Slowly I'm feeling a bit better. Lots of naps throughout the day help - and Gertie loves that idea a lot! I have to head back to the doctor's office tomorrow for bloodwork and since I'm off all medications at the moment, have them check my blood pressure.
I called the vet office this morning and made the appointment to have Gertie spayed - she'll be going in for her surgery on October 1st.
Did you see the emmy awards last night. I was able to stay up for the most of it. I like Neil Patrick Harris as a host - he did a phenomenal job at the Tony awards - and his opening number last night was quite funny. I was glad to see The Daily Show win another 2 awards. Something tells me the show will be a repeat tonight as I'm sure they all went out and celebrated afterwards.
Time to check out my soap to see what's going on - I've been really tired today so I'm sure I'll be taking a nap afterwards. I'll be so happy when this whole thing is cleared up......
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