Frog Collectibles & Other Such Nonsense: 09/01/2011 - 10/01/2011

Frog Collectibles & Other Such Nonsense

A look at my frog collectibles as I get them and my wacky world in the meantime.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

A little hump day Dog Blogging

Gertie by KenCalvino
Gertie, a photo by KenCalvino on Flickr.

I've been remiss in not putting up some pictures of Gertie, so thought I'd remedy that today. She loves her toys and keeps them all in a pile near my chair. When it's time to play she looks them all over and picks out the one she wants to play with.

Today a big box arrived and in it was some new toys. She received 4 different versions of these Squeeki Tikis. She gets one at a time - there are a bunch of toys put away for when her present ones wear out.

Like with all toys you have to watch them - this one is a high squeeker and she's figured out that on the end the little white button that sticks out is the squeeker and she wants to chew on it. So this one is a high watcher and constant reinforcement not to chew on it.

Otherwise, like all new toys, it has become her instant favorite!

Monday, September 26, 2011

Post Doctor's Visit Running Around

A lot has happened since my doctor's visit. My vitamin B12 supplements are not working and I have to go back on the monthly injections. I go for my first one tomorrow. It's an on-going problem. No wonder I can't lose a pound! I'm also looking at the list of doctor's trying to get up the nerve to call and schedule a colonoscopy. I'm not worried about test results - it's actually the preparation for the test. I watched my dad go through it - I figure I'll have to kennel Gertie because the porcelain throne and I will have a date for the evening. LOL

I've been working diligently on the book. Chapter 4 (of 7) is almost done. Hurray! I'll be so happy when this book is done and off my desk. Then I'll be on to something else - like always! Let's get this week started....

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


It was this day in 1937 that J.R.R. Tolkien released There and Back Again or as it is commonly known The Hobbit. I first read this book as a teenager and about every 5 years or so I like to pick it up and re-read it. I don't do that with many books, but this one has stayed with me and I find it quite enjoyable.

Today is doctor appointment day and I know she's going to suggest a colonoscopy now that I'm turning 50. Ugh! I know you have to do it, but it just doesn't sound good at all.

In other news, I'm glad that this weather has moderated to an enjoyable 70's during the day. I have had my air conditioner off for a while. My electric bill will thank me! Sometimes in the afternoon it gets a bit warm so I'll turn it on for an hour or so - not bad at all.

I can't say enough about some of the food I receive from my Schwan's delivery. Last night I had their spicy chicken - delicious!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

A Day of Peace and Quiet

It's been a busy couple of days. The woodsmen were here chopping down some trees. Actually, a tree service with gigantic chain saws and a boat load of trucks! A total of 4 trees came down. I wasn't sure how I felt about it, but it actually looks nice. Today it has been nice not to hear chain saws or the beep-beep of the trucks. Gertie and I have spent the day going from one nap to another! Things might get a little noisier this next week if the stump removal guys show up!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

A rough couple of day

Gertie and I are staying in bed today! We've had a couple of rough days with people coming and going. I'm upset over the loss of my beautiful shrubs. I have 4 of my hibiscus plants left of the original dozen. The workmen were here for two days to fix the neighbors sewer lines, using both their driveway and mine. Thankfully that fiasco is over with. Over the next two weeks the giant tree right outside my door will also be gone. It was struck by lightning this last summer and I really fear falling branches this winter. There have already been several very large branches that have come down. One that if it had hit the house would have done major damage. That will leave me with 4 trees. And there's a possibility three of them will also go. They are small trees and all have major problems. So better to take them down now before they become big trees with major problems. The landscape here is changing drastically and I'm not sure I'm totally happy about it. I'm hoping in the spring I'll be able to plant a couple of miniature fruit trees. That would make this all worth it.

Another roofer is supposed to be here today to give an estimate for a new roof. Gertie may have to go on a holiday for a couple of days. All that pounding would drive her nuts! Maybe I can go with her......

The temperatures here were in the 90's yesterday and in the 60's today. From the air conditioning to the heat! LOL Only what, 9  days left of summer. The seasons change and we better be able to keep up.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Losing my shubbery

Today I lost 3 of my giant hibiscus hedge bushes. It was quite sad to see them get ripped out and tossed aside. They were over the sewage lines and the neighbors had to have theirs dug up and new pipe put in. Thus, the loss of three of my bushes. I hope the remaining bushes will still call as many cardinals. I love to sit at my window and watch the cardinals play in the hedge and the seed pods give them a nice treat.

Tomorrow the Schwanz man arrives. I do really like the service and thank goodness the only grocery shopping I have to do lately is fruit. And that section is usually right next to the door and close to the registers. And I'm eating better meals as a result too. Of course that doesn't translate into any weight loss - but what does - lol!.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Random Thoughts for the day

I spent the day trying to avoid the 9/11 coverage. I remember exactly where I was - I watched the coverage. And it still upsets me to see it again. So basically I've been off-line and unplugged the last couple of days.

I've been worried about my hometown in Pennsylvania and the flooding that was so devastating to them - you realize that although you left where you grew up, part of your heart will always be there.

I still want a Bosendorfer piano! LOL!

Gertie and I hope you had a great weekend.

Thursday, September 08, 2011

News from home

It's weird to turn on CNN and MSNBC and see familiar sites from back home on television. I grew up in a small town in northeastern Pennsylvania. I started getting photos from friends last night of the flooding. Thankfully mom lives in a spot that can not flood. I say can not, but I suppose that's what Noah's neighbors thought too! Let's just say that the majority of three towns would have to disappear under about 30 feet of water before she's have to begin worrying.

The area flooded at its worst back in 2006, and the area as a whole was really devastated with the 1972 flood waters in the aftermath of hurricane Agnes. From the pictures I've seen, this rivals them both. My thoughts and prayers go out to them.

Wednesday, September 07, 2011

Summer is Over

And the temperatures have been reflecting that - overnight in the 50's and daytime temps in the 70's. Very nice to have the windows open and get some fresh air in the house. And thankfully the air conditioner is off - hopefully for the season, but I tend to think we'll have a small return to hot temperatures before it's all over.

I spent the weekend doing piano searching and narrowing down my choices. I would love to buy a grand piano. I've narrowed the brand to Kawai. They make a great piano - I love the sound and like my beloved Bosendorfer, the better models have several open sympathetic strings. Their are a lot of different models to be had, but I'm looking for either a RX7 or and EX. The EX is a 9 foot concert grand and would take up half my house! LOL The RX7 is a 7 foot grand and considered semi-concert. Still a great piano. If you have ever listened to Whisperings - a great all piano internet radio station - they use an RX7 for a lot of their recordings. So now I need Kawai to send me one these babies! So if anyone out there in Frog Nation knows someone from Kawai - let them know and let's make this happen! (Hey Stephen Colbert does it, why can't I? lol).

Friday, September 02, 2011

Have a Great Labor Day Weekend!

Gertie by KenCalvino
Gertie, a photo by KenCalvino on Flickr.

Gertie wants you to be sure to have a fun and safe Labor Day Weekend! Get outside and enjoy some grilling and playing frisbee. And remember to drink plenty of fluids. Gertie loves her filtered water!

Frog of the Day

The heat continues here at Frog Central, so the frogs have taken to the shelter of the toad abode and turned the air conditioning on high!

This frog collectible is from The Bradford Exchange. It is the first issue of the Little Dreams Come True Animoges Music Box Collection. The title of this piece is "Hoppy." The music box plays "Bein' Green." Each piece is numbered - this piece bears A1949. This is a Limoges-style music box. There is no little surprise inside but it does have a little green heart painted on the inside. A cute addition the collection. I received this piece December 2010.

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