Frog Collectibles & Other Such Nonsense: 04/01/2010 - 05/01/2010

Frog Collectibles & Other Such Nonsense

A look at my frog collectibles as I get them and my wacky world in the meantime.

Friday, April 30, 2010

Friday Dog Blogging

Originally uploaded by KenCalvino
Gertie has had a pretty good week. If the weather has been nice, we've been outside taking full advantage of it. Unfortunately, it has rained quite a bit and is supposed to again this whole weekend. She's been taking in all the new wldlife - including a small robin that earned her several dive-bombs from the parents until the little one could get airborne again.

Gertie is always ready to play and she waits patiently for me to get off the computer. She stood there looking at me and I couldn't help but give little laugh and snap her picture. Then of course we had to go play for a while. I mean, who could say no to that face......

Thursday, April 29, 2010

A Weird Week

Time seems to have gone into some kind of overdrive this week. I went out this morning to get the car washed - the maple tree's little whirly-gigs had coated the entire outside of the car. I was quite embarrased going to the clinic to get my B-12 shot the other day. So I pulled into the bay and deposited two dollars worth of quarters - I blasted those little suckers. They flew off and stuck to the wall of the car wash bay - I kind of feel sorry for the guy who has to clean up afterwards. By the time I got home and Gertie and I had some play time outside - it was 5 o'clock.

I've been tackling a genealogy mystery in my spare time and I have to say it has me quite vexed. I think I'll end up shelving much of it until I head back east and can dome some research of old newspapers at the library.

The weekend is almost here and I can hardly wait - the OddFellows are having a BBQ this weekend and so I'm heading over to check it out. This weekend is also the town rummage sale weekend. Maybe I'll see something good between here and there.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Frog of the Day

Frog Shower Curtain
Originally uploaded by KenCalvino
The rain, thunder, and lightning have finally stopped this morning. I had to get my B-12 shot. I can hardly wait for this thing to kick in. In the meantime, when I got home I was exhausted and I laid down for a nap. Genealogy research takes over the rest of my time - I find it both fascinating and frustrating at times.

This frog item is a Frog Shower Curtain. I received it April 2010. It is made in China.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Frog of the Day

It's been a good couple of days. I actually feel better today than I have in a while. Gertie and I had fun this morning - she saw a real opposum for the first time. It walked right down the property line between me and the neighbor - sauntering as if it didn't have a care in the world. It started across the front lawn when a car went by and it ran for all it was worth back to the neighbor's shed. Gertie was just amazed and couldn't stop staring at it. Me, I laughed my head off - I used to live on Possum Hollow Road and had a possum in the house - I've come to look at them as an omen. Good or bad I haven't figured out

This frog collectible is from Bits and Pieces and is a Frog Puzzle. Not as easy as it looks, but a lot of fun. I received this January 2010. A great addition to the collection.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Frog of the Day

Dimensions - Thing Green
Originally uploaded by KenCalvino
Yesterday and today have been something else. Yesteday I logged onto the internet only to have hundreds of windows open up on me. The only way I could get it to stop was to close the computer down. It seems I picked up a virus somewhere. It took most of the day running scans, virus software, etc. until finally I was able to get back on the internet.

Today I'm just exhausted - I really can't wait until I get my next B-12 shot. When I'm awake I feel like I'm walking in sludge and all I want to do is go back to bed. So that's what I ended up doing today - Gertie was all for it!

This frog item is another kit from Dimensions and it is called Think Green. It is 7 x 5 inces and done in counted cross stitch. I purchased this March 2010.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Frog of the Day

Yesterday was such a nice day here at Frog Central. The temps have been a bit cooler but as long as you stayed in the sun it is still enjoyable to be outside. At least no snow like Mom's had....hehehe. I finally broke down and called the lawn guy to come mow the lawn and he showed up yesterday afternoon. I stayed outside to supervise and I'm glad I did - he missed a lot of trim work and I made him get out his weed wacker and redo it. I bet he grumbled about me all the way home. The lawn always looks nice right after it has been cut - now I just need to get the flower beds straightened out.

This frog collectible, sure to become an heirloom once I find someone that does counted cross stitch, is from Dimensions and is called Tree Frog Trio. It measures 7 x 5 inches. They're cute and I can't wait to see it done. I purchased this in March 2010.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Weekend Dog Blogging

Originally uploaded by KenCalvino
Yesterday it was thunder and lightning here at Frog Central all day - but no rain. Still, it quickl cooled off and this morning I was lamenting that I had not turned the heat back on before going to bed.

Gertie has had a really good week - and as you can tell from this picture - being a bit goofy as well. Gertie loves to jump in your lap and give you a lick on the nose. I just know in this picture she's thinking "I'm going to lick ya!" LOL

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Chicken, Squirrels, and Air Conditioning

I had done quite a bit of cooking last week while the temps were not quite as high as they are this week. Today we're supposed to hit 89 degree - way too hot way too soon. The stockpile of food ran out yesterday and so today I had to turn on the oven to cook up about 10 pieces of chicken - enough to last for a while. This house is so little that when you turn on the oven - it quickly becomes unbearably hot when the temps are up outside. Today I finally broke down and turned the air conditioner on. After dark I should be able to open the windows up again - it quickly cools off once the sun goes down.

A baby squirrel fell from the tree two days ago that put me into a moral dilemma. I loathe the squirrels and the damage they do. The white ones are cute enough and there aren't that many of them running around the yard. The grey ones - quite a few, and I wouldn't mind seeing quite a bit fewer. But this was a little baby one and it was obviously dying. It would lift its head and look around but that was all it could do. I thought of going out there and putting it out of its misery, but I ddidn't think I could do it - so I let nature take its course. The problem with this whole situation is that it fell right next to the rear door of my car - where I load my walker. So the carcass will have to be moved. And as my friend EH says - the misery always comes back around to

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Frog of the Day

Frogs Gone Wild!
Originally uploaded by KenCalvino
Gertie and I spent practically the entire day yesterday in bed - I don't remember when I've been so tired. I can hardly wait until my next B-12 shot!

This frog item is from White Mountain Puzzles and is a puzzle entitled Frogs Gone Wild. The picture is by Lori Schory. Lori is known for her wildlife paintings - they have been used by a number of puzzle makers and greeting card companies. This puzzle is a 1000 piece puzzle, measuring 24 x 30 inches. I can't wait to get started.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Frog of the Day

CVS - Frog Waterglobe
Originally uploaded by KenCalvino
Another beautiful day at Frog Central. Gertie and I have been enjoying the outdoor wildlife - well, I've been enjoying it, Gertie's been chasing it! Either way, it's nice to get out during the day when the temps are in the high 60's and low 70's. The cardinals are especially fun to watch in the hedgerow. A couple of very small ones are swooping aound, chasing each other. They made the mistake this morning of invading the territory of an especially large robin - who let them know in no uncertain terms to take their tomfoolery elsewhere!

This frog item is from CVS and is a Valentine's Frog Waterglobe. A cute little item that stands only 4.5 inches tall. I received this for Valentine's Day 2010.

Friday, April 09, 2010

Friday Dog Blogging

Originally uploaded by KenCalvino
Gertie has had a pretty good week this week. The temperatures outside were up for the most part and I've had the windows open, which she found endlessly fascinating. Even when she's in front of the camera with usual leg raised pose - a noise outside and she's got to check it out. And she has unwavering concentration when something catches her eye.

Local History

I'm finding that this little town of Flora, Illinois in which I live was once quite a big deal. The papers have a small column telling of the history of this area and it's really pretty interesting. But this week that column exploded onto the front page with the story of a time when the town changed its name to Fordtown.

Fifty years ago the Ford company sent fliers to everyone in town asking them if they were going to buy a car what type would they buy - little did they know they were filling out a request for the car they would be test driving. Weeks later Ford came to town and every car dealership - including non-Ford dealers set up shop to help register everyone into their new Fords for a week. The only catch was that the only color the cars came in was white. It was a huge success and media poured into the area from all over the country - including The New York Times. At the end of the week the test drivers were given deals to buy the cars if they wanted. It was the only promotion of its type that Ford did, and Flora was the lucky spot because at the time they were the population center-point of the country.

I find history fascinating and I thought this little piece of local history was one worth passing on.

Thursday, April 08, 2010

Frog of the Day

Frogs Playing Checkers
Originally uploaded by KenCalvino
Yesterday it was thunder and lightning here at Frog Central. Some of the thunder bothered Gertie - only in that she barked at it and wanted to chase after it and couldn't figure out quite from where it was coming. The temps plummeted after the storm went through and by tonight we are supposed to be back into the 30's overnight! I had to turn the heat back on last night before I went to bed just in case. I know it will be running tonight. I already miss the fresh breezes blowing through the house, airing out all the winter mustiness.

This frog item is from the catalog Paragon and is an outdoor statuary of two frogs playing checkers. Of course frogs love to play checkers, but they don't use regular pieces like we do - they use ladybugs and bumblebees. If you take an opponents piece - you get to eat it! I received this January 2010. It is made out of a resin and is quite heavy.

Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Frog of the Day

It's time for a tea party. I'll get the teacups:

Collectibles, Etc. - Frog Tea Set

You like them, eh. They are ceramic, made in China exclusively for Collections, Etc. Here's a closer look at the Girl Teacup:

Frog Tea Set - Girl

A cute dragonfly and flower spoon. It is mirrored in the boy's teacup - here's a closer look at that one:

Frog Tea Set - Boy

Now that I'm ready for tea, all I need is someone to invite - hmmm....


Now that's a tea party!

Saturday, April 03, 2010

Weekend Dog Blogging

Gertie wants to tell you to have a Happy Easter!


Friday, April 02, 2010

Frog of the Day

It is another beautiful day here at Frog Central. The temps are already in the 70's and heading towards the low 80's. It ended up a bit warm yesterday - by the late afternoon the temperature topped out at 88 degrees. That's too warm too fast.

This frog collectible is from Hand-Made Deigns and is a plush. It has "Beware of Attack Frog" on it. The tag says Made in China. The inside is filled with fiberfill and gravel. I don't know what the material is that is used for the outside - it's quite rough, like burlap. I received this January 2010. A cute addition to the collection.

Thursday, April 01, 2010

Playing Hookie

Yesterday and today have been so nice - it was 78 degrees yesterday and 80 degrees today - Gertie and I have decided to play hookie and spend as much time outside as possible. Tomorrow is also supposed to be nice, but then it's going to get colder again for the weekend. So get outside and enjoy it while you can.....

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