Um....Frog? of the Day
Yesterday was a beautiful day here in Tidy Town. I went out to Walmart and did some shopping. Coming home I pulled into the drive to see a couple cardinals in the hibiscus hedge chasing each other while a robin was hopping around the yard looking for something to eat. When I got out of the car I looked up at the sound of doves cooing - it's just more reinforcement that spring is finally here. Hurray!
This Webkinz was sent to me by Josh in Tennessee. He's 6 years old and saw the frogs I had up recently and he asked his mom if he could send me one to put on the blog. She took Josh to the store and he picked out this elephant - and could not be swayed to a frog - it had to be an elephant. So today, thanks to Josh, we have our very first guest "elephant frog." Thanks Josh!
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