Busy Days
It seems that each day is pretty busy, especially with a new puppy that has more energy than a hamster on a wheel. From 5:30 a.m. to noon she's constantly on the go, chasing down one of her toys.
Yesterday I went to Walmart and picked up a lot of little things that I needed, including batteries. I got home and went to put the AAA's into the camera, only to realize it takes AA. So today I'm going back to Walmart to exchange them. I'd keep the triple A's but batteries have gotten really expensive! Almost $7 for a pack of batteries is just too much.
The weather here has been nasty the last two days, so I've been feeling the effects of the pressure changes. This morning I've been spending the day just trying to get from chair to chair. NC called and asked me to find something on the computer. I think she was sorry she asked after she heard me groan trying to stand up. Oh well, I'm sure things will get better as soon as the rain stops.
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