It's not so normal of a Friday around here at Frog Central. I've been hobbling around here for a couple of days now with my sore knee. The swelling has gone down, but the pain is still quite intense. I've got to rest it as much as possible today because Gertie is going to the vets office this afternoon. All I can say to them is good luck in getting her to sit still for an examination and shots! LOL Gertie sleeps all night but once the light starts streaming through the windows it's time to get and go. She's like most puppies in that it's run full tilt until you can run no more then on to a couple of hours nap. Repeat process until bedtime. I put a little pet bed next to my chair in the living room which she won't sleep in, but what is nice is that she uses it to house her toys. And when we play fetch Gertie brings the item back to the bed and drops it there for me to pick up and throw again. She has a ball, but that's not her favorite thing for fetch, for that she likes to use her little lamb chew toy.
So since I've been out of commission for a couple of days I haven't gotten back to the grocery store to get batteries, so no pictures today. We'll get things back on track for next week. I hope.....
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