Today the temps did abate a little bit - mid-80's. Of course tomorrow we're back into the 90's. It was sad to turn on the news this evening to check on the weather and the newest storms that are scheduled to hit here. Iowa, unfortunately, got hit hard tonight - a boy scouts summer camp was hit by a tornado, killing at least 4. Early reports are that over 20 tornadoes were on the ground in Iowa this evening. It's scary stuff this year. I've lived here in Illinois for about 10 years or so now. This is about the worst that I've seen it in the time I've been here. Nearly every day we go under emergency storm warnings. Not to mention the amount of flooding that is happening across the mid-west.
My back, which had been feeling pretty good lately, rebelled from my going out yesterday. So instead of going out again today I'm waiting until tomorrow. I need to go to the dollar store to pick up some small bottles that I can fill with milk and put in the freezer. I bought a whole gallon of milk and it will go bad before I could ever use it all, so AB tells me that it will freeze fine. That's what I'm going to do!
Tonight's post is rather late, so I'm going to sign off and go to bed. We'll do it all again tomorrow!
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