Last Week Before Christmas
And I've been snowed in. Or more correctly, iced in. Everything has been coated with ice and I'm not stepping one foot outside. Thankfully I've got enough provisions stored in the pantry for such an emergency. The weather is finally supposed to moderate today to the mid-40's. That should take care of all this ice and snow. Now if my walker just had ski attachments I might feel differently about the bad weather. The Frog Wrangler was in all her glory over the weekend with the snow, but then it froze solid - so while it looked like her favorite precipitation, it sure didn't act like it. She could not get her footing and she is over it. I opened the door this morning and she just looked at me like you have to be kidding - I have to to go out there again!
I put the last of all my fruitcake fruits together and today I'll mix up the cake batter so I can bake them off tomorrow. So far I've gotten good reports from those people I sent some to. MG called last night and said I should label it as "Adult Version." He agreed with me in that you don't taste the alcohol so much as have a nice warm and fuzzy feeling afterward. I guess 6 weeks in brandy wraps will do that.
I got a Christmas card yesterday. I did all my shopping on-line and had everything sent to where it needs to go. It sure beats the crowds at the mall - plus a lot easier to comparison shop.
The amaryllis bud opened and 3 large flowers are now making their way to opening up. A couple more days and it should be in full bloom. A nice velvet red color. I can't wait to take some pictures.
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