Holiday Weekend!
Gertie and I were out running some errands this morning - all drive thrus were she could be oohed and aahed over. She came home with her customary bag of treats. It's like trick or treat every time we go out! Even the DQ - the new Tagalong Blizzard is great, by the way. Two girls were trying to squeeze themselves out of the drive thru window to pet her - and Gertie loves it. And of course instead of just one treat, they want to each give her one. If nothing else, she really loves going for rides now. Considering when I first got her and she was terrified to hop in the car - today I opened the door and she hopped right in and was ready to go! And just like a little kid after trick and treating, the minute we got home she wanted to go through her treat bag and eat ALL of her treats (I restricted her to one - the rest were put away for later).
Some kids down the street have gotten hold of fireworks and the last couple of night have been setting them off. I'm not too happy with it because they are really loud and interfere with whatever program I'm watching. Gertie is most definitely not o.k. with it and has to bark at it, hoping to make it go away. If only it were that easy. I'm hoping that after tomorrow they'll be all out and we'll back to a nice and quiet neighborhood.
Have a good 4th and stay safe.
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