The Fair is in Town!
The county fair started this last weekend and everyone in town seems to be there - well, except me. Our county fair is the agriculture fair and watching the judging of hefers and swine is not really my idea of fun. Yesterday it was a bit rainy here and I wonder how the tractor pulling contest came off in the mud. I'm sure it will be front page news tomorrow.
Gertie wasn't feeling to great this weekend, but by this morning she was her old self. As a matter of fact she woke up this morning with her tail thumping for all she was worth and it stayed that way all morning - she seemed to be so happy she couldn't contain herself. That changed when the vaccuum cleaner came out. In the past she just stays behind me, barking at it as it moves back and forth. This morning that wasn't good enough - she would run around me and bite at the housing unit that holds the brushes. Of all the things to bite at I would have suggested any of the tubing rather than the hard plastic case. I finally had to shut if off and calm her down. Not that I was complaining about having to stop vaccuuming mind you! LOL
It's been much cooler here today, making it a good day to do some housecleaning as I wait to hear from the mechanics about what is exactly wrong with my car. They came and picked it up first thing this morning - I'm afraid that the longer I wait to hear the more expensive it's going to cost me!
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