Frog Collectibles & Other Such Nonsense: Who has more fun?

Frog Collectibles & Other Such Nonsense

A look at my frog collectibles as I get them and my wacky world in the meantime.

Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Who has more fun?

I've been running around today getting all my paperwork ready, paying bills, and generally finishing up things so I'm ready to head east in a week or so. I decided to run out to the post office to send off the bills and then swing by McDonalds for one of their chicken wrap sandwiches with bbq sauce (they really are good - and only a buck!). I hopped in the car, turned the key, and nothing..... Now I'm waiting for my mechanic to show up with a new battery. I asked him how long a battery generally lasts and he said 3 or 4 years on average. Since mine is pushing 10 years I told him he might as well bring a new one to install. I don't want to be out on the road and having trouble. I've had that happen before and it's no fun.

In other news, it has gotten really cold here! The temps are barely making it into the 30's. We're supposed to get sleet this evening. All in all, I'd rather have snow. Sleet can create patches of black ice and generally be a slip-slidding mess.

We've gotten some new readers that I want to welcome from an International Frog Collectors Group. When I receive a copy of their latest quarterly newletter I'll post more information about their group with some links. A reminder that you can send me a pic of your favorite frog or a pic of your entire collection. Tell me about your collecting and you can be the Guest Frog of the Day. And welcome all new readers to my little crazy corner of the blogosphere.

I've had an update on my newest Radko ornament purchase - it will be at the store on the 4th and they promised to send it out to me the same day. We may get another frog in before I'm on the road. I'm sure Christmas will bring a couple new additions that I'll be able to blog from the road.

Well, since I'm not going out for lunch now, I better go make something......


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