Tuesday Morning
The last couple of days have been interesting. First the shivering and then a very high temperature. This morning I'm feeling a little bit better and was able to even put down a piece of toast and some tea. I'm sure that each day I'll feel a bit better now. Having had both the flu shot and the H1N1 shot, the doctor said that it should be a much shorter time of feeling bad. That may be so, but those several days I sure felt pretty bad.
Gertie knew I wasn't feeling well and for two days has curled up in my lap and every now and then had to put her head on my shoulder - so cute. Last night I let her out to run around for a bit - she is a puppy after all and needs to get some of that puppy energy out of her system. She ran back and forth chasing squirrels and a stray cat. I think she was just happy to be running around. When she tired she came back in and curled up on my lap again - blissfully contest. If only life was that easy.....
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