Frog of the Day
I've been busy this morning! I'm working on cleaning the deep fryer - I absolutely love it, but hate cleaning it. I'm trying some tricks from Kim and Aggie of How Clean is Your House. The only other thing that has to get done today is the vacuuming. The Frog Wrangler stands and shakes and you can see the hair falling in an outline around her. The temps here have gotten a bit cooler at night, but still in the high 80's through the day - so she keeps on shedding! My back is absolutely killing me, but I'm trying to work through it - maybe I'll go to today's frog to have a check up.....
This frog is from United Design and is part of their Stone Critters Collection. This is the Frog Doctor. It is made of resin and stands a full 5 inches high. I found this cute figurine over at Kritters in the Mailbox. They have quite a few frog items - check them out!
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