Frog of the Day
I've been receiving a number of birthday greetings already this morning and it's been really nice. If nothing else it's a good excuse to pamper yourself for a day. The Frog Wrangler and I went out early then I crawled back under the covers with my heating pad (a good way to keep warm). The Frog Wrangler decided that she was cold too and curled up next to me on the bed which is like having a blast furnace going - so I was nice and warm and toasty. I didn't want to get up when the clock said 8, but the thoughts of a pancake breakfast sounded good. And then I heard the news of Al Gore winning the Nobel Peace Prize. It's been a good day all around so far.
With my birthday has come some new frogs - Thanks Mom! This frog collectible is from Expo Inc. and is part of their Home and Garden Accessories line. It is a Frog Shelf Sitter and looks very natural doesn't it. And my computer can use all the help it can get!
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