Frog of the Day
Yesterday and today have been something else. Yesteday I logged onto the internet only to have hundreds of windows open up on me. The only way I could get it to stop was to close the computer down. It seems I picked up a virus somewhere. It took most of the day running scans, virus software, etc. until finally I was able to get back on the internet.
Today I'm just exhausted - I really can't wait until I get my next B-12 shot. When I'm awake I feel like I'm walking in sludge and all I want to do is go back to bed. So that's what I ended up doing today - Gertie was all for it!
This frog item is another kit from Dimensions and it is called Think Green. It is 7 x 5 inces and done in counted cross stitch. I purchased this March 2010.
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