I've been working on the genealogy project almost all day, every day for 8 months now. The book is closing in on 75 pages of family history. Unfortunately, housework, and other such chores have taken a back seat. Yesterday I decided to take the afternoon and begin vacuuming. I picked it up again this afternoon, and I hope to finish tomorrow afternoon! I couldn't believe how much this dog is shedding. I have little things here and there around the house that need to be taken care of and I decided that afternoons right after my nap is the best time to tackle such things.
That is, if I take a nap. Today I laid down for about 15 minutes and then got right back up. I couldn't close my eyes. Of course that was how it was last night too - and I slept with the light on. The night before I was sleeping soundly and then it came into my consciousness that something was wrong. I opened my eyes, saw a gigantic black thing on my shoulder and chest. I screamed bloody murder (thanks neighbors for coming to my rescue......NOT!), jumped up, turned on the light, and there was a very large black cricket staring at me. It took a flying leap off the bed and scurried underneath. Would you go to back to sleep? Me neither.
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