Hell of a week!
It really has been a hell of a week. My leg is still really painful and the focus of all my attention at the moment. I'm hopeful that things will be better in a couple of weeks. Gertie has taken my limited mobility all in stride. She's happy to crawl into my arms and hang out, keeping me me company.
I made arrangements to have all the stuffed animals that you sent me over the last year - 83 in total - and have them picked up by a local charity to be distributed to children for Christmas. Thanks everyone! We'll have to do this again for next year.
Thanks to everyone who wrote me this last week - a couple of you have been through what I'm going through now and your words of encouragement sure helped.
I also wanted to tell you about someone who bought a loaf of the fruitcake. He received it on a Tuesday morning and wrote me to tell me that it was delicious. Two hours later he wrote and asked me if I had more fruitcake as he finished the loaf he had just received! Now that an endorsement. Only a couple loaves left - order quickly!
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