Frog Collectibles & Other Such Nonsense: 10/01/2007 - 11/01/2007

Frog Collectibles & Other Such Nonsense

A look at my frog collectibles as I get them and my wacky world in the meantime.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Frog of the Day

Carved Wooden Frog
Originally uploaded by KenCalvino
I'm running late this morning because I decided to use up the apples in the fruit bowl by making an apple pie. It just came out of the oven and smells delicious. It should be ready for slicing and a scoop of ice cream just in time for lunch hour. I'm keeping close watch on the Frog Wrangler today - she's passed on her morning treats, which means she is not feeling well. It's probably from all the exercise she got last night running from window to window barking. Last night was trick or treat night here in Tidy Town. About 6 o'clock last night I heard all this door slamming outside so I went to the window and had to chuckle. The parents would drive up to a house, the kids would get out run up and do their trick or treat to grab their candy, then they went back to the car and drove to the front of the next house. I really have to call and yell at my mother for making us walk......

This frog collectible is an antique and is absolutely beautiful. If anyone wants to buy it and send it to me - that would be fantastic. This carved wooden frog is made of teak wood. It is a whopping 17 inches long and 7 1/2 inches high, weighing in at about 8 pounds! It is priced at $285.00 at Tias.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Frog of the Day

Last night about midnight I went around and turned off the lights and television and locked the front door. I dropped my glass off in the kitchen and as I usually head to the bedroom but last night I heard the Frog Wrangler getting into her chair and settling down and I turned around to look when I saw a light and started laughing. There on the table next to the chair was the Beware of Frog figurine that I received a couple weeks ago. I had read that the Beware of Frog sign glows in the dark and indeed it does. In the complete darkness it throws off quite a bit of light. And the Frog Wrangler looked at me standing there laughing - I'm sure wondering what the hell was wrong with me.

This frog collectible is from the Shirley Pewter Shop and is a smaller version of their Smiling Frog Figurine. He's looking quite cute with that big smile. The Shirley Pewter Shop is located around Colonial Williamsburg and has been a tradition for about a hundred years. They have quite a number of artisans who carry on the tradition of the shops founder. Do check out the number of frogs that the Shirley Pewter Shop has to offer.

Monday, October 29, 2007

Frog of the Day

Daum Crystal Tree Frogs
Originally uploaded by KenCalvino
I don't remember how many years ago it was that I went to Nashville with my mom and grandmother, but we went to see The Grand Ole Opry, It was quite exciting since we used to watch it on television and here we were seeing it in person. We had seats that were right up front - stage right. And it was right in that area where the emcee for the night came out in his rhinestone studded outfit. Porter Wagner opened the right side of his jacket and the rhinestones there spelled out Porter. He then opened the left side which spelled out Wagner. The man loved the stage, the audience, and the music. He made the evening a lot of fun. It was sad to hear that he passed away yesterday. The radio said that he was one of the last from that era of country music. He had released a brand new cd earlier this year which was critically acclaimed.

This frog collectible is a true gem. These frogs are from the French glass artisans at Daum and they are Crystal Tree Frogs. These frogs are made from pate de verre - an ancient technique that dates to the ancient Egyptians and was rediscovered about a hundred years ago. The artist takes very finely powdered glass, called frit, and mixes it with a watered glue mixture and carefully packs it into a mold. The mold is then kiln fired and depending on the piece, it can take days or weeks before it can be removed from the kiln and mold. The frit makes a very translucent piece that is cleaned buffed and sealed to make it shine. The French artists are considered the best in the world at this technique. These frogs sell for $250.00 a piece. The colors are Turquoise, Lilac, and Green. You can order these frogs over at Horchow.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Frog of the Day

Kitty's Critters - Frosty
Originally uploaded by KenCalvino
Did you miss me for the last day and a half? A blip in the electric supply shut down the computer and it took until last night to get it up and running again. If you enjoy this site, please consider donating towards the new computer to keep it up and running.

Yesterday was interesting. I decided to walk down to the end of the street - about 5 blocks - to see the Halloween parade. It is the parade to see in this town. The parade lasted around an hour and a half. It probably would have lasted longer but the theme this year was rescue me and so there really weren't any floats of which to speak. Last years parade was almost twice as long. So it was a bit disappointing in that regards. Still, the kids I saw there each walked away with a good sized bag of candy. I bet nearly 2,500 people came out to see the parade - which is phenomenal considering that is a full half of Tidy Town. So I didn't get back from the parade until very late and today I'm as sore as can be. If the pain killers kick in I have to go to Walmart - there are a couple things I really need to pick up. The temps here are really cold - tonight it's supposed to drop to 30 degrees - thus I thought today's frog was especially pertinent. You know any day now the snow is going to fall.....

This frog collectible is from Kitty's Critters and is called Frosty. Frosty the snow frog has decided to build his own snow man. He stands 4 inches tall and is still available from Frog Nirvana. Kitty's Critters ornaments do sell out and become hard to find. Remember not to put them in direct sunlight as it ruins the finish on the pieces. With a little care, you'll enjoy them for years to come.

Friday, October 26, 2007

Frog of the Day

Another rainy day here at Frog Central. I decided to catch up on some sewing and patching up a couple rips in tears in clothing only to find I don't have the right color of thread. So I moved on to cleaning the kitchen counter-tops. I have some apples that I want to use up so I plan on making an apple pie this afternoon. Although I have no appetite after watching Survivor last night. I just don't see the fascination in making them eat disgusting items. Yuck! Now I won't be able to eat lunch.....

This frog collectible is from 2nd Nature Design and is part of their Quarry Critter's line. This guy is called Fonzi Frog and is a large plush at 11 inches tall. The Quarry Critters Plush is really nice and soft. They are also retired and are becoming harder to find. I found this one over at Kritters in the Mailbox. A fun site for all animal lovers!

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Frog of the Day

Frog Bride and Groom Ornament
Originally uploaded by KenCalvino
It is a cold and rainy day here at Frog Central. The rain the other day flooded the basement again, but this time I was there and watched the water come up through the drain in the basement. Well that's caused a flurry of activity because they think it's the city's fault and a problem with their pipes. So hopefully they'll blow out their lines and that will stop the problem. It would indeed be nice to be able to use the basement for storage - I would gain so much room up here on the main floor in space.

This frog collectible is a hand-blown and painted ornament from Poland. It is a Frog Bride and Groom Ornament. It is 4 inches tall. I found this great little item over at The Frog Store. One of my favorite places to be.

I also wanted to let you know that there is an International Frog Collectors Club if you are interested. It is called Beyond the Pond. You can check it out at Beyond The Pond.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Frog of the Day

Happy Garden Frog Lantern
Originally uploaded by KenCalvino
It's been a wet time here at Frog Central - perfect weather for frogs, but not so for the Frog Wrangler and I. The basement flooded a little bit, but there is a really musty smell coming from the basement as a result so today is going to be clean the basement day. Lots of bleach and fresh air should do the trick until it rains again.....

This frog collectible is a cute little item. It is called happy Garden Frog Lantern. It is made of hammered steel and has a hinged door in it so that you can put a tea light. I found this happy fellow at Rivergate Gardens. They have a pretty nice frog page.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Sweet Dreams

Sweet Dreams
Originally uploaded by KenCalvino
I was e-mailed this picture today from a friend. I don't know who the artist was who created it, but thought it was just adorable. And a nap sounds good right about now......

Frog of the Day

Frog Fountain
Originally uploaded by KenCalvino
The computer is back to running 24/7 because if I shut if off I'm afraid it won't power up again - I'll work to get every last minute out of this computer and hope that everyone likes this blog enough to help keep it going. We finally got some rain here over the last 24 hours. And it was a nice slow and steady rain - just what we needed. The temps have gotten markedly colder - it is supposed to be 58 degrees today for a high - time to put away the shorts and get out some sweatpants and sweaters! I think I'll sit and listen to the bubbling water of this fountain and think of spring.....

This frog collectible is a fountain. The water cascades down the leaves he is holding into the pool at his feet. Two butterflies are flying around the pool. This was made in China and imported by W.M.G. out of Chicago. Made of resin, it runs on 4 batteries. I received this October 2007. A great item added to the frog collection.

Monday, October 22, 2007

Frog of the Day

Freddy Frog Teapot
Originally uploaded by KenCalvino
So I took a day off yesterday from pretty much everything. It was a much needed break, but I'm back today ready and raring to go. The Frog Wrangler is trying to milk a little extra nap time this morning - she didn't want to get up and so she hasn't. The weather has turned cooler this morning. I don't think we're going to get another warm-up until spring so I went around yesterday and closed up all the storm windows. Today I plan on tightening up the front door and then we should be pretty much set for winter. Brrrrr.........

This frog collectible is a hand-painted, raised ceramic Leapin' Lilly teapot called Freddy Frog Teapot. Bright red with a frog prince, there is also an "I love you" heart on the front and a heart shaped handle to lift the lid. This cute little teapot comes from our friends over at Toadly Frogs. Hop on over there and check it out.

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Frog of the Day

Beware of Frog
Originally uploaded by KenCalvino
Saturday....and the Frog Wrangler was nice enough to sleep until 7:30 this morning. The temps are supposed to soar into the 80's today so I'm not going to open the windows until I have to - it's nice and cool in the house and I'd like to keep it that way for a while. It's weird how it was so cold yesterday, warm today and Monday it's supposed to go right back to cold. I guess I'll put off turning the apples I have into Brown Betty until then....

Your frog eats one cat and you get labeled. This fun frog item is Beware of Frog. It comes in two pieces - the frog and the sign. I love the spiked collar on the frog and it looks like a cat has gotten a little too close as it's tail is sticking out of his mouth. He is chained to the sign that is put into a tire. There is also a ground stake so you can put it outside . As my loyal readers know my frogs stay inside. Made of resin in China, this is a fun conversation starter. I received this October 2007 for my birthday.

Friday, October 19, 2007

Friday Dog Blogging

Originally uploaded by KenCalvino
The Frog Wrangler has had a really good week. She's brought me her toys almost every day looking to play for a little bit. One toss of catch and she'll lay down and take a nap, but she loves it. The cooler temps have done her a world of good. Air conditioning just doesn't measure up to waking up to a 45 or 50 degree cold morning. This is her weather, not mine. I had the windows open yesterday through today but I thought it was bit blustery so much to the Wrangler's consternation, I closed up the windows this afternoon. For today's picture I took a picture of her sleeping, which woke her up - and this was the result. You just know that look says "Wake me for a picture again and I might not just be so pleasant!" So her head dropped back down to sleep and I thought better of taking any more photos. What's that old adage - Let a sleeping dog lie.......

Frog of the Day

Frogflake Ornament
Originally uploaded by KenCalvino
Sidetracked today! I had a roast that I wanted to get in the oven this morning while the temps were still cool. I use those roasting bags and put in potatoes, carrots, onions, and pepper. The potatoes were going bad so I ended up peeling and boiling up the rest of the bag and making mashed potatoes. I like it better when friends show up and take me out to lunch! My friend from Mississippi and I had a good time yesterday. We went to the new Mexican restaurant here in Tidy Town. It was a really good meal at a good price. And I didn't have to eat any dinner last night - much to dismay of the Frog Wrangler, who is ever the optimist, was not able to sit at my feet with that concentrated stare, willing me to drop something, anything for her to try. But she's already geared up with the smell of the roast wafting through the house......

This frog item is an ornament. It is called Frogflake and is made of maple hardwood. The laser cut design is 6 frogs dancing. Now this is the kind of snow I'd like to see this winter! This is just 3 3/4 inches tall and would make a nice ornament on your tree. I found this at Frog Nirvana. And being at their site is indeed pure nirvana!

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Frog of the Day

Frogs Playing Checkers
Originally uploaded by KenCalvino
We finally got a nice soaking rain here at Frog Central - all the frogs wanted to go out to play in it but the Frog Wrangler would have none of it! Of course, if it rains, the cable goes out. One of those dish systems is looking better and better. The rain has passed this morning and there is a nice breeze blowing through, airing the place out. So I have company coming today - a real rarity here at Frog Central since the move to Tidy Town some two years ago. A friend is coming from Mississippi and we're going out to lunch before he resumes his trip northward towards Chicago. Should be lots of fun.

This frog collectible is a pair of Frogs Playing Checkers. By the looks of the board, they're both pretty good players. Sitting on their toadstools and using ladybugs and flies for pieces, I'm sure they'll spend the afternoon wiling away the hours. This is made of resin and no identifying marks other than a Made in China sticker. I received this October 2007 for my birthday.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Frog of the Day

Carlton Cards - Rrribbit!
Originally uploaded by KenCalvino
The computer took about 2 hours this morning but persistence pays off and here I am. The weather here was a bit brisk last night. I couldn't believe that I had to make two trips to the curb with trash - my neighbors must wonder about me sometimes. AB sent me an offer for a free compact florescent bulb. Walmart reached their sales projection of 1 million of these bulbs ahead of schedule. And now congress is looking to phase out regular incandescent bulbs over the next ten years. Billions of dollars of electricity will be saved by this effort. Good work everyone!

This frog card is from Carlton Cards and has a Rribbit across the back, maybe the name of the line. This is the birthday card that I received last week for my birthday.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Frog of the Day

Ty - Baubles
Originally uploaded by KenCalvino
It only took me about 2 hours to get out of bed today. The fun of having back problems. The Frog Wrangler urged me on - mostly because she wanted to go out! The temps here are pretty nice today. We had a little bit of rain overnight last night but it's already moved off to the east. I finally turned off my computer last night. I couldn't stand wasting all that electricity overnight. It took a little coaxing, but it fired up pretty quick this morning. I watched Living with Ed last night - they showed a guy making his own bio-diesel fuel, costing him about 90 cents a gallon. They also showed the different types of bamboo flooring. I'm of two minds about the flooring. It's great that it's a very renewable source, but there's a lot of energy used to ship it here.

This frog collectible is from Ty and is from their Beanie Baby Pinkys line. It is called Baubles. Cute and pink! This has been discontinued but I found this one over at Novelty Frog.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Frog of the Day

Monday morning - ugh! The Frog Wrangler had a tough morning this morning which means I had a tough morning too. She's finally settled down and I'm now ready for a nap. Instead I'm going to find a shelf for my new froggies.

This frog collectible pair is from Sterling Industries and is a Prince and Princess Shelf Sitters. These two pieces are rather large and heavy at over 5 lbs for the pair. They do have felt on the underside to protect your shelf. They are made of hand painted resin. The Prince is 8 1/2 inches tall, the Princess is 7 3/4 inches long. I received these this month - October 2007.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Frog of the Day

Frog with Attitude
Originally uploaded by KenCalvino
Sunday morning and I'm running a bit ahead for a change. I decided to skip making pancakes this morning and opt for a couple slices of raisin bread. The Frog Wrangler certainly feels the change in weather - she is ravenous, packing on a couple pounds of winter weight. I'm happy about that because she was so skinny over the summer. This week the temps are supposed to go back up to about 70 and hover there for most of the week. I figure it gives me a bit of time this week to button up for the winter.

This frog collectible is called Frog With Attitude. It is made of cast iron and can be used as a doorstop or bookend. He stands 8 inches tall. A sticker on the bottom says that it was hand cast for Moby Dick Specialties. I received this this year - 2007.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Frog of the Day

Frog Shelf Sitter
Originally uploaded by KenCalvino
I guess a bit too much partying last night - I did not want to get up this morning! I fried up some eggplant last night for dinner - yummy! And even topped the night off with some ice cream - I'm a party animal aren't I. lol I can't believe that I've had to turn my heat on already but it is just too cold nights. I love that smell from the first heat of the season - although in the middle of the night I woke up thinking the house was on fire. I better go back to bed - on to today's frog......

This frog collectible is a shelf sitter. Sleek, reddish black color and it is very heavy. There are no identifying marks on this item. I received it this week for my birthday. A great addition to the frog collection.

Friday, October 12, 2007

Frog of the Day

Expo Inc. - Frog Shelf Sitter
Originally uploaded by KenCalvino
I've been receiving a number of birthday greetings already this morning and it's been really nice. If nothing else it's a good excuse to pamper yourself for a day. The Frog Wrangler and I went out early then I crawled back under the covers with my heating pad (a good way to keep warm). The Frog Wrangler decided that she was cold too and curled up next to me on the bed which is like having a blast furnace going - so I was nice and warm and toasty. I didn't want to get up when the clock said 8, but the thoughts of a pancake breakfast sounded good. And then I heard the news of Al Gore winning the Nobel Peace Prize. It's been a good day all around so far.

With my birthday has come some new frogs - Thanks Mom! This frog collectible is from Expo Inc. and is part of their Home and Garden Accessories line. It is a Frog Shelf Sitter and looks very natural doesn't it. And my computer can use all the help it can get!

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Frog of the Day

Grumpy Frog Card
Originally uploaded by KenCalvino
Today's frog comes from The Grumpy Frog Card Shoppe - and is quite appropriate because today I'm grumpier than ever. I've torn apart and rebuilt my computer this morning to get it up and running. From the noise that it's emitting I'm afraid my faithful Mac has finally hit it's end. I'm not going to turn it off and hope it gives me a couple more days while I make arrangements for it's replacement. I was glad to get it up and running so that I could make backups of the last batch of photos I had on in iPhoto and my iTunes library. And add to that I actually had to turn on the heat this morning because the temps are in the 40's and not expected to even hit into the 60's - where did fall go? I better get to today's frog before something else goes wrong.

This frog item is from a great little card shoppe called The Grumpy Frog Card Shoppe. Check out their whole line of cards.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Frog of the Day

Harmony Ball - All Hopped Up
Originally uploaded by KenCalvino
The weather finally broke here and it is much cooler. It is so nice. I have all the windows open and a nice breeze is blowing. I went outside this morning and sat on my bench for a while enjoying a cup of hot chocolate and just enjoying the sights. The white squirrel was playing in the yard next door, taunting the Frog Wrangler. The Wrangler finally settled down and seemed content to just watch it out of the corner of her eyes. So we lost track of time and I couldn't believe we sat out there all morning. Guess I ought to get this day started now.......

This frog collectible is from Harmony Ball and is called All Hopped Up. These three frogs are looking mischievous (and when you open it up there is a fourth inside ready to surprise you!). This piece was carved by David Lawrence. A real keeper that you can get from Frog Nirvana.

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Frog of the Day

Pewter Lunar Frog Figurine
Originally uploaded by KenCalvino
Well the doctors visit happened yesterday. It is tough finding a doctor that you are comfortable - especially on the first visit. So we'll see how things go over the next couple months and then I'll decide. I have to wonder though, when did listening to your heart and lungs become a complete physical? Oh well, on to bigger and better things today. The Frog Wrangler was very upset with me for leaving her for the afternoon yesterday, so I have to go continue giving her lots of attention.

This frog collectible is made out of pewter and is called Lunar Frog Figurine. A cute little frog item that stands only 3 inches high. I found this over at Mystical Dragon. They have a small frog section that is worth checking out and if they sell lots of frogs maybe they'll have to rename their site the mystical frog......

Monday, October 08, 2007

Frog of the Day

Frog w/Insect Books
Originally uploaded by KenCalvino
So Happy Columbus Day! It just isn't right - Columbus Day is the 12th - always will be in my book - because that's also my birthday. This afternoon I've got an appointment with a new doctor so that means I'll be getting a birthday surprise a little early (when you're a guy and my age, that surprise comes in the form of a gloved finger - enough said!). The Frog Wrangler will be by herself for most of the afternoon. She may have enjoyed an afternoon by herself once, but since she has lost most of her hearing, being alone seems to make her anxious. I guess I ought to go get ready for poking and prodding.......

This frog item is a set of frogs with their books on insects. Not sure if they are studying or looking at recipes. They are tiny at only a couple inches wide and high. I found this cute set over at The Purple Frog.They've got a pretty neat site - and who can't resist a purple frog?

Sunday, October 07, 2007

Frog of the Day

Sunday, Sunday........ It's already been pretty busy. Doing all my leisurely activities - hmm, somethings wrong here. I've been rushing around doing all those things I like to do to relax. I think I better take the rest of the day off from relaxing and instead spend the time with the Frog Wrangler....

This frog item is a puzzle from Serendipity. The picture is by artist Lori Anzalone. The puzzle is entitled "Frog Business," measuring 20 x 27 inches. It is comprised of 1,000 pieces. There are a lot of places carrying this puzzle but I found this one at my perennial favorite - The Frog Store.

Saturday, October 06, 2007

Guest Frog of the Day

Frog Follies
Originally uploaded by KenCalvino
Today's frogs come to us today from Stacy. She bought these Frog Follies by Pete Apsit a number of years ago for her daughter. There are 16 of them in total - and guess what - they're up for sale! Stacy tells me that for $80 plus shipping this wonderful collection could find it's way to your house (the display rack is not included). If you would like to purchase this collection you can e-mail Stacy directly.

Friday, October 05, 2007

Friday Dog Blogging

Originally uploaded by KenCalvino
It's been a pretty good week for the Frog Wrangler. She's gotten used to the steps that allow her to get up onto the bed - one of her favorite hangout spots. With the cooler nights the amount of shedding seems to have slowed a bit (although the 90 degree temps yesterday and today will probably bring her back into full shedding mode!). So the Wrangler has felt like playing a bit this week and here she is with her favorite red toy and you just know she's saying "Hey Dad, how come the frogs won't play with me?"

Frog of the Day

Plains Leopard Frog
Originally uploaded by KenCalvino
Last night was Survivor night. I don't know what they could do differently, but they need something to keep the show fresh. I saw the repeat of the season's opening South Park. They are just crazy - I nearly peed myself I was laughing so hard. I'm glad that in the morning the sky stays darker longer - the Frog Wrangler sleeps in a bit. I woke up about quarter after seven and actually had to wake her up to go out. An extra half hour to forty-five minutes - hallelujah! I'm really impressed with today's frog site....

This frog collectible is a hand cast concrete of an original sculpture by Jim Hardy. It goes through a three-step finishing process to give the frog the green patina. This piece is 4.5 x 3 x 3 inches and is of our very own mid-western Plains Leopard Frog. You can find this lovely little frog at Garden Frogs. Do check out their site and the other concrete frogs they offer.

Thursday, October 04, 2007

Frog of the Day

Aurora - Super Flopsies Frog
Originally uploaded by KenCalvino
Did you miss me yesterday? It was one thing right after another yesterday and the next thing I knew it was early evening. But I'm back right on time this morning - ready and raring to go. It's supposed to get up to 90 degrees here again today - it doesn't seem like October, even with the leaves turning and falling. The Frog Wrangler has already been hounding me (no pun intended) to get out my camera and take her picture - so I'm off to get some good shots for tomorrow.......

This plush frog is from Aurora's Super Flopsies line. He is huge at 30 inches long! Aurora plush animals are soft and luxurious and extra huggable. You can find this cutie over at This Place is a Zoo.

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Frog of the Day

Radko - Froggy B. Good
Originally uploaded by KenCalvino
The Frog Wrangler and I slept in for a bit this morning - getting up around 7. It's hard to believe that it's the beginning of October already. I look out at the trees with their leaves starting to turn and fall, and think it's time to start thinking about Christmas shopping. Ugh! I think I'll just listen to a little music and sit here paying bills. And what better picker upper than a little polka music - hey time to dance!

This frog collectible is from Christopher Radko and is called Froggy B. Good - Accordion Player. It also comes in a separate style of a singer. I'm not the biggest fan of this style of Radko - this type is made in Italy - but they increase in value very rapidly. The Pond Stompers that I purchased several years ago have doubled in price. You can find this one at my favorite Radko store - Angela's Radko. Very nice and friendly staff - and the items are packed with the greatest of care. I recently received an ornament where almost one side of the box was torn off and the rest looked like it had been stomped on a couple of times - my heart sunk as I started unpacking it. The ornament was in the middle of the mayhem, not a scratch on it. I couldn't believe it! Do check them out.

Monday, October 01, 2007

Frog of the Day

United Design - Frog Doctor
Originally uploaded by KenCalvino
I've been busy this morning! I'm working on cleaning the deep fryer - I absolutely love it, but hate cleaning it. I'm trying some tricks from Kim and Aggie of How Clean is Your House. The only other thing that has to get done today is the vacuuming. The Frog Wrangler stands and shakes and you can see the hair falling in an outline around her. The temps here have gotten a bit cooler at night, but still in the high 80's through the day - so she keeps on shedding! My back is absolutely killing me, but I'm trying to work through it - maybe I'll go to today's frog to have a check up.....

This frog is from United Design and is part of their Stone Critters Collection. This is the Frog Doctor. It is made of resin and stands a full 5 inches high. I found this cute figurine over at Kritters in the Mailbox. They have quite a few frog items - check them out!

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