Saturday Morning Mid-West Blizzard
Thankfully, it's not hitting here as of right now. It's supposed to be going a little north of Frog Central - only rain is forecast for here. But with temperatures in the 30's and 40's and overnight temperatures in the 20's any ground that is wet will ice over quickly. I finally broke down and turned the heat up in the house from 68 to 70. I need to start baking more to keep the place warm and toasty.
The Frog Wrangler and I were up about 6:30 this morning, but with cold floors and a chill in the house, I raced back to bed to listen to NPR from under the covers of my flannel sheet and heavy blanket. The Wrangler thought that was a good idea and she used her steps and hopped up on the bed and laid across the foot of the bed. My feet were never so warm! She's like a blast furnace - no wonder she loves the cold so much.
It's nice having my car back. Yesterday in my running around I stopped by the resale shop and on the way home stopped by the DQ to get a blizzard treat. I really missed doing that.
Saw on the news that Evel Knievel died. Those of us that are old enough to remember his daredevil jumps and crashes know what an icon of 70's he was. It got me thinking of this generations program Jackass - those guys may have thought they were groundbreaking and doing dangerous stunts. They only needed to look at Knievel.
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