I have a tooth that is bothering me - what else is new. Until I can get into see the dentist I looked at various web sites to see what the home remedies are. I've tried the wet tea bag with no luck. I cam across a dentist who had some ideas. He said to take a shot of whiskey and hold it over the tooth for a minute or so, then spit out the remaining whiskey. Well, that sounded like fun and so I gave it a try. I used a teaspoonful and it really does numb up the are quite well. It seemed like a waste to spit it out, so I slept pretty good last night!
The Frog Wrangler and I were up this morning. I was ready and raring to go - she wanted to go back to sleep. I sat here and looked at all the dog hair that had shed all over and decided to get busy. I just finished vacuuming and straightening up when the lawn guy showed up. I went out and together we pulled some weeds that were growing into trees, trimmed up a couple branches and made arrangements for him to clean the gutter the next time he comes out.
I came back in drenched from head to toe with sweat - another shower. I'm running up that water/sewer bill in a major way these days! Finally cooled off and am enjoying the rest of Flag Day. I didn't make it out to the parade. It's just too hot to spend a couple hours outside. I still have some cleaning to do inside, but I think I've had it for today. I'll pick it up again tomorrow and hopefully get everything finished up and looking presentable.
This whole cleaning started because the cable went out yesterday and the cable guy came over. I wondered what he must be thinking - oh well, I guess I shouldn't care, but I do. A week is just too long inbetweeen cleanings, but when you live alone, you tend to get a bit lazy. The cable guys are supposed to come back Monday or Tuesday to replace the outside lines and do some tree trimming around their lines - I'm looking for redemption.
The Frog Wrangler is not happy with me this afternoon - I moved one of her pillows and it's not where she wants it. She has spent the last half hour, at least, moving it around and checking it for proper fluffiness for laying upon. I guess she's finally satisfied because she's sound asleep - a good idea!