Frog Collectibles & Other Such Nonsense: 11/01/2011 - 12/01/2011

Frog Collectibles & Other Such Nonsense

A look at my frog collectibles as I get them and my wacky world in the meantime.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Frog of the Day

It's been so dreary here that it's been hard getting good pictures. Today it is a little brighter outside - of course it could be the snow! We're not supposed to get accumulation - but the fact is - it's snowing!

This frog collectible makes a nice addition to the frog kitchen items. It's a frog timer from the Boston Warehouse Trading Corp. It was made in China. It was recently on sale on which is where I got mine. I received it last week - November 2011. It is quite heavy and has a nice, loud ribbit - er, ring.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving

By now you should be stuffed with turkey and stuffing, cranberry sauce, yams, mashed potatoes, and pie. I'm thankful for all my readers and continued new frogs I receive. Now Gertie and I are going to settle down and watch a little television and probably take a little nap!

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Frog of the Day

Elvis Frog Trinket Box by KenCalvino
Elvis Frog Trinket Box, a photo by KenCalvino on Flickr.

Feeling better and am ready to rock and roll - and who better to get me in the groove than Elvis Frog? lol

This frog collectible is an Elvis Frog Trinket Box. It was manufactured in China. It is very heavy - possibly because it's made out of lead. A cute little piece to add to the collection of little frog trinket boxes. I received this December 2010.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Under the Weather

Not sure why they call it that - I mean we are always under the weather. I guess if we were in an airplane 24/7, flying high, then we could say we were not under the weather. Or an astronaut. But here I am, under the weather a/k/a sick. It started coming on last Friday - each day getting a bit worse. Voila, the bug has arrived and made itself home in my system. So excuse my lack of posts while I go crawl back under the comforter with my Hall's cough drops and Vicks vapo-rub. They are my closest friends at the moment......

Wednesday, November 09, 2011

Frog of the Day

Yep, a new frog! It's been a strange few days around here at Frog Central. Earl's much smaller cousin appeared in the yard yesterday afternoon which banned Gertie from going outside for quite some time. Skunks out in the daytime is bad news - because they usually only do that when they are rabid. Gertie's had her shots, but I don't want to take any chances. He eventually wondered off and things were able to return to normal. Earl himself has been absent - not that I'm complaining. That's a situation I hope continues!

In other Gertie news, she hasn't had another seizure - thank goodness. We've slipped back into a routine of morning playtime and then I work on genealogy. The genealogy seems to take up most of my day. I'm about 200 pages into the book and it's coming together. I hope to be done - or as done as I'm going to get - soon.

This frog I received yesterday, November 8, 2011. It is from NYCityLimits and is a Frog Tape Dispenser. I have several frog tape dispensers but I really liked this one. It is made of plastic, but with a weighted base. It has a felt pad on the base to protect your desk. The high-gloss finish is pretty cool and it's in my second favorite frog color - blue. A nice addition to the collection

Wednesday, November 02, 2011

Time Flies

I can't believe it's Wednesday already. Each day seems to fly by so quickly. I've been busy with my genealogy research - and hopefully am almost finished with the particular line that I've been working on - I hope. About 277 pages of information!

Gertie has been doing really well. Today has been delivery day - first the UPS man brought 3 boxes. The mailman brought another 2. I still have a couple boxes to come yet - I really need to stop ordering things on-line! My trash on Tuesday's is nothing but boxes any more.

The temperatures have turned much colder. Thankfully the snow missed here that blanketed the east coast. All we got from it was rain. I know it's only a matter of time though! I suppose I should think about making some dinner. Not sure what I'm going to have - just a little something. I'm tired and I'd rather be crawling into bed - it gets dark early and seems to be dark when I get up in the morning. I guess that will all change this next weekend when we set the clocks back this next weekend.

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