Bed Rest
That's the doctor's orders for now. The last couple of days have been hazy - I hadn't been able to get out of bed for more than 10 or 15 minutes at a time. I am exhausted. Yesterday I dragged myself to the doctor's office, where he had an absolute hissy fit over the fact that of the allergy rash that now covered me from head to toe. He agreed that it was a reaction to the Lipitor and it could take another 6 weeks to resolve. In the meantime I was given a steroid shot in the behind and told to take it easy. Today I actually felt like getting out of bed for a bit so the shot must be helping some. I'm not pushing it and will head back to bed after getting something to drink, letting Gertie out, and thinking about lunch but probably not eating anything. Things may be sporadic here for a little bit, but I'll try to keep you apprised of what's going on.....
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