Frog Collectibles & Other Such Nonsense: 06/01/2008 - 07/01/2008

Frog Collectibles & Other Such Nonsense

A look at my frog collectibles as I get them and my wacky world in the meantime.

Monday, June 30, 2008

Frog of the Day

Radko - Froggy Forehand
Originally uploaded by KenCalvino
It was nice taking the weekend off and doing much of nothing. Last night I made a nice round steak with mashed potatoes - yummy! It rained a little bit yesterday afternoon, and the ground was wet again this morning, so I don't think the lawn guy will be showing up anytime soon - I'll be getting to my car with a machette. I counted a total of 24 spikes on my daylilies. They've been blossoming for two weeks now and from the looks should last at least another. I was surprised to see blossoms on the hibiscus hedge - it's a couple weeks early.

It's been a while since we've seen a Christopher Radko ornament - my favorite frog collectible - and so today I thought would be good to see another of the ornaments that are being introduced this year. This is Froggy Forehand and is #1014138. This Froggy is ready for Wimbledon!

Friday, June 27, 2008

Tornado Warnings This Evening

Downed Tree
Originally uploaded by KenCalvino
Tornado warnings and severe thunderstorm warnings have been flashing on the television screen since mid-afternoon. That was until the power went out. I looked out the window to see police lights flashing. I went out the front door to see the neighbors tree had come down either from lightning or straight line wind. The power of mother nature!

Friday Dog Blogging

Originally uploaded by KenCalvino
It's been an interesting day - try doing everything with a playtex glove on your dominant hand. Not so easy. I changed the bandage on my thumb and it looks pretty nasty, but doesn't really hurt so much today (no, don't take my pills

The Frog Wrangler has had a pretty good week. She has been pretty funny. She knows when I'm not feeling well, and last night she tried a number of times to get up on the bed - I finally gave her a boost and she slept right next to me with her head nestled right up under my chin. Even when I finally shooed her off the bed after a couple hours she was insistent to sleep right next to my bed. It's funny, when she was a puppy and for the most of her first 7 years she slept on the bed next to me - practically on top of me. And I sometimes said oh, I wish she was still doing that - until she wanted to do it. The Wrangler takes up a lot of space on the bed! Besides that, with my back, I'm constantly having to roll from side to side to try and find a spot that isn't painful.

So today she seems to realize that I'm going to live and feeling a bit better, therefore she could return to her pillows and the air conditioning vent. She perks up whenever I move because she wants to double check. It's the livliest I've seen her in a while!

Have a good weekend!

Thursday, June 26, 2008


So I spent my afternoon doing something completely different - and believe me, I wish I hadn't. I got up from my chair to fix some lunch and my hand slipped on the chair and caught my thumbnail - ripping over a good quarter of it off. Well, once I stopped screaming - and then stopped silent screaming - I thought it looked bad enough that I better run over to the hospital to have it looked at. A couple shots later and I'm feeling nothing! The doc removed another good chunk of the nail and bandaged me up. Right now I'm still feeling nothing. I'm a bit worried about the moment I no longer feel nothing, but I got some pills to help with that. I seem to always have so much fun!

Frog of the Day

I have a new obsession. I was running around the channels on the television the other day and came across something called the Green Planet channel. There are lots of green living ideas all day long and it's great to see homes that people have done. I loved the family that build their home against a mountain side which keeps them cool during the heat of the day. And built their house out of concrete so it absorbs the heat and keeps them warm at night. Add in a phenomenal solar panel system and they live totally off the grid. And their furnace has only been on twice - to check that it still worked! A great channel - do check it out.

Last night I was walking down the hall and I hear this ungodly banging noise coming from the other side of the cellar door. I might have thought it was my resident ghost, except that I've heard that noise before. The attic fan went off center and the blades were hitting the wire cage that surrounds it. It's funny that you can't hear it in the house, except in the cellarway - yet outside it sounds like a trolley is coming down on you clanging it's bells for all it's worth. I hope it wasn't clanging for too long last night! I turned off the fan and let it set overnight. I turned it back on this morning and it seems to be working fine - go figure. The same thing happened last summer.

This frog item is the third in the set from Direct International. This is Speak No Evil. This was a cute little set I found this last month while out and about shopping. I think it's funny that what used to be a classic monkey theme has transferred to frogs. I have a lot of sets with the Hear, Speak, See No Evil theme.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Frog of the Day

Today has been much better for both the Frog Wrangler and myself. Of course I sat up on the edge of the bed for half the night. A mug of hot chocolate helps wake you up in the morning though. The temperatures are supposed to soar through the 90's today. The Frog Wrangler has already positioned herself over an air conditioning vent. I'm staying cool, but also keeping an eye out for a squirrel that's trying to get in the house. Last night he hoped up on the window and started scratching at the window frame for all he was worth. I don't know if it can do any damage there, but I kept knocking on the window to scare him away. He finally gave up but I want to be sure that if he comes back today that I continue his retraining! LOL

This frog item is the second of a group of three. This is Hear No Evil and is from Direct International of Newton Falls, Ohio. The item is made of a polyresin and carries a Made in China sticker.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Grape Kool-Aid

Today was pretty hot and steamy, and as the week progresses, it's just going to get worse. I was drenched in sweat just taking the trash to the curb. On days like this, I love to mix up a glass of ice cold grape Kool-Aid. It tastes good and cools you nicely. Now if I could just get the Frog Wrangler to try some (just kidding!)......

Frog of the Day

Frog of the Day! What's that all about? It's been a long time, hasn't it? Hey, like this frog - I see nothing. I don't know who felt worse this morning, me or the Frog Wrangler. She just wanted to be held and I couldn't get into a sitting position. Finally, the two of us seemed to get moving a bit this morning. I'm not sure for how long, so we better get to today's frog.....

This frog item is from Direct International and is a See No Evil frog. It is part of a set of three. It is made of resin and dates to this month.

Monday, June 23, 2008

George Carlin has died

Was sad to hear the news this morning that George Carlin had died. The first comedy record I ever purchased - and yes, those of old enough to remember, you used to buy the comedy routines on records, sometimes even 8 tracks if you liked Belle Barth (but that's another story) - so the first comedy album was indeed George Carlin. I listened to CNN this morning and all they can talk about is his 7 words you can't say on television routine. While that was indeed a newsmaker, there is so much more to his body of work, especially that of the last 15 years or so. The last stand-up routine I saw of his on tv was hysterical - the man had the patter and made you think.

Here in Tidy Town I ran out this morning to run a couple errands. I have to go out this afternoon to pick up my prescriptions at CVS. It is hot out - I was dripping in sweat when I got home. I miss air conditioning in the car. So I've finally got cooled off from this morning - and so has the Frog Wrangler. She was all overheated when I got home because she has to bark the whole time I'm gone. The Wrangler really surprised me though when she brought me her treat. She hasn't wanted to play for a month or more. Not that we really played - I held one end of the toy, she held the other. After a minute she gave up and went and layed down. Next week she'll turn 15 and she's doing pretty good for her age.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

I am a curmudgeon

Of course I've always really known this, but I seem to be getting even more cantankerous than usual. Like the Frog Wrangler, I hate to have my routine disrupted. This morning I was getting ready to go out to pick up my food co-op order when they called to say that it came in a half hour early. So out the door I flew to pick it up - hair all askew. This just disrupted my whole morning.

I've been cooking quite a bit the last few days. I shouldn't have to cook at all this next week. I've got English bangers cooked up, a half dozen pork chops, and a pound of spaghetti and meatballs! I think some of it will have to go into the freezer. All I have to make this weekend is a loaf of bread in my new breadmaker.

The temps here this morning were cool, it but warmed up really quick. I'm afraid the heat that's in California is heading this way. At least the rain has stopped for the most part. A couple quick 5 minute showers here and there aren't enough to swamp the ground. Thankfully the Mississippi has crested - now it comes to clean-up for all those who were inundated with water.

Well, I'm off now to find something new to be curmudgeonly about. That really doesn't take as much effort as you might think......LOL......

Friday, June 20, 2008

Friday Dog Blogging

Originally uploaded by KenCalvino
The Frog Wrangler has had a really good week. The temperatures finally abated a bit, especially during the nights. It's made it easier for the both of us to get some sleep. She's been getting up a bit earlier than normal, ready to go outside and frolic for a bit before the temperatures of the day kick in. The Frog Wrangler's favorite treat is the Meaty Bone's Chewlotta. When I took this picture she had just finished one and was searching around for more! Of course it wore her out eating the treat - she was panting for all she was worth and decided to curl up on her pillows and take a nap. Not a bad life, eh?

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Flowers and Birds

I spent some time outside this morning sitting on my bench, sipping a cup of hot chocolate. It was nice to take in the birds playing in the hibiscus. A couple baby cardinals were especially interested in seeing what I was doing while momma and pappa cardinal watched closely. Several robins hopped around close by. Overhead the cooing of the mourning doves. I love watching the birds. And since saturday I've had the pleasure of the daylillies blooming. The larger clump started with 9 spikes of flowers, and has since added 2 additional spikes. The smaller clump, which is the more exotic colors, only has 1 spike at the moment, but it does bloom later than the yellow ones. All in all it was quite an enjoyable morning. It has started to get a bit warm out, but thankfully we've been getting really cool nights this week. It makes for a nice break from the heat, a chance to open the windows and get some fresh air in the house. The Frog Wrangler especially loves sitting at the window screen keeping track of what is going on outside. For a Wednesday, middle of the week, we're both having a pretty good day for a change. Let's not jinx it!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Tired Tuesday

I'm exhausted today. I've been running around cleaning and de-cluttering. Today is trash day. All I have to do now is get everything to the curb.

It finally cooled down a bit here. The temps last night dropped into the 50's and I was able to turn off the air conditioner and open some windows. The rest of the week looks like it's going to be much of the same. Thank goodness.

I made a loaf of bread in my new bread maker the other day and this morning for breakfast I was able to make some toast from it. Delicious! It seems I've doing a lot of cooking and baking lately. When you make a decision to stop eating out I guess that's the result. It's definitely cheaper! Tonight I'm making sausage with some french fries. Although the Frog Wrangler is taking a nap and that looks much more appealing at the moment......

Monday, June 16, 2008

Tongass Rain Forest

I support the National Resources Defense Council's BioGems which works to save Endangered Wild Places. Over the course of the last eight years they have fought long and hard to keep the logging industry out of the Tongass Rain Forest. It is America's largest forest and home to bears, some of the finest salmon runs, and many endangered species of animals. The Bush administration has once again put forth a plan to put 2.3 million acres of this forest into the hands of loggers. If you've seen the show Axe Men, then you know how the forest will look when they get done. Nothing will be left. Road will be built in and out. The forest decimated. When finished, our jewel will no longer be there for everyone to enjoy. Worse, the plan of the Bush administration picks out the very center of the forest, thus meaning they will have to trounce the remainder of the forest to get to the area they will log. Once again, NRDC will head back to court. A quick search for NRDC will take you to their website. Please go and donate. Please help save the Tongass Rain Forest - a national natural heritage.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy Father's Day

Hope all the dad's out there, especially mine, are having a great day. Sit back, relax, and enjoy being pampered......hey, how's that different from any other day.....LOL. Have a great day dad!

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Saturday Clean-Up

I have a tooth that is bothering me - what else is new. Until I can get into see the dentist I looked at various web sites to see what the home remedies are. I've tried the wet tea bag with no luck. I cam across a dentist who had some ideas. He said to take a shot of whiskey and hold it over the tooth for a minute or so, then spit out the remaining whiskey. Well, that sounded like fun and so I gave it a try. I used a teaspoonful and it really does numb up the are quite well. It seemed like a waste to spit it out, so I slept pretty good last night!

The Frog Wrangler and I were up this morning. I was ready and raring to go - she wanted to go back to sleep. I sat here and looked at all the dog hair that had shed all over and decided to get busy. I just finished vacuuming and straightening up when the lawn guy showed up. I went out and together we pulled some weeds that were growing into trees, trimmed up a couple branches and made arrangements for him to clean the gutter the next time he comes out.

I came back in drenched from head to toe with sweat - another shower. I'm running up that water/sewer bill in a major way these days! Finally cooled off and am enjoying the rest of Flag Day. I didn't make it out to the parade. It's just too hot to spend a couple hours outside. I still have some cleaning to do inside, but I think I've had it for today. I'll pick it up again tomorrow and hopefully get everything finished up and looking presentable.

This whole cleaning started because the cable went out yesterday and the cable guy came over. I wondered what he must be thinking - oh well, I guess I shouldn't care, but I do. A week is just too long inbetweeen cleanings, but when you live alone, you tend to get a bit lazy. The cable guys are supposed to come back Monday or Tuesday to replace the outside lines and do some tree trimming around their lines - I'm looking for redemption.

The Frog Wrangler is not happy with me this afternoon - I moved one of her pillows and it's not where she wants it. She has spent the last half hour, at least, moving it around and checking it for proper fluffiness for laying upon. I guess she's finally satisfied because she's sound asleep - a good idea!

Friday, June 13, 2008

Sunday Mornings Will Not Be The Same

Was shocked to hear the news today that Tim Russert has died. One of my Sunday morning traditions for more years than I care to think about it, is watching Tim Russert's show, Meet The Press. I purposely do not bring politics onto this blog - there are too many of them out there on whatever side you may be. But I deeply love to keep up to date with politics and Tim Russert brought you the big interviews in a very deep and thoughtful way. Buffalo, New York has lowered their flags to half staff in his honor. Condolences to his dad, Big Russ, the subject of Tim Russert's two books, and his wife and son. Sunday mornings will not be the same.

Friday Dog Blogging

Originally uploaded by KenCalvino
I'm posting this a bit early today because guess what? We're under severe storm warning again today. Ugh! The news last night said that St. Louis has closed it's flood walls along the city in preparation for the river's rise of all the water coming down from Iowa. We've actually had a couple dry days here in Tidy Town but unfortunately it hasn't been enough for the farmers. I ran out to do some errands this morning before the storms hit. I took a shower before I left and came home and had to take another one. One step outside and you're drenched with sweat. In my rambling around I found a couple new frogs to put up soon. In the meantime - this is The Frog Wrangler's day......

The Frog Wrangler, with her dark coat, is minding the heat something terrible. Here she is resting on her pillow right next to the air conditioning vent. You might notice that she is blind in her left eye. It makes her perceptions off and often in turning around she'll run into a wall. She's learned to compensate for the most part but every now and then you'll hear a loud thud - ouch! The Frog Wrangler will turn 15 next month. She's my buddy and still has to move room to room when I do so she can see me.

Have a good weekend and enjoy the rest of Friday the 13th.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008


Today the temps did abate a little bit - mid-80's. Of course tomorrow we're back into the 90's. It was sad to turn on the news this evening to check on the weather and the newest storms that are scheduled to hit here. Iowa, unfortunately, got hit hard tonight - a boy scouts summer camp was hit by a tornado, killing at least 4. Early reports are that over 20 tornadoes were on the ground in Iowa this evening. It's scary stuff this year. I've lived here in Illinois for about 10 years or so now. This is about the worst that I've seen it in the time I've been here. Nearly every day we go under emergency storm warnings. Not to mention the amount of flooding that is happening across the mid-west.

My back, which had been feeling pretty good lately, rebelled from my going out yesterday. So instead of going out again today I'm waiting until tomorrow. I need to go to the dollar store to pick up some small bottles that I can fill with milk and put in the freezer. I bought a whole gallon of milk and it will go bad before I could ever use it all, so AB tells me that it will freeze fine. That's what I'm going to do!

Tonight's post is rather late, so I'm going to sign off and go to bed. We'll do it all again tomorrow!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008


The temps today hit the high 80's. I guess I should be happy it didn't hit the high 90's, but it didn't really feel all that much cooler.

Today I finally had to go out to the post office and then over to Walmart to do some grocery shopping. Very few people were walking the streets downtown. Even Walmart was uncharacteristically empty. I've been feeling sick with the heat for over a week now and about 3/4 of the way through grocery shopping I had to leave and come home. The neighbors were a bit concerned when they saw me coming in - they had never seen someone so red! They thought I had a major sunburn on my face - actually it was just a bad case of being over-heated. They were nice enough to bring my groceries inside and they came back about an hour later to check and be sure I was o.k. That's what it's like living in a small town.

So the Frog Wrangler and I are just sitting near the air conditioning vents and trying to keep cool. There was supposedly a break in the weather today - I hope we get a bigger break tomorrow! LOL

In other great news I got a box today from the UPS guy - it was a bread machine. I can not wait to make a loaf of bread! I missed my old machine so much. There is nothing better than a fresh loaf of bread coming out of the machine and sitting down with some butter and enjoying a piece. I've got a bunch of bread machine cookbooks - time to get busy!

Monday, June 09, 2008

Emergency Warning Tones

How many times did you hear those emergency warning tones on television and radio? It happens all the time - then the announcer comes and says this has been a test of the emergency broadcast system...... Today I actually heard the tones followed by emergency information to get to you safe area in the house immediately! So off I went. Neither the Wrangler nor I are enjoying this spring/summer weather. More storms, more rain - the news today showed wide-spread flooding across the whole mid-west here. Thankfully no loss of power - it's in the 90's here and way to hot to be without air conditioning.

And so this new weeks starts much the way last week ended. It's a story that's really starting to get old.

I did hear on the news that Bush is again pressing for drilling in Alaska - it was good to hear CNN talk about it - and the fact that any drilling there will take 10 years before it ever makes it to our cars - TEN YEARS! Hopefully by then we'll be well into electric cars and other fuel alternatives. The amount there is enough to last 3 months. I'd much rather leave the wildlife in peace.

Saturday, June 07, 2008


I'm watching the evening news and they're showing the flooding in Indianapolis. Here in Illinois were dealing with much the same. The local news was really nothing more than a list of everything, including churches, that is going to be closed tomorrow. I haven't been out and about today - it's 92 degrees and I don't have air conditioning in my car - so I haven't seen anything first hand. Here in Tidy Town I live on the only elevated piece of land. The few feet of elevation that I enjoy has meant that I'm known as the guy who lives on the hill. Coming from the mountains and valleys of Pennsylvania, that makes me laugh. Thankfully, my basement is dry.

So Big Brown didn't win today. He's a beautiful horse and I'm sure will still make the owners a lot of money in stud fees. And that's a happy ending for Big Brown too. I was reading an article recently about the world of horse racing in Puerto Rico - if a horse doesn't win, it is often euthenized. What a shame. Absolutely nothing wrong with the horse except it didn't win a race. There are some locals trying to save as many horses as they can. They really need to have an organization like they have here in the U.S. that works to find homes for unsucessful race horses.

The Frog Wrangler was none too enthused when the camera came out - as a matter of fact she ran to her cage in the bedroom - as much to say leave me alone. So that's exactly what I'll do. She's had a so-so week with the heat. Even with the air conditioning running in the house, she still seems to really feel the effects of the heat. Of course her trips outside are kept to the absolute minimum.

Have a good rest of the weekend.

An evening without electric

Yesterday was a severe weather warning day - and when the warning became reality, it was spectacular. I was up until about 2 this morning, shoes on and ready to go to the basement. Thankfully, the Frog Wrangler never learned the fear of thunderstorms and she slept through most of it. This house shook, and shook violently, until that 2 o'clock hour. Of course the electric went out early. Which leaves nothing much to do but watch the lightning strikes. The power of mother nature is awesome, to say the least.

It wasn't all that long ago that while in college I thought nothing of pulling all-nighters. I don't think I even remember my head hitting the pillow last night. For a second night, I actually got a pretty good night's worth of sleep. After this last week of feeling sick to my stomach all the time, things have finally calmed down. I have to tell you, I have candied ginger in the house that I use in baking. A small piece when you have an upset stomach and it settles it down pretty quick.

The Frog Wrangler didn't get her moment in the spotlight yesterday because of the power outage - if she feels up to it, I'll get a picture up of her later today. The temps here are in the high 80's and 90's with high humidity. That really slows her down even further - if such a thing is possible! It's really slows the both of us down. Even a little bit of work tires you out quick. I feel sorry for all of those who have to work outside - I know I couldn't do it. Just the thought of it makes me think I ought to go pour a tall glass of iced tea and sit back and relax a bit..........

Friday, June 06, 2008

Meerkat Manor

I tried this noon to watch an episode of Meerkat Manor - and I had to turn it. If you've watched the show at all you know that Flower, the matriarch of the meerkats, and the star of the show since it's inception, died this last season protecting her babies. You could even hear it in Sean Astin's voice as he narrated that episode. Life goes on, I know, but it just didn't seem the same.

As if that wasn't depressing enough, I received a thanks but no thanks letter today from the teaching position for which I was vying. I had heard they were filling the job from the inside, but you always have to have hope.

The Frog Wrangler and I getting on each other's nerves - the heat is just miserable. I hate to see my utility bill this next month - the air is running almost constantly and the newspaper headlines that ran in very large print across the top was the vote last night by the city council to raise the rates by 30 percent!

It's just been bad news all the way around today. I think I'm going to go take a nap and try again....

Thursday, June 05, 2008


Recently I wrote about having tried to make coffee and how horrible I thought it tasted. I haven't drank coffee for at least 15 years, probably more. AB told me that the Starbucks Morning Blend that I tried was akin to pain thinner and I'd like the Dunkin Donuts brand better. So this morning while I was whipping up a batch of pancakes I thought well, lets give it a try. All I can say is no more coffee for me, thank you. I'll stick to either a cup of tea or hot chocolate - or better yet a nice tall glass of water.

I turned on CNN this morning to hear that we are once again under a sever weather threat. This is really getting old. The temps have climbed into the 90's and by Sunday were supposed to hit 100. This morning at 8 o'clock it was already 81 degrees. The Frog Wrangler really hates this weather, and I can't say that I'm not far behind her. Thank goodness the air conditioner was fixed last month just in time for this hot weather. While the Wrangler and I are hanging near the air conditioning vents - my cockatiel just loves the warmer weather and is whistling up a storm. I really have to get a picture of her up.

Last night I watched Ghost Hunters - the new episode wasn't all that scary, but then I watched the rerun after, which was the St. Augustine lighthouse. They caught not only a voice on tape but a shadow looking over the railing at them. Spooky stuff. Twenty minutes after the show was over, my doorbell rang. Of course no one was at the door - it was 10:30 at night. Guess my own ghost wanted me to know he was watching Ghost Hunters too!

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

It's Nation Nakedness Week - Please Participate!

LOL. I couldn't resist. Yesterday turned out to be rain all day with thunder and lightning, so I had the computer off all day. This morning started as the same as yesterday. I thought I was in that movie Groundhog Day. Lots of lightning. I had errands to run and there was a small break this afternoon, so I made a mad dash to the car and made it to the post office before the rain picked back up and more lightning. Listen, I walk with a large metal walker - I'm a moving lightning rod! I take these things very seriously.

So most of yesterday and today has been the Frog Wrangler and I just hanging out. I've been sick to my stomach for two days now and have a nasty hacking cough. Today I decided to skip eating all together and just keep the liquids flowing. Tonight's a new episode of Ghost Hunter on the SciFi channel. That is the most awesome show - especially when they get voices on their digital recorders - it gives me the creeps!

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Tornado Warnings!

More Rain
Originally uploaded by KenCalvino
Living here in southern Illinois, or indeed in the heartland generally, thunderstorms can be a scary event. As a kid on the east coast I loved watching a good thunderstorm, but here that means tornadoes. This morning I woke up to the tornado sirens wailing. I got up and turned on the local television station (which is actually a two hour drive from here!) because a drop of rain and they stop all programming and run storm coverage. They did not dissapoint. A tornado was on the ground in the town just to the west of here - a mere 10 miles away and was headed right Tidy Town! I got my shoes on and put the Frog Wrangler in her cage (it's in a very safe area and she can no longer traverse the cellar steps) and I headed to the basement. What a way to start your day! Thankfully the tornado turned south and by-passed here by a couple of miles. We did get a little hail - but not the baseball sized hail that was dropping with the tornado. So now it's become another day of rain - just what we need....

Hope your day is starting better. Notice the screen patch in the picture....

Monday, June 02, 2008

Nothing New

I was tooling around the internet looking for new frog collectibles - you have to keep up with what's out there. I was surprised that nothing new seems to be in the works. Everyone seems to be offering the same items that they were offering last year. If you hear or see of anything new and exciting, please let me know.

The weekend was georgous here! The temps yesterday got into the mid-80's and today it's supposed to be 90. Spring is over and summer is here. The Frog Wrangler has moved her pillows to the air conditioning grate and has pretty much parked herself there. When the air conditioner cycles off she lifts her head and looks at me as if to say - Hey, where'd the cool air go?

Yesterday was especially great because in the last two years of back pain there have been a couple days were I woke up with no pain at all. Yesterday was one of those days. I don't know why it happened but I'm sure glad it did. Today things are back to normal - sore.

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