Emergency Warning Tones
How many times did you hear those emergency warning tones on television and radio? It happens all the time - then the announcer comes and says this has been a test of the emergency broadcast system...... Today I actually heard the tones followed by emergency information to get to you safe area in the house immediately! So off I went. Neither the Wrangler nor I are enjoying this spring/summer weather. More storms, more rain - the news today showed wide-spread flooding across the whole mid-west here. Thankfully no loss of power - it's in the 90's here and way to hot to be without air conditioning.
And so this new weeks starts much the way last week ended. It's a story that's really starting to get old.
I did hear on the news that Bush is again pressing for drilling in Alaska - it was good to hear CNN talk about it - and the fact that any drilling there will take 10 years before it ever makes it to our cars - TEN YEARS! Hopefully by then we'll be well into electric cars and other fuel alternatives. The amount there is enough to last 3 months. I'd much rather leave the wildlife in peace.
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