No Friday Dog Blogging This Week
The Frog Wrangler a/k/a Shadow has given me her this spot this week because I am very concerned about something that is happening with our National Forests. These are the very lands which, while offering places to swim, hike, and hunt, also protect our fragile ecosystem like the froggies that we all love so much. On top of 60 million acres that were removed from protection, the administration is now looking to sell off hundreds of thousands of acres of our National Forest. At one time they said they were going to give the money to states to pay for rural schools. Now they say they are going to give it mainly to California, Washington, and Oregon to make up for loss of revenue from the logging industry.
The National Forests are like a bank in which we all have a deposit. It has been put there to be protected, nurtured, and expanded for the enjoyment of future generations. We have already seen the destruction of wetlands at an alarming rate (and although the administration would say otherwise, I do not believe that golf course water features are wetlands). Drilling for oil and gas on public lands has tripled in the last five years. The ban on building roads across the forests has been lifted. The fight to keep ANWR pristeen has been a constant struggle and is once again in danger.
This last week a list of species that are threatened and in danger of becoming extinct was released. Unfortunately, numerous species of frogs were on that lists. I urge everyone to call their congressman and senators and urge them to protect the habitat of our beloved froggies and to stop the sale of National Forest land.
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