A little hump day Dog Blogging
I've been remiss in not putting up some pictures of Gertie, so thought I'd remedy that today. She loves her toys and keeps them all in a pile near my chair. When it's time to play she looks them all over and picks out the one she wants to play with.
Today a big box arrived and in it was some new toys. She received 4 different versions of these Squeeki Tikis. She gets one at a time - there are a bunch of toys put away for when her present ones wear out.
Like with all toys you have to watch them - this one is a high squeeker and she's figured out that on the end the little white button that sticks out is the squeeker and she wants to chew on it. So this one is a high watcher and constant reinforcement not to chew on it.
Otherwise, like all new toys, it has become her instant favorite!