Monday Morning
It's been really cold here at Frog Central. I finally had to turn the heat on. Gertie's all curled up at my feet with her nose tucked under her tail. It's supposed to warm up a bit today to the high 60's. Gertie's been doing so well post-op that later I plan on running down to the IGA for a few items. I think I'll go by the DQ to pick up the October Blizzard treat. I received a coupon for a free blizzard for my birthday, which is coming up on the 12th.
Last night was Amazing Race night. That is one of my favorite shows. The older couples seem to go early in the race and last night was no exception. But the seemed to have a lot of fun while they were there. I'm hoping that the engaged couple that screams at each other all the time will be the next to go.
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