Frog Collectibles & Other Such Nonsense: Friday Dog Blogging

Frog Collectibles & Other Such Nonsense

A look at my frog collectibles as I get them and my wacky world in the meantime.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Friday Dog Blogging

Originally uploaded by KenCalvino
So here's the big surprise I eluded to earlier. Yep, it's back! I'd like to introduce you to Gertie. She's a little mutt that was abandoned on the street and wandered up to my door. She's really well behaved and housebroken. Gertie has settled right in and loves to curl up at my feet to nap. She weighs all of about 5 to 8 pounds and even though she has long legs she won't be very big at all - maybe 15 pounds when she's fully grown. So there's a lot of getting used to each other and figuring out schedules and stuff, but she has settled right in nicely.

I thought after Shadow that I would never get another dog, but Gertie just waltzed right in. She'll be going to the vet's this next week for a check-up to be sure that everything is ok. The animal control officer came out and said she's probably just a couple months old, but I tend to think that she's a bit older given the fact that she's housebroken. She also seems to know several commands.

I took this picture this morning. She has been so tired today that she can barely keep her eyes open. Gertie wanted to know what I was doing and sat up, but just couldn't get those eyes open to check out the camera. Right after the flash she went right back to sleep.


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