other is a favorite pastime. The colder weather has meant we haven't been going outside much - all business and then right back in. Tonight is supposed to be a very rainy night so I've already brought out her drying towel - which has caused much tail wagging at the mere thought.

It's been tough double checking all the treats with company websites to be sure they are safe but definitely worth it. Thousands of animals have suffered and died from this tainted food tragedy. The Frog Wrangler and I send out our heart-felt sympathies to those suffering.

Afternoon with Sprogz

Sprogz - Water Ring
Originally uploaded by KenCalvino.
Afternoon with Sprogz is returning for a limited engagement, thanks to frog buddy Derek who is keeping me on my toes. Seven Sprogz still in storage from the move have been found and are more than ready to join the rest of the wacky crew at the pond.

This is called Water Ring according to Holland Studios, but for obvious reasons is also known as Rubber Ring. This is a photo frame that is a giant inner tube with seven sprogz hanging out and creating havoc. It is item number SG102.

Frog of the Day

Russian Frog
Originally uploaded by KenCalvino.
I can't believe how cold it is this morning. I thought that it was supposed to warm up - ah well, all too soon I'll be complaining about how hot it is. The Wrangler and I are both feeling much better today. We slept in a bit this morning which is always nice. Tidy Town here has started showcasing collectors and their collections in the local newspaper. The first was a guy who has one of the largest 8-track collections in the world. Considering they would fill a semi-truck, I'd gladly say he has the largest. I bet it's tough getting new songs though - LOL.

This frog is a hand painted porcelain frog ornament from Russia. It is a great item I received as a gift and I do not have any further information.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Frog of the Day

Think Again - Sock Frog
Originally uploaded by KenCalvino.
I don't know who was sicker yesterday afternoon, the Frog Wrangler and me. The Wrangler slept most of the day, crawling in my lap from time to time so I knew she didn't feel well. But around noon my stomach went queasy and the rest of the day was shot. I watched Lost last night - I really liked the twist ending. Tonight is Survivor night! They're all going to exile island. I could not do that show! With all those poisonous snakes I'd build a big ring of fire and sit in the middle. I think instead I'll just curl up my sock frog and have some tea and toast.

This frog item is from Think of It's Think Again line and is called Little Sock Frog. This dates to 2002 and still available through their website

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Frog of the Day

Ty/McDonalds - Smoochy
Originally uploaded by KenCalvino.
Finally got the Frog Wranglers medicine situation taken care of and the twenty bucks I saved with the medicine being on special instead went to overnight delivery. Ah well, at least she'll have her hormone replacement therapy. The vet tech told me she made sure to put it on her chart (she probably also put that the owner could use some too!). It's quite the rainy day here at Frog Central, but on the plus the unstable air is ushering in warmer weather. Thank goodness. Of course it's too late for the peach crops in Illinois and Missouri - they have been a total loss. I'm sure other crop damages will come out in the news soon. Today I'm heading out to Walmart to do some shopping and running some much needed errands.

This frog collectible is from Ty and was sold through McDonalds as part of their happy meal promotional toys. As you can see it is still in its original wrapper. This is Smoochy the Frog and this dates to 1999.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Frog of the Day

Kathleen Kelly - Darwin
Originally uploaded by KenCalvino.
I think I have to start chewing my high blood pressure pills this morning. A simple reorder of the Frog Wrangler's medication has become an all-out fight with the vet's office. When I moved here a year and half ago I took the Wrangler in, brought all her medications - they shook there head, uh huh. I switched the 1800petmeds to their name and they've been approving her meds - not this time! And I have no earthly reason why. So today I get to go scream at a vet. Those who know me, know I'll do it too....

This frog collectible is from Encore and is by artist Kathleen Kelly. I just think these Kathleen Kelly creations are the most adorable. Encore calls this line Wannabee's, and this one is called Darwin. He's got his fishing pole and gear and ready to catch a fish. This dates to 2002.

Monday, April 09, 2007

Frog of the Day

There are times you just wish you had your camera with you. Last night the Frog Wrangler decided she wanted to lay across my feet. Something she often does. My sneakers that I had just taken off were in her way, but that didn't stop her. I looked down and there she is, sound asleep, with her nose slipped into one of my sneakers. And I'll never agree with the idea that was why she threw up about 10 minutes later (not in the sneaker, thank you). So I can hardly wait for the weather to warm up so we can go out and blow bubbles - one way to give the Wrangler a bath!

This frog item is from Ja-Ru and is a Fun Bubbles Battery Operated Frog Blaster. It runs on 2 batteries. You pull the trigger and the mouth opens up, spewing a stream of bubbles. The eyes also light up. I received this last week - 2007. Made in China.

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Frog of the Day

Happy Easter!

This frog collectible is from Boyds Bears & Friends, the Week Folkstones line, part of their Ribbit & Co. This piece is known as Jeremiah "Jellybean" Pondhopper. Style number 36704, this dates to 1998. Mine is edition 1E, number 8966.

Saturday, April 07, 2007

Frog of the Day

Dan Dee - Frog Easter Basket
Originally uploaded by KenCalvino.
Saturday - in the park - it must have been......20 degrees outside. Too cold to go to the park today for sure. I can't wait until the Farmer's Market returns though. It's good to go and meet and greet and maybe even find a bargain or two. Today the Frog Wrangler and I are getting ready for the Easter Frog. It's pure excitement as we get our basket ready......

This frog item is from Dan Dee, Inc. and distributed by Wal-Mart. It is a Frog Easter Basket. He looks rather satisfied at the thought of being filled with candy, doesn't he? A fun item that dates to this year - 2007. I received this as a gift - Thanks Mom!

Friday, April 06, 2007

Friday Dog Blogging

Originally uploaded by KenCalvino.
"What do you mean - Easter Frog?!"

The Frog Wrangler wants to be sure everyone has a hopping good Easter. And she hopes the Easter Frog brings you lot of goodies to fill your basket. Her basket will have some of her favorite treats I'm sure.

The Wrangler has had a good week. With the colder weather arriving - and as she has already shed much of her winter coat - she's been keeping to her blanket a lot to keep warm. On Wednesday she had to go to her cage while the plumber was here because she just doesn't like the guy. An opinion she voiced at the top of her lungs the entire time he was here. It's really a wonder he ever comes back. Today it was the postman's turn. I've developed a good blocking method to keep her out of the entryway, so mostly she just paces when he comes by with a package that needs a signature.

There was a big mix-up with her medications this week. I called PetMeds and placed an order but the vet wouldn't confirm it. A big run around, lots of phone calls and finally the meds should be here this next week. She takes a hormone replacement therapy pill and she piddles in her sleep if she doesn't have it - so you can be sure I was going to do everything I could to be sure she has a steady supply of that drug! After all, she does like to sleep on the bed from time to time.....

Frog of the Day

It is cold! The temperature this morning was in the 20's. Run out and buy your fresh fruit now because come this summer there won't be any. Here in the Illinois and Missouri area they are predicting a 90 percent crop loss. I did have some good news the other day that I'm still getting used to - the fact that my entire sink now works! From the day I moved in a year and a half ago, one half of the double sink had a garbage disposal that not only didn't work but was plugged up. The plumber showed up Wednesday afternoon and presto, 15 minutes later the garbage disposal is gone, new pipe is run, and a sink that works! It's enough to make me want to sing.....

This frog collectible is from the catalog What On Earth and is a metal frog shelf sitter with a verdigras finish. I believe that this item dates to 2003. I do not have any further information on this item.

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Frog of the Day

Applecreek - Frog Cover
Originally uploaded by KenCalvino.
I'm up late today - haven't even had breakfast yet! I can't say I'm all that hungry this morning though. Last night I fired up the deep fryer and made perogies. Yum! I made them to have while watching Lost - and last night's episode was a bit coherent, but there are just so many loose ends. And just what is that black cloud that follows them around? I think I better go have some breakfast......

This frog item is from Applecreek. This is a plastic bag holder. You fill up the bottom and then you can pull them out of an opening that's located at the top of the apron. A handy item to have around the kitchen. I do not have a date for this item.

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Frog of the Day

It was a wild afternoon and evening around Frog Central last night. The weather was wild! It makes it a lot of fun trying to watch t.v. or listen to the radio because warning break in constantly. And living in southern Illinois you not only get the warning for here, but also Missouri, Kentucky, and Indiana (most of the television comes out of these states). In the wake of the storms has come much colder weather. It's in the 40's today and supposed to drop into the 20's overnight. I hated turning on the heat last night before I went to bed, but hopefully it won't be for too long.

This frog item is from East West Distributing Co. and the tag says "For Someone Special." It is a 20 ounce mug with a frog couple plush kissing in the mug. This item dates to 2002 and is a really cute addition to the collection.

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Frog of the Day

Pot Bellys - Lindo Dart Frog
Originally uploaded by KenCalvino.
I'm a bit early this morning. I was actually up and dressed before the Frog Wrangler even woke up. Today is the last day to have the windows open for a while - the temps are dropping back to normals of 50 during the day and into the 30's overnight. Brrrr! I've gotten used to these 70's and can't wait for them to return.

Here's a Living Green tip for the day. I already mentioned that standard light bulbs are 95 percent inefficient and that switching to the compact florescent will save a lot of money and emissions. But today I want to talk about your lawn mower. A standard gas push mower puts out in 30 minutes as much emissions as a car does in 90 minutes. Yikes! The way to go is with a cordless electric mower. They can mow up to 1/3 of an acre on average per charge and zero emissions. Now that's living green!

This frog collectible is from Harmony Ball's Pot Bellys line called Zoologicals. It is known as Lindo Dart Frog. The word "Lindo" means "pretty" in Portuguese. These frogs in the wild are one to two inches long and live in South America. They lay a small number of eggs and actually provide some parental care to their young. Remember, in the wild, these are poisonous to the touch. I received this as a gift this last Christmas (2006) and is one of a set of six. The head comes of to show a small treasure compartment. This one has a leaf on the inside and the head has a rubber stamp, which is of a pair of lips.

Monday, April 02, 2007

Frog of the Day

There are people out there who do not believe in Global Warming. Despite the fact that frog species all over the globe are disappearing, that weather patterns are more erratic and violent, and the fact that not only have uninhabited islands disappeared in the rising ocean, but so did an inhabited island last year. Well 60 minutes put a lot of it to rest with their story on the glacier ice melting last night. I urge everyone to go to the 60 minutes website where you can watch the story on-line. To see penguin populations down as much as 60 percent and green grass growing where there should be ice was shocking. Global warming is real, it is here, and we must start working for change.

This frog collectible is from United Design and is part of their Stone Critters Babies line. It is called Bullfrog and is style number SCB-128. The babies line of stone critters do not carry the same copyright and date marks on them as the larger stone critters do. I do not have a date for this item.

Sunday, April 01, 2007

Friday Sunday Dog Blogging

Originally uploaded by KenCalvino.
Well my Friday Dog Blogging post was eaten by the system, so I'll try again.

The Frog Wrangler had a really good week last week. With the weather being nice we got a lot of outdoor time. I sat on the bench while the Wrangler explored a new part of the yard. This picture was taken while we out - she was annoyed I brought the camera with me! In the sun with the black coat she couldn't stay out too long though before she started overheating. Then it's back inside so she can sleep under the ceiling fan to cool off. On Thursday I brought out her car leash for a ride to the vet's office. She loves to ride in the car and her tail was wagging so hard her entire hind end was swaying back and forth. I know why she likes to go - the treats! We went to the bank drive through and she has to crawl over me and hang half out the door talking to the ladies in the bank, they send out treats. We went tot he vet's office - clean bill of health and yearly shots - along with treats for being a good girl. On the way home I stopped by Dairy Queen to try the new Kit Kat Blizzard (tastes great, by the way) and a small dish of vanilla for the Wrangler. The lady at DQ passed out treats for her. She woke me up Friday morning with her car leash ready to go again!

Frog of the Day

Radko - Maitre Green
Originally uploaded by KenCalvino.
It was a rainy night last night, but woke up to a beautiful morning with lots of sunshine. It's supposed to get up to 75 today. Yesterday I started some much needed spring cleaning. It kind of freaks me out because I started in the kitchen - getting stuff off the counters and into cabinets. Later I walked by and saw all the empty counter tops and thought wow, it looks like the day I moved in. Tons of space. Today I plan on spending the day in the basement catching up on some laundry.

This frog collectible is from Christopher Radko and is called Maitre Green. It is style number 1011054. This ornament dates to 2004. Remember that you do not use liquid or damp cloth to clean these guys - the paint is water based and will come off. Also do not store them in the attic where temperature changes occur. When displaying them, keep them from direct sunlight. Follow these basics and you'll have them to enjoy for a long, long time.

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