Frog Collectibles & Other Such Nonsense: Monday, Monday

Frog Collectibles & Other Such Nonsense

A look at my frog collectibles as I get them and my wacky world in the meantime.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Monday, Monday

Last week I ordered 5 lbs. of licorice from my favorite snack place. The last couple of days I've been enjoying some fresh licorice in the evening while I'm watching television. Last night I had a pounding headache - guess what, you're not supposed to eat licorice if you have high blood pressure - the licorice makes it go sky high. Who knew? So now I'm limiting myself to no more than a piece or two at a time.

Happy Flag Day!

I ordered myself a new desk chair this morning. My present chair the seat broke off of the pole that stick up - it sits there but swivels all over the place. Last night I sat down and swiveled me right over backwards. So that's the last of that chair. I hope the new arrives soon. I'm sitting on the seat of my walker and it's was too high for working at a desk.

The heat is just oppressive here today. The temps are in the 90's with heat indexes near 100. It is so humid you could go out there and stir it with a soup spoon. It was getting quite hot inside too - the air no able to keep up when I realized that I had forgotten to turn on the attic fan this season. It's been getting better in just the short time that it's been on. Hopefully it will cool down in here in no time.

We had a brief rain shower last night that cooled off things a bit but made it steamier, if that was possible. Thundershowers are in the forecast again for tonight.

I think it's nap time. I still have a hell of a headache and the heat isn't helping.


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