Feeling Old Today
I'm feeling a bit old today - I received my AARP card and welcome packet. A friend tells me to embrace it - that now I'm old I can say anything and get away with it. Problem with that is that is exactly what I've been doing for years! lol
The weather here has taken a nasty turn the last couple of days. First it rained for two days straight and flooded everything (and knocked out my cable, as usual) then it froze. Today's high might make it to 36 degrees. Overnight it was down in the 20's and supposed to be there again tonight. I took my trash to the curb earlier and slip and slid the whole way there.
Today is Schwan's delivery day. I can't tell you how much I love that service. I've enjoyed every meal I've made and it really isn't all that expensive if you follow the portion sizes. I would say it's great for 1 person. If you had a family to feed it might get a bit cost prohibitive. For me, it's worked out great. I also got an order from Alice.com, which I use for non-perishables and some snack foods. I now can get pretty much everything delivered. Now I just need to find someplace that delivers butter, eggs, and Pam. You don't realize how much you miss the ease of Pam until you don't have any and your using oil on the griddle to make pancakes. I used to watch my grandmother cook and she had a big coffee can filled with bacon grease that she would take out of the fridge and put on one end of this great big griddle. When the griddle was hot and the grease liquified she would start cooking pancakes. A little oil, swirl it around on the grill, drop a pancake. It's amazing that kids today probably wouldn't know how to do that. If it wasn't a non-stick pan with a squirt of Pam they'd probably give up and starve!
Here's hoping that you've finished all your Christmas shopping. I'm making a list today and thankfully I do all my shopping on line and hope to do it all tomorrow. Have a great day!
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