Frog Collectibles & Other Such Nonsense: Friday Already

Frog Collectibles & Other Such Nonsense

A look at my frog collectibles as I get them and my wacky world in the meantime.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Friday Already

This week has flown right by. Yesterday I went out to do some window shopping but did not find anything exciting. We have a couple resale shops here in town and I'm hunting for either a new recliner or a small sofa. Everything was too low - if I sat on it I was afraid I wouldn't be able to get up!

Gertie has had a pretty good week too. She's taken a renewed interest in the bird - in that she wants to eat it! Poor Petey has been allowed out of the cage because Gertie gets too excited and tries to climb me to get at the bird. Petey almost became lunch the last time she was out and I don't want to see a repeat performance of that fiasco.

So I was made to feel rather old this morning - I received an e-mail outlining the 30th class reunion taking place this year. Yikes! 30 Years! I think this old man needs to go take a nap.....


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