Nothing New
I was tooling around the internet looking for new frog collectibles - you have to keep up with what's out there. I was surprised that nothing new seems to be in the works. Everyone seems to be offering the same items that they were offering last year. If you hear or see of anything new and exciting, please let me know.
The weekend was georgous here! The temps yesterday got into the mid-80's and today it's supposed to be 90. Spring is over and summer is here. The Frog Wrangler has moved her pillows to the air conditioning grate and has pretty much parked herself there. When the air conditioner cycles off she lifts her head and looks at me as if to say - Hey, where'd the cool air go?
Yesterday was especially great because in the last two years of back pain there have been a couple days were I woke up with no pain at all. Yesterday was one of those days. I don't know why it happened but I'm sure glad it did. Today things are back to normal - sore.
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