Rival newspapers
Here in this tiny little Tidy Town we have 2 town newspapers and 1 county newspaper. It is quite a rivalry among the town papers and people are fanatic in their support of one and hatred of the other. That extends to businesses and in what's going on in town. So it's funny that most people know only half of the events going on in town. I'm sure I'm considered a traitor by everyone because I subscribe to both newspapers. I also get the St. Louis newspaper on Sundays. I'm sure at the next harvest celebration I'll be the one to draw the paper with the black mark (just kidding - but wondering if they had such a lottery here did cross my mind when I first moved here! Aside note: If you haven't read The Lottery, a short story, you may be wondering what the hell I'm talking about. Check it out - a quick read and a great story, plus it was made into a movie.)
I'm getting an impressive grocery list going but I'm waiting a couple days yet before I go. I want to have to make just one trip for the month so I'm scouring the shelfs and pantry to be sure I have absolutely everything on the list I might want or need.
The temps have cooled off quite a bit. It may make 70 degrees today - the temps tonight are supposed to be in the low 40's so I may be turning on my heat. I need to put a call out to the plumber to have him come and service the furnace.
Guess it's time to get the day started......