Frog Collectibles & Other Such Nonsense: 05/01/2006 - 06/01/2006

Frog Collectibles & Other Such Nonsense

A look at my frog collectibles as I get them and my wacky world in the meantime.

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Frog of the Day

Russ - Tadpole
Originally uploaded by KenCalvino.
I know it's early in the morning, but with it being so hot the Frog Wrangler and I are looking to have some ice cream. Today's supposed to be the last day of the heat wave, so we're taking advantage while we can....

This frog collectible is another in the line of Kathleen Kelly Creations from Russ Berrie Co. This is part of The Country Folks Line and is called Tadpole. Looks like he's caught himself a nice fish dinner.

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Frog of the Day

Leonardo - Felicity Frog
Originally uploaded by KenCalvino.
Hope everyone had a good holiday. The Frog Wrangler and I thought of going out and having a picnic (anybody who knows me would laugh hysterically at that statement) but with temperatures in the mid-90's we thought it better to stay inside and enjoy the air conditioning. Felicity here is doing what I need to do this afternoon - a little shopping.

This frog collectible is Felicity Frog by Leonardo. It is copyrighted by Lesser & Pavey Ltd. and Licensed by The Heritage Mint. It is part of the Little Nook Village and dates to 1989. A very fine collectible and displayed prominently in my display case.

Friday, May 26, 2006

Frog of the Day

Ceramic Patriotic Frog
Originally uploaded by KenCalvino.
It's the start of a long Memorial Day holiday and so Frog Central is going to go and enjoy the weekend. Have a great holiday and we'll see you right back here on Tuesday.

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Frog of the Day

Boston Warehouse - Frog Candle
Originally uploaded by KenCalvino.
It was a wild ride last night! About 6:30 the sky went pitch black, sirens started wailing, and as I ran around closing windows I saw the tree in my front yard - a very tall maple about 30 years old - bend over to touch the ground. As I stood there amazed at what I was seeing (stupid thing to do when the tornado sirens are wailing, I admit) the electrical lines along the street started glowing green. That got me moving to the basement. Of course it was all over by the time I got down to the basement, but the power went out and was out for about 4 hours. All part of living in Illinois. Since they're calling for the same weather this afternoon, I plan on being a little better prepared in the basement - water, flash light, something to do.

This frog collectible is a candle. It is from the Boston Warehouse Trading Corp. I've had this candle in my collection for a long time, but I do not have a specific year.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Frog of the Day

Frog Sign
Originally uploaded by KenCalvino.
So I watched Stephen King's Desperation last night. I'm a big S.K. fan. But I get suckered into watching the movies which are so bad compared to the books. Oh well, tonight is the season ender of Lost. I will then be able to turn the television off for the summer.

This frog item was purchased at a craft seller's store. This was made by Menachett and is a cute frog sign. I do not have a date for this item.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Frog of the Day

Provo Craft - Frog Stickers
Originally uploaded by KenCalvino.
Guess who overslept this morning - and it wasn't the Frog Wrangler! Making up for the last couple of nights lack of sleep. It really was the fact that I unpacked 3 boxes last night and today I have to finish finding places to put things. You think that after 8 months I'd have finished unpacking, but you'd be wrong - there are still boxes everywhere!

This frog item is 2 sheets of stickers from Provo Craft in Utah. These stickers are no longer available from the company. You can go to their websit at to see what other frog items they have.

Monday, May 22, 2006

Frog of the Day

Monday morning and already I need a nap. Woke up at 4 a.m. and could not get back to sleep! On the plus side, I've gotten a lot of work done this morning. Now if only my back would cooperate enough for me to go grocery shopping....

Today's frog collectible is a Chopping Board from Wilscombe located in Somerset, England. I do not have a date for this item.

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Frog of the Day

The Frog Wrangler and I are enjoying the weather - 72 degrees today. We're well aware that a heat wave is building in over this next week and the temps are going to climb into the 90's. That's air conditioning weather! Off to read the sunday paper...

This frog collectible is from United Design Corp. and is part of their Stone Critter Littles line. This little guy is called Frog Pollywog. You can see that he still has his pollywog tail. This has a Made in America sticker on the bottom (something so rarely seen these days!). The stock number is SCL-807. The Stone Critters Littles date to the later 1990's and are retired.

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Frog of the Day

Ceramic Frog
Originally uploaded by KenCalvino.
One of the things I like about my collection are those items which are unique. Everyone knows I collect frogs and so from time to time I receive a frog that someone has gone through the trouble to make. This is one of those items. It is a ceramic frog that I received as a gift many years ago.

Very Late Dog Blogging

Originally uploaded by KenCalvino.
The Frog Wrangler waited very patiently for her Friday spotlight, but patience wears thin, as her picture seems to show. Really she finally woke up long enough for me to snap a shot! That's her bed head look. Hey, it's tough work looking after all those frogs every day. And the doorbell, which rings randomly for no apparent reason, requires copious amounts of barking. Even at 3 a.m.......

Friday, May 19, 2006

Frog of the Day

Frog Trinket Box
Originally uploaded by KenCalvino.
Well there was excitement at Frog Central yesterday. We had another earthquake! It measured 2.9 and definitely gave the place a little shake. You just never think of southern Illinois as being on a fault line, but apparently they've had quite the history with damaging quakes.

This frog item is a trinket box, made in China. I can find no identifying marks on this piece. It is probably about 10 years old - that's roughly the time period when the frog trinket boxes really became popular.

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Frog of the Day

Wow did I oversleep this morning! I think all the troubles with my back finally caught up with me. It's a little warmer today and so the windows are open and the Frog Wrangler is happy to patrol the grounds.

This frog collectible is from the Van Group, which owns Character Collectibles. They hired artist Pete Apsit to produce their various lines of animal collectibles. This little guy is from the Frog Follies line. At the time of their release I'm sure they all had different names, but my research has not produced any leads. I do not have a date for this item, but it is retired.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Frog of the Day

Since it's the middle of the week, you have to drink light beer. Save the hard stuff for the weekend....

This frog item is a bottle of Crazy Ed's Frog Light Premium Beer. It was brewed by the Black Mountain Brewing Company in Cave Creek, Arizona. If you go to Cave Creek be sure to stop by the brewery's Satisfied Frog Saloon.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Frog of the Day

Country and Western Frog
Originally uploaded by KenCalvino.
My back decided to go on holiday without me. Sounds like a great title for a country and western song - wonder if froggy here will sing it.

This little frog item is a resin country and western singer. He's strumming his banjo, dressed in jeans and hat. Made in China, I'm not sure of the date of this item.

Monday, May 15, 2006

Frog of the Day

Monday morning and still chuckling over the opening skit of Saturday Night Live by Al Gore. I watched 2 hours of the Survivor finale last night and was disappointed that Terry didn't win. Another cold and chilly day and it's supposed to rain. I think the Frog Wrangler and I are going to be fighting for the afghan today!

This frog collectible is from United Design and is part of their Stone Critters collection. This is entitled Moonlight Sonata. The sheet music is located between his feet which has etched into it Moonlight Sonata. The number of this piece is SC-948. I'm not sure of the date of this piece but it is retired.

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Frog of the Day

Frog Follies - Bank
Originally uploaded by KenCalvino.
Happy Mother's Day! You know mom's gotta love you, warts and all.

This frog collectible is from a line called Frog Follies by Character Collectibles. This item is a bank and dates to 1999.

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Frog of the Day

The computer/internet is back up and running thank goodness! The Frog Wrangler and I had to go back to bed for a couple hours after everything went down this morning. It was a tough thing to do, but we persevered....

This froggy item is a Baby Receiving Blanket from Max Grey. It measures 25 x 35 inches and has the cutest little frogs. You know you are never to young to appreciate the froggies. A big tip of the hat to blog reader Kathy who sent this item to be added to the collection!

Friday, May 12, 2006

Friday Dog Blogging

Originally uploaded by KenCalvino.
The Frog Wrangler has returned! And she's telling me to put the camera down. I know you're behind that lens. Come on, pet me!

The Frog Wrangler's had a tough couple of weeks, but hopefully she's feeling a bit better. She made me laugh earlier today. It was raining and she decided that she had to go out. There under the rear of the car was a robin, smart enough to get in out of the rain! The Frog Wrangler just didn't know what to make of it. Thank goodness she didn't see the squirrel getting in out of the rain at the front end of the car - that she would have never tolerated!

Frog of the Day

Frog Baseball Player
Originally uploaded by KenCalvino.
...peanuts and popcorn and cracker jacks... caught me singing again! I don't think I'd like to go out to the ball park today though - it has turned cold here at Frog Central. I've actually turned the heat back on!

This is a little figurine of a frog baseball player. There is a made in China sticker on the bottom, otherwise I do not have any information on this item.

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Frog of the Day

Froggy Sun Catcher
Originally uploaded by KenCalvino.
I think I'm being a little optimistic putting up a sun catcher on such a dreary day. It has rained since yesterday afternoon and there is no let-up in sight. I'm a little bleary-eyed this morning because the Frog Wrangler was up all night last night. I just had breakfast and already I'm beginning to think it's nap time!

This is a cute little froggy sun catcher that was purchased at a local bazaar. While it came from a kit, it is well done. I do not have any other information about this cute little frog.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Frog of the Day

Wednesday and althouh warmer Frog Central is in the path of the storms that hit Texas yesterday. I have to give the city owned electric company kudos because with all the storms - and there have beens some really bad ones - I have not lost electricity once. Here's hoping the trend continues.

I love frogs that play musical instruments and they are in abundance. It may have to do with the music they create that caused this depiction early on. Here is another example. This is a Garden Statuary of a frog playing the saxaphone. It is part of a set of three (the banjo player was recently profiled). There is a sticker on the bottom that says "The Garden Collection." I believe this set is approximately 5 years old.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Frog of the Day

Clockwork Jumping Frog
Originally uploaded by KenCalvino.
UPDATE: Blogger has been exceptionally slow today!

This is the kind of frog the Frog Wrangler just does not like. Once wound up, you just never know where it's going to hop. I know I'm going to hop on over to the local farmers market to see what they have.

This is a Clockwork Jumping Frog that I found on e-bay. It was made in China and the box has Chinese characters on it. It is made of metal. I can find no date on the box or frog. A fun little item.

Monday, May 08, 2006

Frog of the Day

It has been a very hectic morning here at Frog Central. What was supposed to be a quick trip to the grocery store lasted some 3 hours. Will I never learn! But now the Frog Wrangler and I are set for a couple weeks. On a good note: gas was 10 cents cheaper than last time I filled up! And I just turned on the television and heard the very tail end of The Price is Right. I never heard the announcer say at the very end that the big winner was found ineligible and would not receive any of the prizes. That's a blow to someone's 15 minutes of fame.

This frog item is a garden stake from Artline. It is made of plastic and the happy couple are enjoying themselves under a nice red umbrella. This item dates to 1985.

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Frog of the Day

Boyds - Jeremiah B. Ribbit
Originally uploaded by KenCalvino.
It's a slow Sunday. Listened to NPR and was glad to hear the regular host was back from vacation. The sunday morning talk shows are becoming nothing but talking points and no real discussion so I've stopped watching most of them and getting a roundup from the blogs. This afternoon I have to go to the grocery store for the Frog Wrangler. My picky little eater suddenly had a voracious appetite and finished off the last of her food this morning and is looking for more. Hey, she's looking at me awful funny. I think I better go quickly....

This frog collectible is from Boyds Bears and Friends and is part of their Bears in the Attic collection. This is Jeremiah B. Ribbit. He is style number 566450. He stands approximately 10 inches tall. He was first introduced in 1997 and has since retired.

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Frog of the Day

Frog Statuary
Originally uploaded by KenCalvino.
Saturday and a bit cool, but still nice. I have commented to others that this year we have had a spring. So many recent years it went from cold to hot with no transition. It has been nice to see the flowers last weeks instead of days. The lawn was mowed last night and everything just looks really nice. So as it begins to warm up a bit today to about 70, I think the Frog Wrangler and I are going to go outside and enjoy!

This is a frog statuary welcome sign. There are no identifying marks. I believe I bought this around 2002.

Friday, May 05, 2006

No Friday Dog Blogging This Week

The Frog Wrangler a/k/a Shadow has given me her this spot this week because I am very concerned about something that is happening with our National Forests. These are the very lands which, while offering places to swim, hike, and hunt, also protect our fragile ecosystem like the froggies that we all love so much. On top of 60 million acres that were removed from protection, the administration is now looking to sell off hundreds of thousands of acres of our National Forest. At one time they said they were going to give the money to states to pay for rural schools. Now they say they are going to give it mainly to California, Washington, and Oregon to make up for loss of revenue from the logging industry.

The National Forests are like a bank in which we all have a deposit. It has been put there to be protected, nurtured, and expanded for the enjoyment of future generations. We have already seen the destruction of wetlands at an alarming rate (and although the administration would say otherwise, I do not believe that golf course water features are wetlands). Drilling for oil and gas on public lands has tripled in the last five years. The ban on building roads across the forests has been lifted. The fight to keep ANWR pristeen has been a constant struggle and is once again in danger.

This last week a list of species that are threatened and in danger of becoming extinct was released. Unfortunately, numerous species of frogs were on that lists. I urge everyone to call their congressman and senators and urge them to protect the habitat of our beloved froggies and to stop the sale of National Forest land.

If you would like to learn more about what you can do to help keep our environment safe, please check out and sign up to receive their action alerts.

Frog of the Day

Bacardi Rum with Frog Figural
Originally uploaded by KenCalvino.
Happy Cinco de Mayo! The frogs are lining up to grab their drinks!

This is a bottle of Bacardi rum that has a little ceramic frog on top. A fun novelty item that I received as a gift some years ago.

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Frog of the Day

Thursday and another day of rain - I'm beginning to feel a little like Noah. Of course I'd be a little more like the Bill Cosby Noah and ask "What's a cubit?" We're supposed to have a break in the rain for a bit sometime today, so I can make a mad dash to the post office and the grocery store. But no matter where I go, I always carry a froggy with me to tell me the time...

This frog item is from Avon and is called Far-Out Flipster Flip-Top Watch Pond Popper. The watch is in the flower on top of the lilypad. The lilypad flips up and a frog hops out. A cute little children's watch that dates to 1993.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Frog of the Day

Wednesday and the frogs are anticipating an afternoon rain. The Frog Wrangler and I have got a few errands to run this morning - the whole beginning of the month paying of the bills. I'd rather be sitting at the window ready to watch the rain with the frogs...

This is a small rubber frog from a company called Safari, Ltd. It was purchased at the Baltimore Aquarium in 1994. It is a Red Eyed Tree Frog.

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Frog of the Day

Radko - Frog O' My Heart Gem
Originally uploaded by KenCalvino.
Today's the only day it's supposed to be clear - the rest of the week is rain. Last night was a great thunder and lightning show. I didn't mind too much until the house started rocking! Good thing it doesn't bother the Frog Wrangler. She slept blissfully in her chair on her blanket.

I couldn't resist this cute little Christopher Radko ornament. It is known as Frog O' My Heart and dates to 1998. It's Radko inventory number is 98-028-0. Such a sad face on this little 3 1/2 inch frog.

Monday, May 01, 2006

Frog of the Day

Radko - Classic Frog Ornament
Originally uploaded by KenCalvino.
Things are running behind today. The Frog Wrangler was running around trying to catch all the frogs when she went down with a hurt leg. This has become a common problem with her over the last year. She's going on 14 years old and still thinks she's a puppy at times. Well a pain pill and some lovin' and now she's resting comfortably.

I haven't put a Radko ornament recently and so thought this was a good one for today. It is called Classic Frog and is a clip ornament. This piece dates to 1997. It's inventory number is 970100. These ornaments are hand-blown and painted. This one was made in Germany.

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