Frog of the Day
Did you miss me for the last day and a half? A blip in the electric supply shut down the computer and it took until last night to get it up and running again. If you enjoy this site, please consider donating towards the new computer to keep it up and running.
Yesterday was interesting. I decided to walk down to the end of the street - about 5 blocks - to see the Halloween parade. It is the parade to see in this town. The parade lasted around an hour and a half. It probably would have lasted longer but the theme this year was rescue me and so there really weren't any floats of which to speak. Last years parade was almost twice as long. So it was a bit disappointing in that regards. Still, the kids I saw there each walked away with a good sized bag of candy. I bet nearly 2,500 people came out to see the parade - which is phenomenal considering that is a full half of Tidy Town. So I didn't get back from the parade until very late and today I'm as sore as can be. If the pain killers kick in I have to go to Walmart - there are a couple things I really need to pick up. The temps here are really cold - tonight it's supposed to drop to 30 degrees - thus I thought today's frog was especially pertinent. You know any day now the snow is going to fall.....
This frog collectible is from Kitty's Critters and is called Frosty. Frosty the snow frog has decided to build his own snow man. He stands 4 inches tall and is still available from Frog Nirvana. Kitty's Critters ornaments do sell out and become hard to find. Remember not to put them in direct sunlight as it ruins the finish on the pieces. With a little care, you'll enjoy them for years to come.
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