Meerkat Manor
I tried this noon to watch an episode of Meerkat Manor - and I had to turn it. If you've watched the show at all you know that Flower, the matriarch of the meerkats, and the star of the show since it's inception, died this last season protecting her babies. You could even hear it in Sean Astin's voice as he narrated that episode. Life goes on, I know, but it just didn't seem the same.
As if that wasn't depressing enough, I received a thanks but no thanks letter today from the teaching position for which I was vying. I had heard they were filling the job from the inside, but you always have to have hope.
The Frog Wrangler and I getting on each other's nerves - the heat is just miserable. I hate to see my utility bill this next month - the air is running almost constantly and the newspaper headlines that ran in very large print across the top was the vote last night by the city council to raise the rates by 30 percent!
It's just been bad news all the way around today. I think I'm going to go take a nap and try again....
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