Frog Collectibles & Other Such Nonsense: 18 Below

Frog Collectibles & Other Such Nonsense

A look at my frog collectibles as I get them and my wacky world in the meantime.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

18 Below

That was the temperature when we woke up the other morning - 18 below zero! My parents live in an old drafty house, so the temperature inside never made it above 60 degrees. We spent 2 days wrapped up in layers of clothing and blankets. Even Gertie crawled under my covers to sleep. Thankfully, my bed sits right next to a radiator, so sleeping was a bit warmer. Things have started to warm up a bit today - we're supposed to hit 20 degrees - a heat wave! lol

Dad is no better, but we didn't really expect him to be. Alzheimer's is a disease that only gets worse. Our management of him has gotten better. We can tell when he's starting to get out of control and get him restrained before an all out and out fight ensues. Unfortunately, with the cost of nursing homes, the decision is made that, for at least the moment, he will be kept home. We are instead looking for a nurse to work the evening shift, when he's the worst.

I've had a bit of time to work on my genealogy project. I've been doing interviews with relatives that are close by and well known. They have been a wealth of information on filling in some of the gaps. Here's hoping that things will continue over the last month that I'm here.

My car had been stuck in the backyard where I parked it to put it out of the way. Snow and ice hit and I couldn't move it, let alone get to it. This morning we finally got unstuck - with a tow - and now I'm able to drive around again without borrowing a car. Thank goodness! Not that I have lots of places to go, but I like knowing that if I need to I can hop in my car and go.

It's been a long week since I last posted. I'll try to be a little more diligent but with my dad you never know what's going to happen from day to day. We'll definitely be back on track when we reach Frog Central.


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