Tongass Rain Forest
I support the National Resources Defense Council's BioGems which works to save Endangered Wild Places. Over the course of the last eight years they have fought long and hard to keep the logging industry out of the Tongass Rain Forest. It is America's largest forest and home to bears, some of the finest salmon runs, and many endangered species of animals. The Bush administration has once again put forth a plan to put 2.3 million acres of this forest into the hands of loggers. If you've seen the show Axe Men, then you know how the forest will look when they get done. Nothing will be left. Road will be built in and out. The forest decimated. When finished, our jewel will no longer be there for everyone to enjoy. Worse, the plan of the Bush administration picks out the very center of the forest, thus meaning they will have to trounce the remainder of the forest to get to the area they will log. Once again, NRDC will head back to court. A quick search for NRDC will take you to their website. Please go and donate. Please help save the Tongass Rain Forest - a national natural heritage.
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