Technology Withdrawal
I brought my laptop computer with no way to access the internet at the moment. A lot of the channels that I'm used to at home on the television are not part of the ever basic package here. I'm starting to go through some technology withdrawals.
Little new has been happening, but that's how it goes when you have a parent who has Alzheimers. I hadn't seen dad in a year, and he is markedly worse. It's sad to see such a vibrant and energetic person fade to a blank stare of non-comprehension.
I took a ride yesterday to a cemetery, but was not able to access it. Over the years the gentle slope that led up to it was carved away for a road, leaving a giant climb up a steep embankment to get to it. I haven't given up hope yet, but it's going to take a little ingenuity to make it up to it. I'm told there may be another small family plot further up the road which I need to check out. That's the way things were done here back then. When someone died they were taken out back and buried in a family plot right on the farm.