The Frog Wrangler had had, for the most part, a pretty good week. She is totally obsessed over the old pillows I took off of my bed last month. I had just thrown them down on the floor and she latched on to them. I was originally going to throw them out the next day, but I thought what the heck, let her enjoy them. Here she is employing a favorite tactic - lay on both at the same time. What makes this even funnier for me is that I bought her a fancy dog bed years ago and she wouldn't have anything to do with it. I finally gave it away. But these pillows - the Wrangler, I think, would protect with her life! Too funny.
The Wrangler is especially happy that the rain stopped. And so will I, the whole washing the mud off her feet every time she went out was getting old - fast. Now it's supposed to be replaced with about 7 inches of snow tonight. We'll see. The weathermen always seem to forecast the worst and by the time it's all said and done, you're lucky if you've gotten any snow at all.
I do hope that if the weather gets bad that it hold of until after 12 tomorrow. I'm going out to pick up my Angelfood Order. That is the greatest program ever. It is like a nationwide co-op. I would highly recommend it to anyone.
I went to Walmart today. Just because I got the new freezer, doesn't mean I need to fill it in one day! As I was telling Mom earlier today - I filled my cart full and came home and put it all on one shelf in the freezer. I thought I was going to bust a gut laughing. I'll never want for freezer space, that's for sure.
Tomorrow all the people I sent fruitcake to should be receiving it - I can't wait to hear what they think of it. I'm enjoying it myself. I slice off a small piece most mid-afternoons and sit back with a cup of tea and enjoy. I figure I'm getting a couple servings towards the daily recommended fruits with that slice! I'm on the hunt now for little loaf pans. I think next year I want to make 1 pound loaves. These 3 1/2 pound loaves were a good size until it came to dividing it up.
Have a great weekend all. I may be back with some snow pics over the weekend.