Frog of the Day
Bit of drama this morning first thing. The Frog Wrangler chowed down this morning on her bowl of food and then came running to me acting as if something was caught in her throat. I looked in her throat but didn't see anything but she started gagging. Panic ensued for both of us and a mad dash to the vets - thank goodness only about a mile away. The vet couldn't find anything and was ready to send her to x-rays when I rub her jaw and something is terribly wrong with the way it feels. The vet looks at it and pulls out the piece of food that had gotten lodged there when she ate too fast. We both had a good chuckle and the Frog Wrangler is definately happier. So a very late start to the day.
This frog plush goes with the frog lady I put up the other day. It is from Jet General and although no official title, I call this Fishing Frog. It is a popular theme for plush frogs. This dates to 1998.