Frog of the Day
It's been a recouperating couple of days. My jaw is still a bit swollen and sore, but hopefully that will all pass soon. The weather has finally cooled off here at Frog Central and I'm looking forward to opening up windows and airing out the place. This morning I heard a frog in the yard croaking for all he was worth. My morning sounds of nature was disturbed by the neighbors yapping miniature schnauzer. The Frog Wrangler gave it the evil eye but otherwise went about her business, knowing full well that little shrimp was no threat to her territory.
This frog item is another of the very small ceramic frogs I've received over the years. This frog stands barely 2 inches tall and is made in the wide-mouthed style. There are no identifying marks on this item and I do not have a date for it.