Frog Collectibles & Other Such Nonsense: 03/01/2010 - 04/01/2010

Frog Collectibles & Other Such Nonsense

A look at my frog collectibles as I get them and my wacky world in the meantime.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Frog of the Day

I began cleaning out the office yesterday - I got a lot done, but I'll still be working on it today for a bit, dusting and running the vaccuum cleaner and such. Gertie was not amused that I was spending so much time not playing with her.

This frog item is from Collectibles Etc. and is made exclusively for them. It is a frog mouthwash holder. It stands a full 11 1/2 inches tall and is quite heavy. It is ceramic and has a made in China stamp on the bottom. I received this March 2010.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Frog of the Day

Bronner's - Frog Groom
Originally uploaded by KenCalvino
It was nice to take the weekend and just relax, play with the dog, and recharge the batteries a little. I did spend some time looking into genealogy - it's been fascinating reading accounts of the first Indian wars through the Revolutionary war. Today I'm ready to dig in and start cleaning my office - it seems boxes quickly take over every inch of space.

This frog collectible is the companion Christmas ornament to the previous Bronner's bride. This is the Frog Groom. Although I question why he's the one holding the boquet. This is a glass blown ornament. I received this January 2010.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Frog of the Day

Bronner's - Frog Bride
Originally uploaded by KenCalvino
Wednesday night I received a call from my doctor - at 8 o'clock in the evening. On a fluke I had asked to have a vitamin D test and she also added a vitamin B-12 test which she stated goes hand in hand with the vitamin D. So she called me to tell me that my levels barely registered on the test. So this afternoon I'm going for my first Vitamin B-12 injection. Everyone says you feel really good afterwards - I certainly hope so. After the doctor's office I'm off to the pharmacy to pick up some prescription strength vitamin D.

Yesterday we had some pretty bad storms here. Lots of rain, but worse was the wind. Every time I got the computer up and running the electric flickered off and on and I had to start over - after a couple of times I just left it off for the day.

This frog collectible is a Christmas ornament from Bronner's Christmas Wonderland and is called Frog Bride. The ornament is a blown glass ornament in the style of Radko. It was made in China. It has quite a bit of glitter on the shoes, crown, and in the form of a big heart on the front of the dress. I received this January 2010.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Frog of the Day

Plastic Frog with Lights
Originally uploaded by KenCalvino
This morning has started early and it's grand central station around here - lots of phone calling back and forth amongst friends. It's a bit cool here - but the temps during the day have been great, the high 60's and low 70's. My daylilies are growing by leaps and bounds. The hibiscus hedge has buds all up and down the branches. Spring is ready come into full bloom

I'm going to DQ this afternoon. I went over this last weekend and ordered one of their blizzards of the month - mint oreo. When I got home there was no mint! I called them and I'm getting one for free - so I'm going to cash in today.

Gertie and I were just startled by a bird hitting the window. I don't know who it scared more - but in looking out I noticed that my dafodills are all in bloom! I also noticed that I have a lot of yard work to do out there - but the temps only get into the high 60's - that's too cold to get out there and

This frog item is a little plastic from from China but I absolutely love it. It has a battery in the bottom and when you touch the little button, it lights up. It flashes red, orange, blue, and yellow for about 15 to 20 seconds then turns off. There are little hearts painted on it - and I received it February 2010 for Valentine's Day.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

A little dog blogging

Originally uploaded by KenCalvino
Yesterday I could barely move - we've had quite a few days of rain here. One thing I got done - and was way overdue - was to get an appointment with the doggie day spa for Gertie. She loves it there and goes right off with the groomer. I went back an hour later to pick her up and she smelled great and had on her cowgirl bandana. She was ready to pose for some pictures when we got home.

Monday, March 22, 2010

World Water Day

Approximately 1.1 billion people do not have access to clean water - including 10 percent of Americans. The lack of vital resources are going to be the basis in which future wars will be waged. We only need to look to history for confirmation.

Bottled water is not an answer either. It takes precious oil to manufacture the bottles. The bottles are manufactured with BPA - a very dangerous chemical. And then what is being found is that many of those bottle are finding their way into the oceans where they aren't biodegradable, but instead splinter from exposure to the sunlight into ever smaller and smaller pieces. Fish are eating those small particles and dying - or worse yet, poisons from the water that the plastic absorbs like a sponge, is now released into the fish's system and may become our dinner.

I can't sit here and say what the answer is to remedy all our water woes. I do know that I use a filter on my sink for drinking water - which works really well. I don't waste water on the lawn - it may get a bit brown in August, but it always comes back nice and green. There are gray water systems you can add to your house as well as rain collection systems. All I can say is that on this one day - World Water Day - think about the water you use, how easy it is to just turn on the tap and there it is - and what your world would be like if that tap yielded nothing. Because for a lot of people that's exactly what is happening.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Frog of the Day

Yesterday was a very bad day. On Thursday, the phlebotomist was nt able to get my blood, so I had to go back yesterday. The one rule I have for them, is that when they stick me - if they miss to not dig around or I'll pass out on them. She missed - dug around - I screamed bloody murder and started swooning. Thankfully she decided to try again - with success in the middle of my forearm - another very painful place to draw blood from (she warned me ahead of time). I don't know what she hit with that first stick that made me scream, but I came home, laid down and nearly cried my eyes out because it hurt so bad. This morning it is still really sore.

This frog item is a perennial favorite. It is from Palmer's Animal Expressions and is a Valentin's Day card with a foil wrapped piece of chocolate. The outside says "Hey Valentine!" The inside says "You're Toadally Sweet!" I received this February 2010.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Frog of the Day

This morning I saw three little cardinals playing in the hibiscus hedge. Gertie got up a bit early and at that time I like to sit outside listening to the birds. The robins have been back for awhile, as have the mourning doves. Today was he first for the cardinals and they looked like very young ones. My daylillies shoots are about 4 inches high - it's official, Spring is right around the corner.

This frog collectible is from Merck's Family Old World Christmas and is a hand-blown glass ornament in the style of Radko. This piece is called Ponderous Frog. I received this January 2010.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Happy St. Patrick's Day

Annalee - 4" Irish Frog

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Frog of the Day

It's been an exhausting couple of days. Yesterday afternoon I had a doctor's appointment - well with a physician's assistant - you never get to actually see a doctor. I spent the morning getting ready and left right after lunch. I sat in the waiting room for over an hour - I finally griped that I was going to leave and of course as I'm getting myself ready to go the door opens and they call my name. So back I go to a room, where I sit for over 45 minutes. In the end it was all worth it though because the P.A. I was supposed to be seeing quit and I saw an actual dotor! For the first time since I moved here! There is an actual doctor in this town! And she was cheaper than the P.A. I had seen for the last 5 years. Guess who I'm going to see from now on.

Today I had to go over to CVS to pick up my prescriptions. And of course I have a new prescription plan so I had to wait an hour while they imput the information and waited for authorization. But now I'm home and there was a big sale on Easter candy at CVS - so I may be in a sugar coma in about an hour - so I thought I better put this sheet of stickers up that I also found today at CVS.

This frog item is from American Greetings and is from their Stickety-Doo-Da line. The package contains 2 sheet of tree frog stickers. I picked these stickers up today, March 16, 2010 at CVS.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Frog of the Day

ThinkFun - Hoppers
Originally uploaded by KenCalvino
Gertie didn't wake up until 7 this morning - too bad it took the entire country moving their clocks ahead an hour for it to happen. I stayed up last night watching Saturday Night Live - the whole show was pretty funny - that hasn't happened in a long time. It won't be live again until the middle of next month when Tina Fey hosts - that ought to be good. Sad news yesterday to hear that Keith Olbermann's dad passed away.

This frog item is a solitaire frog grame from ThinkFun called Hoppers. This is the second incarnation of this game - it has a twist in that you have a red frog that when you're done should be the only one standing. There is also the Classic Version of this game available. I received this January 2010.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Friday Dog Blogging

Originally uploaded by KenCalvino
Gertie has had a really good week. She's gotten back into the routine around the house. Secretly, I think she enjoyed having 4 people to keep track of, plus all the people who came in and out. Here it's just me. We had quite a bit of lightening the other night and after the first big boom that woke us both with a start, she was happy to lay at the bottom of the bed and basically ignored it.

I took this picture after Gertie had a run-in with the neighbor's cat - she's telling me just how big it was! LOL She told that cat this was her yard.

Frog of the Day - Day 2 What's in the Box

Yesterday was pretty interesting. About 3 in the morning a huge bolt of lightning strikes nearby - shaking the house. After Gertie and I peel ourselves off the ceiling, I notice the power is out. It's the middle of the night so I don't really care too much. The power was spotty all morning yesterday. Finally the storm passes and things seem to be back to normal - except the cable is out. The cable comes on right on time to see my evening programs.

I decided I want to try this paint by number and so I opened the box to take a look. Then I looked at the board and all the squiggly lines and hundreds of numbers. It looks like a daunting task, and a lot different than the paint by number kits when I was a kid, but I'll give it the old college try. I won't give you a daily update, but don't be surprised to see it return from time to time so I can show you how far I haven't gotten - LOL.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Frog of the Day

Only spurts of rain appeared yesterday and the same is supposed to happen today. I'm glad we're not getting the 5 days of hard rain they called for. Gertie spent yesterday catching up on her rest, and from the looks, she's going to do the same today. I know I had a tough time getting up today. I was sore from head to toe - every joint just screaming. Maybe I'll spend time today doing a little paint by number....

This frog item is from Paint Works by Dimensions and is a paint by number kit - intermediate level. The title of the canvas is Frog Pile-up. I received this through the mail March 2010.

Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Frog of the Day

Bronner's - Frog Prince
Originally uploaded by KenCalvino
Today were expecting some thundershowers, so I'm getting a frog up early and getting the computer turned back off.

This frog collectible is an ornament from Bronner's Christmas Store and is called Frog Prince. It is a glass ornament in the style of Radko. It has a tag stating it was made in China. I received this January 2010.

Monday, March 08, 2010

Spring Fever

I've been AWOL with a bit of spring fever these last couple of days. It has been so nice out - in the 50's today that Gertie and I have been outside soaking up some sun. Wonderful! I'm glad we took the time because for the next 5 days it's supposed to rain!

I went shopping on-line this last week for some new clothes - they arrived on Saturday. I went through the on-line clearance rack and saved 60% off. On Saturday I also received a couple new froggie items - and more came today. I'll be back tomorrow with a new Frog of the Day for sure.

The mail today also contained a letter that said "Census 2010" on the outside. I thought great, I can fill out my census form and get it sent back. Nope. It was a letter telling me that the census was going to be arriving in the mail sometime in the next two weeks. I wonder whose genius idea it was to waste postage sending out that piece of mail. They complain about how expensive the census has become. In December someone from the census came to my door and asked me if my address was correct on the house. It seems like a lot of needless things going on behind the scenes.

Friday, March 05, 2010


Yesterday was a long day. Gertie continues to get up at 7 a.m. -- Eastern Time. Since I live in the Central Time Zone, this is quite early. Hopefully when we spring ahead in what, 9 days or so, she'll be back on track. While it was a bit early for breakfast, I spent about 15 minutes paying the first of the month bills - I love on-line bill pay. Only two bills that had to be sent out.

Then I ran down to the gas station. While I was on the road I filled up with 93 octane - which of course I can't get here. I put in some 89 octane and paid more than when I was on the road. Plus I don't get as much mileage out of it. The bank was next and then the post office, which had a line out the door and only 1 window open - I guess I should be happy that we still have a post office.

Then it was off to Walmart to do some serious grocery shopping. I haven't shopped heavily since the beginning of November. Needless to say - 3 hours later and with an over-flowing cart I finally had most of what I was looking for. I'm wondering if our Walmart is going to close - empty shelves all over the place and all the annoying displays at the end of aisles and that block the entrance as you go in were all gone. It was amazing to see it so empty.

The one good thing is that they had Mrs. T's perogies - they must have finally taken my weekly e-mail complaint to heart. I bought the giant 60 perogie size bag and second flavor in the 48 perogie size bag. I can't wait to get the deep fryer going! I got everything except fruits and vegetables - that will have to be another trip - next week. I'm exhausted!! I was surprised that I got so much done and other than being tired today I'm feeling pretty good.

Gertie has been telling me just how much she did not enjoy the fact I was gone for so long and if she hasn't been crawling into my arms to be held, she's bringing me toys to play. And if I'm not paying enough attention to her she's pretty vocal - it's kind of funny because she really isn't all that vocal very often. It's hard not to laugh but I let her know that it's unacceptable behaviour - she's finally curled up at my feet and to tell you the truth, a nap sounds good right about now.....

Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Computer Downgrade

I've spent this afternoon and evening downgrading my computer. I know that sounds wrong, but internet explorer was giving me fits. The new version doesn't work with Vista - no matter what the technicians say. Finally, my computer is working the way it should and not freezing and shutting down every time I log onto the internet. The latest upgrades are not always the best thing - I like to wait until they've worked out all the bugs. Of course - my computer tried to immediately upgrade back up to the latest version of explorer. A quick hand stopped that - pronto!

I turned down the heat in the house as the temps outside are starting to rise. A little cool in the evening and overnight, but the daytime temps are hitting close to 50 and supposed to be there over the weekend.

In other news, I found Hulu. If you're not familiar, it's a great website that has a lot of television shows and movies on it. I was able to catch up on some of my shows that I missed while I was away - fantastic. I was hoping that I could use it to watch a lot of my television shows - and get rid of my cable bill - a lot of people are doing it now, but some of my favorite shows aren't listed.

Frog of the Day

Gertie woke up early and all morning I'm feeling like it's later than it really is. Television was crap last night. Tonight is the return of Ghost Hunters with a live show - they usually aren't all that good either. Still no word from AB - she's been AWOL since before Christmas. Not sure what is going on with her these days. I think I need a mid-morning nap, although now I'm afraid it will give me diabetes. Did you see the news report yesterday that people who nap are 30 times more likely to develop type II diabetes. I don't know what else you're supposed to do when you can't keep your eyes open one second longer......

This frog colletible is a Christmas ornament. This ornament is from Bronner's Christmas Store - they have a nice lot of frog ornaments on their website, by the way. The ornament is called Frog w/Snowman on Sled. It is 3 inches high by 4 inches long and is made of resin. It has a made in China stamp on the tag. I like the Let it Snow motto on the front of the sled - and the frog orange socks are fun too.

Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Frog of the Day

Toymax - Santa's Secret
Originally uploaded by KenCalvino
I made it out to IGA yesterday to do a little necessary shopping - I forgot to get hot chocolate though. Breakfast this morning was just not the same.

This frog plush is another from Toymax XYZ Plush and is also called Santa's Secret. It's coloring and material is a bit different from yesterday's. It is the same size - though the eye placement makes him look a little deranged, doesn't it? I received this January 2010.

Monday, March 01, 2010

Frog of the Day

Toymax - Santa's Secret
Originally uploaded by KenCalvino
It's Monday morning and I'm feeling much better. I might not say the same after I go grocery shopping today....

This frog plush is from Toymax XYZ Plush and is called Santa's Secret. It is very soft with polyfill filling. It is a full 12 inches tall and really cute! I received this January 2010.

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