Frog of the Day
Did you miss me yesterday? I missed all of you. Yesterday was just horrendous from start to finish. I wrote up my Frog of the Day and shipped it off only to have it sent back that my blog could not found. YIKES!!! I spent the rest of the day trying to locate someone within the Blogger world to get it straightened out. Apparently it was a big problem in the blogger world yesterday. Only with the help of some crafty peers was I able to locate and reclaim my little frog blog. Thanks Guys! I went out and voted yesterday for the mayor and city council, bought my 2 cent stamps from the post office, swung by the pharmacy, and finally made it to Walmart to do some shopping. Get home to find the power out! Apparently someone hit a pole and this whole part of town was without power. It surged back on about 8 last night and promptly blew out the sensors in my outdoor light (I finally had to unscrew the bulb) and the cable box. I called the after hours repair but no one ever came out or called. It will be much later today before everything gets totally back to normal. Then I have to go back to Walmart - because this morning I realized I forgot to buy toilet paper, and that's just something you can't do without.
This is a fun frog item from Pintoy and is called Dancing Frogs. It is a wooden music box. The tune is familiar but I don't know what the name of it is. The frogs spin around on a mirrored surface as the music is playing. Ingenious little thing. This dates to 2000.
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